Orleans.Redis copied to clipboard
Redis support packages for Orleans
It seems you should inspect all methods that you call at StackExchange.Redis. For example: ``` RedisValue[] values = await _db.SortedSetRangeByValueAsync(RemindersRedisKey, from, to); if (values.Length == 0) ``` Wrapper could return...
when i start a client use redis clustering, i can't got cluster , because no key [ServiceId/ClusterId] found in redis. e.g. > Service 1 ```csharp hostBuilder.UseOrleans((context, builder) => { builder.Configure(opt=>{...
Hello. I need help. thx! Run client and silo in the same program,and after a few seconds, log an error ```` [ERR Orleans.Runtime.MembershipService.LocalSiloHealthMonitor] Could not find a membership entry for...
I am working Orleans samples here https://github.com/dodyg/practical-aspnetcore/tree/net6.0/projects/orleans that uses this AddRedisGrainStorage. The thing is I have to `FLUSHALL` in redis-cli between samples because serializations errors. How can I prevent this...
Hi, I am working to implement Orleans sagas in our system and I find that the `GrainReference` does not get removed from redis once the saga is completed. This is...
What about implementing streaming adapter using redis PUB\SUB ? I have found https://github.com/berdon/Orleans.Providers.Redis but it's not in OrleansContrib repository and have questions with using ConcurrentQueue and pool of channels instead...
**Orleans Version - 3.7.1** **Clustering Method used - Redis Clustering** **### Issue Description -** While building SiloHost and Cluster Client, RedisClustering established connection with Gateway/Proxy (here 22227) port instead of...