Results 44 comments of A_A

From my understanding, this is the expected behavior in Solid, and not a bug. The logout on the client side (e.g. with [this solid-client function](https://docs.inrupt.com/developer-tools/api/javascript/solid-client-authn-browser/functions.html#logout)) *does not* log you out...

I don't remember where exactly it was in the code, if you need it I can try to dig it up. Essentially, the markdown renderer is vulnerable to XSS. When...

Also as a general note: restrain from using `.innerHtml = ...` if not necessary. I've seen it in a number of places, where only text is assigned, not HTML (not...

I will describe what I've experienced, so it's easier for you to understand the status quo. If you can't reproduce it, I can add more information on the context: HEAD...

I'd also really like to have a filtering feature, so I'll add my two cents here. (Edit: Well, that grew to a bit more than two cents... o.O) In my...

Had a bit time, so here is a quick draft showing what I mean with these filters: https://github.com/Otto-AA/aw-filter/blob/master/filter.py After trying out a bit, it actually seems rather easy to implement...

Any thoughts on this proposal? If not, I'd do a bit more work and then create a pull request in aw_server

I'm not quite sure if I understand your suggested rdfs:label approach. It sounds like an interesting approach, but several questions popped into my mind while thinking about it: Does it...

Could the app registry be used to make an "Open with..." option in an application by now? I've seen that there is still [an open issue](https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/issues/126) about implementing it server...

> We can look into tightening the heuristics to ignore transfers to addresses where the amount sent is based on the address i.e. used as key in a mapping or...