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OpenID Connect authentication with Kong gateway

Kong OIDC Auth

OpenID Connect authentication integration with the Kong Gateway


You can add the plugin with the following request:

$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/apis/{api}/plugins \
    --data "name=kong-oidc-auth" \
    --data "config.authorize_url=https://oauth.something.net/openid-connect/authorize" \
    --data "config.scope=openid+profile+email" \
    --data "config.pfidpadapterid=CompanyIdOIDCStage" \
    --data "config.token_url=https://oauth.something.net/openid-connect/token" \
    --data "config.client_id=SOME_CLEINT_ID" \
    --data "config.client_secret=SOME_SECRET_KEY" \
    --data "config.user_url=https://oauth.something.net/openid-connect/userinfo" \
    --data "config.user_keys=email,name,sub" \
    --data "config.hosted_domain=mycompany.com" \
    --data "config.email_key=email" \
    --data "config.salt=b3253141ce67204b" \
    --data "config.app_login_redirect_url=https://yourapplication.com/loggedin/dashboard" \
    --data "config.cookie_domain=.company.com" \
    --data "config.user_info_cache_enabled=false"
Form Parameter default description
name plugin name kong-oidc-auth
config.authorize_url authorization url of the OAUTH provider (the one to which you will be redirected when not authenticated)
config.scope OAUTH scope of the authorization request
OAUTH PingFederate Adaptor ID of the authorization request ex: CompanyIdOIDCStage, essentially points to the idp environment, ping federate specific only
config.token_url url of the Oauth provider to request the access token
config.client_id OAUTH Client Id
config.client_secret OAUTH Client Secret
config.user_url url of the oauth provider used to retrieve user information and also check the validity of the access token
username,email keys to extract from the user_url endpoint returned json, they will also be added to the headers of the upstream server as X-OAUTH-XXX
config.hosted_domain domain whose users must belong to in order to get logged in. Ignored if empty
config.email_key key to be checked for hosted domain, taken from userinfo endpoint
config.user_info_periodic_check 60 time in seconds between token checks
config.salt b3253141ce67204b salt for the user session token, must be 16 char alphanumeric
config.app_login_redirect_url Needed for Single Page Applications to redirect after initial authentication successful, otherwise a proxy request following initial authentication would redirect data directly to a users browser!
config.cookie_domain Specify the domain in which this cookie is valid for, realistically will need to match the gateway
config.user_info_cache_enabled This enables storing the userInfo in Kong local cache which enables sending the entire requested user information to the backend service upon every request, otherwise user info only comes back occasionally and backend api service providers are required to validate the EOAuth Cookie Session with cached user information within their logic

In addition to the user_keys will be added a X-OAUTH-TOKEN header with the access token of the provider.

NOTES: Ping Federate requires you to authorize a callback URL, all proxies have a standard call back route of: https://api-gateway.company.com/your/proxy/path/oauth2/callback

Supported Kong Releases

Kong >= 3.0



$ luarocks install kong-oidc-auth


$ git clone https://github.com/Optum/kong-oidc-auth.git /path/to/kong/plugins/kong-oidc-auth
$ cd /path/to/kong/plugins/kong-oidc-auth
$ luarocks make *.rockspec



Feel free to open issues, or refer to our Contribution Guidelines if you have any questions.