OsuRTDataProvider icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
OsuRTDataProvider copied to clipboard

A sync plugin, get OSU! game data from memory.

Results 18 OsuRTDataProvider issues
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1. Reduce unnecessary `byte[]` allocations (avoid GC) 2. `SigScan` update: P/Invoke with `ref` instead of `out`

1. Use `StopWatch` instead, because the counters will leads to blocking/fake timing behavior currently. 2. Change the static thread's looping to `LongRunning` (A new thread which will not affect to...


![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45456778/137279542-f5be07a5-f4f1-4050-a078-814dcaa089f8.png) DirectoryName seems right, but the filename is wrong. Whatever the filename is made up of only ASCII characters or other multi-byte characters. Osu version: b20211004 ORTDP version: 1.6.6

I have literally tried everything, I've downloaded sync from pretty much everywhere on the internet all of the pre-packaged and not basic downloads I've followed every tutorial and I've done...

Where ami i supposed to put the osu file because it cant find the exe. I tried changing the osu directory in the in game overlay from config. but nothing...

[23:54:21] [OsuRTDataProviderPlugin]ForceOsuSongsDirectory: [23:54:21] [OsuRTDataProviderPlugin]The ForceOsuSongsDirectory does not exist, try searching for the songs path. [23:54:21] [OsuRTDataProviderPlugin]OSU Client Verison:b20210316 ORTDP Version:1.6.6 [23:54:21] [OsuRTDataProviderPlugin]Osu Path: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\osu! [23:54:21] [OsuRTDataProviderPlugin]Beatmap Path: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\osu!\Songs [23:54:21] [OsuRTDataProviderPlugin][ID:0]Found...

I open up sync and it gives me this error, something with a "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException" not having being active or something like that? I have tried downloading Microsoft Visual c++ 2015,...


I can't read any valid data from the addresses ORTDP got. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45456778/97771565-e233c080-1b78-11eb-8b41-309cd972b99c.png) Address:0x12B18003 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45456778/97771551-d47e3b00-1b78-11eb-807b-322e9efda134.png) Fail to read Address 0x8B24048F.
