> The serviceworker itself is currently in JS: Hmm, so it's just a set of global event listeners it looks like? Yeah this would fit the subscription pattern absolutely perfectly...
> Definitely, I use an external that uses addEventListener under the hood just for that. Just making sure so the same calls can be used. :-) > Because the serviceworker...
Hmm, I'll probably want it being tested from the OCaml side as I do intend for native-compilation rendering to be built in sometime, and it looks like this would work...
> and in the case of testing the bucklescript-tea codebase I think that wouldn't be a problem since it would only be a dev dependency. Likewise, if any of it...
Cool. :-) But yeah, definitely look at how quickcheck works (common in haskell/ocaml/erlang/etc... languages for testing). :-)
In essence with the property check style testing, instead of testing specific calls to specific returns, you test streams of calls with randomly generated inputs and verify that the end...
Ooo that'd be awesome! Speaking on the Elixir Forum would be most likely where I'd see and respond the quickest (other than here, github is always the fastest for me...
> As the year is coming to an end, I want to say "thank you" for this awesome project, and give back to the community. I have some free time...
I'd say add links early, then just post updates as updates come out. :-)
@neochrome That then becomes very permanent of a name then especially as I am planning to expand this, hmm...