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Get-OSPlatformModules unable to connect to ServiceCenter WS if HTTPS is forced
If the Force HTTPS for exposed integrations in Web Applications option is enabled in the Environment Security section, Get-OSPlatformModules is unable to connect. After disabling this option, Get-OSPlatformModules is able to connect.
I can see that in /src/Outsystems.SetupTools/Lib/ServiceCenterWebServices.ps1 the Web Services URIs have only the http version of it. Would it be possible to change it to try https first, then if unable to connect fallback to http? or vice versa.
Thanks, Marcos
Hi Marcos, sorry for the delay.. Yes, you're right. We want to make the module compatible with PSCore. So those cmdLets will suffer a huge refactor and we will use REST instead of SOAP. So, for now we will not fix this issue.