Szilard Parrag
Szilard Parrag
@mohitvaid Once the pull request is opened we will let you know. In the meantime if you are interested in contributing to syslog-ng, feel free to, pull requests are always...
Hi @blehel, Thank you for opening this issue. I am currently trying to reproduce it, but a simple `system()` source does not seem to do the trick. Could you please...
`log_msg_parse_legacy_program_name()` looks for the first `:` character to use as the `program` field, which is why the message is truncated. The default FreeBSD `system()` driver has the `program-override(kernel)` setting, which...
Hi @raybellis I am currently setting my environment for this, in the meantime could you please tell me your syslog-ng version (`syslog-ng -V`) (you mentioned building a debug binary, so...
I've tried reproducing the issue, however I was unable to. I suspect that the configuration might be the trigger to the crash. Could you please share your configuration files @raybellis?...
I believe I've managed to replicate _this_* issue, but just for confirmation could you please run syslog-ng with `truss -a`? If my theory is correct then there should be a...
We suspect that a ivykis may have an issue with kqueue ([link]( In the meantime setting `IV_EXCLUDE_POLL_METHOD=kqueue` environmental variable should force ivykis to use another polling system (`ppoll`), which can...
Hi @d1mg, From the zic manpage: > -b bloat Output backward-compatibility data as specified by bloat. If bloat is fat, generate additional data entries that work around potential bugs or...
Hi @nanu1605, Thank you for showing interest in syslog-ng :) To start working on this issue I would suggest you to fork the repository and try to build it from...
Hi I believe the attached configuration file is broken, a `filter` object should not be inside a `source` object. Also a `filter` object should be between a `source` and a...