Logger copied to clipboard
Added integration with Travis-CI deployments and test execution.
Important notice
You will need to update the follwing to make integrations work for you:
- signup onto travis and enable repo integration
- signup to dockerhub and do one of
- ask me for access to our docker repo for DB images
- create your own images in private repo (see: https://github.com/utPLSQL/docker-scripts or https://github.com/oracle/docker-images/tree/master/OracleDatabase)
- set secret env variables - DOCKER_USER - Your Dockerhub user - DOCKER_PASSWORD - Your Dockerhub PASS - ORACLE_OTN_USER - Your Oracle Tech Net user - ORACLE_OTN_PASSWORD - Your Oracle Tech Net PASS - DB_SYS_PASSWORD - SYS account password for DB - SONAR_TOKEN - if you want to use sonarcloud.io for static code analysis and publishing of test results - see https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/sonarcloud/
- to make sonarcloud integration, signup to sonarcloud with your github account and configure it. It's actually pretty simple.
- you will also need to update badges in
, snarcloud organization intravis.yml
(they all point to jgebal/Logger repo)
Added integration with sonarcloud.io Converted and added test package as utPLSQL v3 unit test. The change includes:
testing deployment of Logger in automated fashion on each commit running tests and showing test results in Travis-CI exporting test results and coverage into sonar performing static code analysis in sonar Additional badges for sonar and travis were added to readme.md For details on integration see: https://www.sonarcloud.io/documentation/integrations/github/ https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/sonarcloud/
To see the integration working on my github see:
- badges integrated with readme: https://github.com/jgebal/Logger/blob/3.2.0/README.md
- sonarcloud analysis: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jgebal_Logger
- Travis builds: https://travis-ci.org/jgebal/Logger/builds
- Travis build log indicating a failing test: https://travis-ci.org/jgebal/Logger/jobs/540434451#L3313
- Travis notifications on Pull requests: https://github.com/jgebal/Logger/pull/1 https://github.com/jgebal/Logger/runs/140210253
@martindsouza - any chance to get this PR reviewed?