Face-Occlusion-Detect copied to clipboard
A simple CNN face occlusion detect implemented with tensorflow keras
A simple CNN face occlusion detect implemented with Tensorflow Keras. Detailed design doc, please reference to:
dlib >= 19.17.0
tensorflow >= 1.12.0
keras >= 2.2.4
numpy >= 1.11.1
scipy >= 0.14
opencv-python >= 3.4.3
1. Data and trained models download
download link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10LvoXEUGMTZjufd7R8jh4A
code: 0p5j
Download Cofw dataset and pretrained models in source code directory
2. Train
(1) prepare data
python prepare_data_cofw.py --data_dir 'cofw data directory"
(2) train
python main.py --proj_dir \
--proj_dir "./" \ #Project directory
--input_size 96 \ #Input image size to train
--batch_size 100 \ #train batch size
--fine_tune False \ #Finetune VGG16 or not
--epochs 100 \ #Train epochs
--train True\ #Train or test
3. Test
(1) test on test_data
python main.py --proj_dir \
--proj_dir "./" \ #Project directory
--input_size 96 \ #Input image size to train
--fine_tune False \ #Finetune VGG16 or not
--train False\ #Train or test
(2) test on camera video stream data Need a camera device
python main.py --proj_dir \
--proj_dir "./" \ # Project directory
--input_size 96 \ # Input image size to train
--fine_tune False \ # Finetune VGG16 or not
--camera_test True