openstreetmap-tile-server copied to clipboard
Import error: / line 130: 123 Killed
Hello folks,
i try to run the default setting by following the readme part Letting the container download the file but run into some trouble.
If i run the following command
docker run \
-v osm-data:/data/database/ \
overv/openstreetmap-tile-server \
i got the following output
INFO:root:Starting load of external data into database
INFO:root:Checking table simplified_water_polygons
INFO:root: Fetching
INFO:root: Download complete (23739686 bytes)
INFO:root: Decompressing file
INFO:root: Importing into database
INFO:root: Import complete
INFO:root:Checking table water_polygons
INFO:root: Fetching
/ line 130: 123 Killed sudo -E -u renderer python3 /data/style/scripts/ -c /data/style/external-data.yml -D /data/style/data
Has someone else experience with this issue?
Tried on
- my mac (arm64) locally
- and on our debian server
with different versions (2.2.0, 2.0, 1.8.2) without any success.
Thx for your help!
Killed is an indication of having run out of memory. On your Mac you might try increasing the ram of your docker machine. On your server you could add more swap space
Make sure you add more swap space that is available, tutorial.
Then add -m and --memory-swap parameters. Like:
docker -m=2G --memory-swap=8G run *rest of the command*