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Request: bucklescript-tea on opam
May I ask what is the point here? Most BuckleScript libraries are published to NPM and bsb will be aware of a NPM dependency if you add it to bsconfig. This is a framework based on BuckleScript.
Actually this is planned eventually. I've always intended on bucklescript-tea to be runnable on the server-side instead of just through bsb so you could generate fast native-code applications for template generation, just not gotten around to it lately (big crunch time at work lately), and when I did that then I was planning to publish to OPAM as well. :-)
I'll leave this open until either I complete this or I get a PR. It is actually not a hard task if anyone wants to make the PR for it, it just involves setting up a standard ocaml build file, using/depending on the bsbppx, using the bsbppx compile-time conditionals to compile the javascript specific things with native shims, then just 'instance' the user program, init
their model, pass that to their view, then render out the vdom as html. The normal Elm API does not fit this quite perfectly so it would be nice to have it accept some arguments at run-time (on the commandline) for if to wrap it in a standard html setup or not, and so forth. With the enhanced API I have planned, which let's you compose applications, then this would be done recursively as well. :-)