PopupDialog copied to clipboard
Error: Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier
I am using this library in my App, I have multiple targets, getting following error while building one of my targets, others are fine.
Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier
Please provide information on your development environment, so we can build with the same scenario.
- Xcode version (12.4 (12D4e)): ℹ
- PopupDialog version (1.1): ℹ
- Minimum deployment target (10.0): ℹ
- Language (Objective-C): ℹ
Dependency management
If you are not using any dependency managers, you can remove this section.
- Dependency manager (CocoaPods): ℹ
- Version (1.10.1): ℹ
What did you do?
While I am building one of my target I am getting following error if enum UILayoutConstraintAxis in library,
/Users/**/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/****/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PopupDialog/PopupDialog.framework/Headers/PopupDialog-Swift.h:266:160: Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier
What did you expect to happen?
As I am using two target, one is building fine while other is giving this error, expect to build successful as other target.
What happened instead?
Instead I am getting error of enum UILayoutConstraintAxis
/Users/**/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/****/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PopupDialog/PopupDialog.framework/Headers/PopupDialog-Swift.h:266:160: Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier