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DNDGenerator copied to clipboard

DNDGenerator is a suite of tools that can help generate a unique campaign setting in seconds.

What is DNDGenerator?

DNDGenerator is a suite of tools that can help generate a unique campaign setting in seconds.

alt text

Where did it come From?

Originally forked from https://github.com/CityGenerator/CityGenerator We have renamed it to DNDGenerator and now is hosted on www.dungeonmastersvault.com/generator/citygenerator

How do I use it?

Clone this repository into a new directory.

docker-compose build

docker-compose up

Launch http:// host /:80/generator/ to see the site.

Uses the following CPAN Dependancies:

cpan install XML::Simple Clone Date::Format Lingua::EN::Gender Lingua::EN::Titlecase Lingua::Conjunction Lingua::EN::Numbers Lingua::EN::Conjugate Template::Plugin::Lingua::EN::Inflect Number::Format Date::Parse Number::Format List::MoreUtils Test::More Lingua::Conjunction Lingua::EN::Conjugate Lingua::EN::Gender Lingua::EN::Numbers Lingua::EN::Titlecase Template::Plugin::Lingua::EN::Inflect Test::Exception Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number Lingua::EN::Inflect Test::Harness Email::Date::Format