ᡥᠠᡳᡤᡳᠶᠠ ᡥᠠᠯᠠ·ᠨᡝᡴᠣ 猫
ᡥᠠᡳᡤᡳᠶᠠ ᡥᠠᠯᠠ·ᠨᡝᡴᠣ 猫
## [自定义导出标题](http://ksria.com/simpread/docs/#/%E5%AE%9A%E5%88%B6%E5%8C%96%E5%AF%BC%E5%87%BA?id=%e8%87%aa%e5%ae%9a%e4%b9%89%e5%af%bc%e5%87%ba%e6%a0%87%e9%a2%98) 的规则不明确 1. 设置为 {{id}}{{type}}{{mode}} 时,导出文件没有扩展名。  2. 文件名中使用非模板内容也会导致标题不完整。 3. 插入 - 的规则是什么?模板中没有加入 - 符号,但是生成的文件名有 -。{{id}}{{un_title}}{{mode}} → 1234-卡片盒笔记法详细介绍.html{{id}}{{un_title}}{{mode}} → 1234-卡片盒笔记法详细介绍@annote.html → 当带有 @annote 时其内容为 标注 ## 同步助手端问题 1. 同步助手识别...
## Brief Information This pull request is in the type of: - [x] bug fixing - [ ] new feature - [ ] others ### What does this PR do?...
### Search first - [X] I searched and no similar issues were found ### What Happened? `yarn watch` is successful and the browser version is okay, but not `yarn dev-electron-app`....
**Describe the bug** When rendering artifact in SVG mode, the renderer throws `Error: recursive use of an object detected which would lead to unsafe aliasing in rust`. **To Reproduce** Compile...
```sh cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/Myriad-Dreamin/typst.ts typst-ts-cli Updating git repository `https://github.com/Myriad-Dreamin/typst.ts` Skipping git submodule `https://github.com/Myriad-Dreamin/typst.git` due to update strategy in .gitmodules Skipping git submodule `https://github.com/Myriad-Dreamin/cetz-editor.git` due to update strategy in...

[Fusion Pixel Font](https://fusion-pixel-font.takwolf.com/) is an open-source sans-serif pixel font designed to support Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) characters. It offers clear and sharp readability at 8, 10, and 12-pixel sizes....