Oxide.Rust copied to clipboard
AI and target manipulation additions
Adds the following section
- AI - maybe it's best for it to be in NPC, but I felt like it might lead to confusion with other NPC things. Happy to change this and refactor on my end if you guys don't agree that a separation between stuff specifically targeting the AI brain and stuff targeting the AI body in space is useful. Could use suggestions for hook names.
Adds the following hooks
- OnAICaresAbout - Allows modifying the function by which entities are filtered to be tracked by AI. Combined with the hook in SetKnown, allows setting unusual targets for native AI
- OnAIInitialize - triggers after the AI has loaded it's AI Design but before the brain starts ticking - allows replacing states safely
- OnNpcGetBestRoamPoint - lets you give back an arbitrary AIMovePoint during Scientist Roam, so they can break out of AIZs
- OnTrapInterest - allows injection of unusual trap targets
- OnTurretShouldTarget - Allows injection of unusual turret targets
- OnTurretCheckHostile - Allows manipulation of turret hostility detection (useful in conjunction with OnTurretShouldTarget to make them react to NPCs)
- OnHelicopterUpdateTargets - Allows injection of helicopter targets (like shooting at NPCs)
Adds the following modifiers
- BaseNavigator::navMeshQueryFilter to public - Useful for ill-advised navmesh manipulations (I haven't found a way around needing this even if it's use is niche)
- "BaseNavigator::defaultAreaMask to public - literally the same reason.
A lot of this is ultimately about getting NPCs to go where they don't belong and shoot at things they shouldn't using the vanilla brain loop instead of building a secondary solution. Already used it to create a faction system where bandit guards, scientists, and dwellers have a custom event/state map and custom brain states that allow them to roam the map autonomously and engage each other over territory, all using the vanilla brain loop.
If I can get at least most of these approved it'll be followed up with plugins to umod for devs to better integrate with this themselves, for a bit more of an organic feel on custom behaviours (Cordyceps and Psilocybin). One lets a plugin create a custom state class and assign it to NPCs by prefab name to replace on spawn, the other lets you rewire which events in which states trigger which states- together, for instance, you can create a custom CHASE state for scientists using Cordyceps that when entered sets the destination to the target's last known location, with an added event during the COMBAT state that if targetinrange inverted (if you lost the target), you should flip to CHASE state (using Psilocybin). The outcome is that when the target is lost, the scientist will run to the last known location to try and reacquire the target.
Some examples of what the hooks let you do, with my psilocybin statemap. This is all very rough - I literally finished the first draft of Omninasty and VehicleHandler yesterday - I'm in the middle of revamping all of this so it's actually modular and not a single 3k line file. They'll roam, fight, and if you get in a vehicle and turn it on, if they're roaming, they'll hop in with you. If they're in chase state they'll dismount. There are probably bugs. Grab an NPC buddy with a minicopter then run the minicopter into a phone pole - they get yeeted across the map
Darn, trying to fix the merge issue closed this. I'll wait till after wipe, then re-submit