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Adversarial Defense for Ensemble Models (ICML 2019)
Adaptive Diversity Promoting Regularization
The adaptive diversity promoting (ADP) method is used to enhance the adversarial robustness of ensemble models. This repository contains the codes for reproducing most of the results proposed in our paper, detailed in:
Improving Adversarial Robustness via Promoting Ensemble Diversity (ICML 2019)
Tianyu Pang, Kun Xu, Chao Du, Ning Chen and Jun Zhu
Environment settings and libraries we used in our experiments
This project is tested under the following environment settings:
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3
- GPU: Geforce 1080 Ti or Titan X (Pascal or Maxwell)
- Cuda: 9.0, Cudnn: v7.03
- Python: 2.7.12
- cleverhans: 2.1.0
- Keras: 2.2.4
- tensorflow-gpu: 1.9.0
We also thank the authors of keras-resnet for providing their code. Our codes are widely adapted from their repositories.
Our evaluation is based on cleverhans: 2.1.0. To perform reasonable attacks, please maually modify the command new_image = tf.clip_by_value(input_image + clipped_perturbation, 0, 1)
to new_image = tf.clip_by_value(input_image + clipped_perturbation, -0.6, 0.6)
in _project_perturbation
of the file
, because we substract pixel mean on inputs.
In the following, we first provide the codes for training our proposed methods and baselines. After that, the evaluation codes, such as attacking, are provided.
Training codes
Training baselines and ADP
For training on MNIST dataset,
python -u --lamda=[alpha_value] --log_det_lamda=[beta_value] --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --dataset='mnist'
where the baseline is implemented with alpha_value = beta_value = 0, and the ADP is implemented with the corresponding values in our paper.
For CIFAR10 and CIFAR100, the commands are similar, with following:
python -u --lamda=[alpha_value] --log_det_lamda=[beta_value] --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --dataset='cifar10'
# CIFAR100
python -u --lamda=[alpha_value] --log_det_lamda=[beta_value] --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --dataset='cifar100'
Using the aboved commands, the models used in Table 1 & 2 & 3 can be reproduced.
Adversarial training with/without ADP
For adversarial training, we use FGSM and PGD methods to craft adversarial examples. The models can be trained using the following commands:
python -u --attack_method=MadryEtAl --lamda=2.0 --log_det_lamda=0.5 --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --dataset='cifar10'
# PGD without ADP
python -u --attack_method=MadryEtAl --lamda=0.0 --log_det_lamda=0.0 --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --dataset='cifar10'
python -u --attack_method=FastGradientMethod --lamda=2.0 --log_det_lamda=0.5 --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --dataset='cifar10'
# FGSM without ADP
python -u --attack_method=FastGradientMethod --lamda=0.0 --log_det_lamda=0.0 --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --dataset='cifar10'
The models used in Table 4 can be reproduced.
Evaluation codes
The pretrained models are provided for the ensemble of three Resnet-20v1:
ADP with adversarial training for 3 models (CIFAR-10).
Test in the normal setting
python -u test_[dataset1] --lamda=[alpha_value] --log_det_lamda=[beta_value] --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --epoch=[checkpoint_epoch] --baseline_epoch=[checkpoint_baseline_epoch] --dataset=[dataset2] --eps=0
This command can simultaneously test our method and the baseline method. By substituting the corresponding parameters in the aboved command line, the accuracy can be reproduced in Table 1. The checkpoint_epoch
and checkpoint_baseline_epoch
separately indicate the corresponding checkpoint files which needs to be tested. The dataset1
can be mnist, cifar
. The dataset2
can be mnist, cifar10, cifar100
. The results can also be obtained from the output logs when training models.
Test in the adversarial setting
We test our model using different attacking methods, which are implemented by CleverHans
For iterative-based attacks: FGSM, BIM, PGD and MIM, the test command is
python -u test_[dataset1] --lamda=[alpha_value] --log_det_lamda=[beta_value] --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --epoch=[checkpoint_epoch] --baseline_epoch=[checkpoint_baseline_epoch] --attack_method=[attack_method] --dataset=[dataset2] --eps=0.01
In this part, ADP and baseline methods are also tested together. For these attack methods, --epsilon
is required to specify the scale for adversarial examples. The attack_method
can be FastGradientMethod, BasicIterativeMethod, MadryEtAl, MomentumIterativeMethod
. For code clarity, we only include the codes on CIFAR-10 of other attacks as below.
For optimization-based attacks: C&W, EAD, the test command is
python -u --lamda=[alpha_value] --log_det_lamda=[beta_value] --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --epoch=[checkpoint_epoch] --attack_method=[attack_method] --dataset='cifar10'
The attack_method
can be CarliniWagnerL2, ElasticNetMethod
Note that for JSMA, the attack algorithm provided by cleverhans is not useable. We implement it ourself, which can be used in the following command.
python -u --lamda=[alpha_value] --log_det_lamda=[beta_value] --num_models=3 --augmentation=True --epoch=[checkpoint_epoch] --attack_method='JSMA' --dataset='cifar10'