gitflow4idea icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gitflow4idea copied to clipboard

remove minor bug and made plugin compatible for release 2021.3

Open homburgs opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

homburgs avatar Dec 01 '21 09:12 homburgs

what is the timeline to merge this please ? thanks

medbenmakhlouf avatar Dec 02 '21 19:12 medbenmakhlouf

@medbenmakhlouf I built the project reproducing @homburgs #343 commits.

It runs in Pycharm 2021.3 RC2 and the gold, 2021.3. I'm using it in Pycharm Build #PY-213.5744.248, built on November 29, 2021

If someone wants to do this on their own you have to build the .jar file with intellij ultimate. Instructions in this issue.

Or download and unzip the following:

Instructions to manually install this or your own jar build for pycharm are here.

There are good reasons opherV does not rush releases.

While I'm using this successfully myself, use this at your own risk. :)

See below for minor possible bug:

banagale avatar Dec 05 '21 07:12 banagale

Can anyone duplicate a bug I'm seeing in the manual temporary build I posted above?

After installing the plugin manually, and restarting Pycharm, I was no longer seeing git flow in the toolbar (as though it was not installed) and it was not in the "installed" or "marketplace" plugins list when searching for "git flow".

I suspect it is a bug, but could be because I didn't update the plugin version number or install file as I roughshod threw together this temporary patch?

The reason I noticed is that gitflow seemed to disappear. Then when I went to manually install it again, and restart. It reappeared in the toolbar, and also in the plugins Installed list.

banagale avatar Dec 13 '21 17:12 banagale