knack copied to clipboard
A streamlined wrapper around node-rdkafka made with independent composable parts.
Archived Repository
Thanks for your interest in Optum’s knack project! Unfortunately, we have moved on and this project is no longer actively maintained or monitored by our Open Source Program Office. This copy is provided for reference only. Please fork the code if you are interested in further development. The project and all artifacts including code and documentation remain subject to use and reference under the terms and conditions of the open source license indicated. All copyrights reserved.
A streamlined wrapper around node-rdkafka made with independent composable parts.
This repository is a monorepo that we manage using Lerna. That means that we actually publish several packages to npm from the same codebase, including:
initialize lerna for all packages
$ lerna init
$ lerna bootstrap --hoist
run tests
$ npm test
VS Code
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Initial working code examples can be found in the knack-cli/src
Contributing to the Project
The Knack team is open to contributions to our project. For more details, see our Contribution Guide.
© Optum 2019