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[request] pre built driver binaries
Hello, I just found your usbip_windows fork and started to play with it. Still struggling with the build of the drivers. Do you think there is the possibillity to upload / release a current build to play with? thanks, helmut
Hi Helmut. For now, I have no intention on providing binary builds of the driver in the near future (read for the next few weeks or few months). I'm still working on the code and I may provide some binaries once I'll get to the first major milestone. I'm mostly working on the userspace tools at the moment, trying to bring the Linux code to Windows Things are going great, but slow.
However, this is something I'm doing in my sparetime, that's why things are going slow: I'm enjoying the first few weeks of great weather we have over here. I have a few things on my list to do around the house first.
However, I'm willing to help you build the driver by yourself. This could be useful for others too.
Please, let me know more about your setup and what is stopping you in the process.
Hi - Thank you very much for your answer. I think a good start would be if i setup my build environment the same as yours is - I tried with my Windows 10 Machine but got stuck while setting up. I think it would help me a lot If you could share your build setup: OS Version / winddk version, Visual Studio version etc.
Well, I'm working on Windows 10.
On the driver side, I use the oldest WDK available that includes Windows XP (for now at least, I'll see if I'll drop XP and Vista along the road), which is WDK 7.1.0 available here: Because some features are not built-in that I would like to use / migrate to, I'm evaluating if I should move to a newer version, which would mean that I would have to drop XP and possibly Vista support.
On the userspace side, I'm working with the latest VS Community edition available (2017 something)... and Atom, because I like the tool.
Thank you so much for picking this up, but ... Don't drop XP/Vista support, please!! As long as XP is supported, then this should work on ReactOS as well. I don't know if it'll work on ReactOS currently, but ReactOS is a reverse engineered open source reimplementation of Windows NT 5.2 (a.k.a. Windows Server 2003 [XP is NT 5.1]), and even if it doesn't work now, it could be used to help the ReactOS team improve their Windows driver support, as well as getting their help to improving this project similar to what's been going on with WinBtrfs, which is now included in nightly builds of ReactOS, and they have a GSoC student working to make it possible for ReactOS to boot from btrfs.
Also, just in case you weren't aware, the ReactOS project has a code signing certificate, which was actually used to sign previous releases of usb/ip.
I'd love to see this project included with ReactOS.
Unfortunately the ReactOS project says on their website that they no longer provide their code signing services as their certificate has expired. :-(
Darn, I hadn't noticed that change on the wiki. I assure you however, that they would have got a new cert if it weren't for the changes Microsoft has made to the signing requirements.
Also, even if they can't code sign the releases, my point about it being useful in conjunction with ReactOS is still valid: Please don't drop XP support!!
Even though I was silent, I had taken note of your request about XP. I'll see how I'll navigate from here.
Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm looking forward to testing this when I can.