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r parameter in linear_extrude from morphology example
Hi, I found this example from 2014 which looks like something I've been after, except there is an 'r' parameter in linear_extrude which gets thrown up as a warning as it doesn't exist. Images of the example rendered from here: and my render which has only half of the round edges. Can anyone explain where the 'r' parameter in linear_extrude might be found?
use <scad-utils/morphology.scad> eps = 0.01;
module base() { union() { rounding(2) fillet(2) difference() { square([50,40]); translate([(50-25)/2,40-15]) square([25,20]); } rounding(0.25) square([50,10]); } }
difference() { linear_extrude(height=10,r=0.25,convexity=3) base();
translate([0,0,-eps]) linear_extrude(height=10 + 2*eps,r=-1,convexity=3)
rounding(2) square([30,15]);
rounding(1) square([40,5]);
for (x = [6.25, 50-6.25]) translate([x, 40-6.25, 10])
I am looking for this too. I thought perhaps an earlier version of the morphology library might have had a replacement linear_extrude() that has since been removed or renamed, but I couldn't find any evidence of it.
Looking a bit more I have realised that OskarLinde has a fork of Openscad here so that's probably where it's come from. In fact in the original post he said " with an extension to linear_extrude()".
What I've not found is exactly which branch it's in.