Blah, I always keep forgetting to set that! I wish the BS build system had injection variables like Dune does then I wouldn't forget things like that... ^.^; Fixed in...
> @OvermindDL1 yes it does ! bucklescript.github.io/docs/en/conditional-compilation#docsNav Ooo, the custom variables didn't used to exist... I'm going to open and leave this open to remind me the next time I...
> This is just a question. I was wondering if it would be possible (and be useful) to create tea with React as the view layer. Entirely possible and is...
> but it is completely hide React, so you can not use lifecycle callbacks as far as I know. Which is entirely doable yes, but the problem is that React...
Lol, just another reason not to use React, good to know... ^.^; To be honest, I'm actually leaning away from Bucklescript at this point, back to js_of_ocaml, because bucklescript keeps...
Plus hey, webassembly soon! Whooo! ^.^
> WA is nice, but WebWorkers is much easier/approachable. Aren't those two entirely different things, like *entirely* different, in use-cases, what is done, etc... etc...? o.O? > Offload all work...
> Yes sure. I mean you can use both to improve performance (in a different way). Actually using Webassembly can cost you performance depending on what is done. The interface...
Yep, I designed it in mind so I'd be able to support the webcomponent style spec pretty easily (though first following the Elm as precisely as possible), that means that...
Right now you can hack around it though (which you can't really do in elm). ^.^