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1.8 block glitch/ disappearing
hello, i played directrix on ctf today, and there are a few blocks missing on that map, so there are a few holes in the ground. when you walk into these holes, you will get stuck, and there is, as far is i have tried, no way to get out of it. i recorded it: on min 0:44. not sure if its the map, because it feels like these blocks dissapear during the game, so it may be the 1.8 plugin.
edit: as you see, the first time i try the glitch, it was only 1 block big, the 2nd time, there was a 2 blocks wide hole.
few images of the holes:
I think what's happening here is you're breaking blocks in the death screen you're technically not allowed to, but they aren't being replaced for your client for whatever reason. Hence the client wants to fall into the ground but the server does not allow it
This happens because you can break blocks instantly in creative, and you just happen to get teleported right before the block should reappear. Because you get teleported, you are too far away to reach the block you broke, and because of that it doesn't reappear.
This is entirelly clientside for you, and I am pretty sure this can't be fixed server side and is not a server bug.
Are the blocks actually missing or is it client side? I'm guessing it's just client side. Try right clicking where the missing blocks are. If it's not client side, we can reopen this issue.
It is client side, that's why he "gets stuck" and starts "glitching out", because the blocks is there server side but not client side.
Ah yeah, I didn't watch the video. After doing so, it's evident
Players could be put in adventure mode during the death screen?
This should be reopened, its still a valid issue amongst other client glitch issues that should be resolved.
Can this be reopened please?
The issue in the OP is client side, idk what your images are supposed to show.
I've done what's shown in the pics breaking blocks in the respawn screen
The problem in the OP is where you break a block right before you respawn. If you break a block, and you get teleported out of hit range of that block before it reappears in your client, it will appear as gone client side but still there server side.
The problem is that some blocks are not sent to the client again when a player breaks them. This is a gamebreaking bug (Look at the images above, I couldn't even play in that place), therefore this issue should be reopened IMO. A possible solution is using the adventure mode during the death screen.
I have no idea how you can do what you did, you got to have 10s ping. Will see if this can be fixed server side.