XiangShan copied to clipboard
make verilog error
我的环境是debian,按照说明git clone了本项目,然后执行make init,然后执行make verilog,报错如下:请赐教,感谢! make verilog mkdir -p build mill XiangShan.test.runMain top.TopMain -td build --config DefaultConfig --full-stacktrace --output-file XSTop.v --disable-all --remove-assert --infer-rw --repl-seq-mem -c:top.TopMain:-o:build/XSTop.v.conf [104/212] rocket-chip.compile [info] compiling 376 Scala sources to ... ^ [error] 14 errors found 1 targets failed rocket-chip.compile Compilation failed make: *** [Makefile:52: build/XSTop.v] Error 1
可以先尝试以下几个解决方案: (1) 再次make init (2) rm -rf out之后,重新make init (3) 删除rocket-chip, berkeley-hardfloat等submodule目录,重新make init
如果仍然存在问题,可以试一下重新git clone XiangShan
可以先尝试以下几个解决方案: (1) 再次make init (2) rm -rf out之后,重新make init (3) 删除rocket-chip, berkeley-hardfloat等submodule目录,重新make init
如果仍然存在问题,可以试一下重新git clone XiangShan
make verilog
mkdir -p build
mill XiangShan.test.runMain top.TopMain -td build --config DefaultConfig --full-stacktrace --output-file XSTop.v --disable-all --remove-assert --infer-rw --repl-seq-mem -c:top.TopMain:-o:build/XSTop.v.conf
[212/212] XiangShan.test.runMain
Elaborating design...
FPGASoC cores: 1 banks: 4 block size: 64 bus size: 256
[WARN] Signal |DISPLAY_LOG_ENABLE| has multiple sinks
[WARN] Signal |logTimestamp| has multiple sinks
ImmUnion max len: 20
0: exu:LoadExu fastPortsCnt: 8 slowPorts: 4 delay:-1 feedback:true
1: exu:LoadExu fastPortsCnt: 8 slowPorts: 4 delay:-1 feedback:true
2: exu:StoreExu fastPortsCnt: 6 slowPorts: 12 delay:-1 feedback:true
3: exu:StoreExu fastPortsCnt: 6 slowPorts: 12 delay:-1 feedback:true
LoadQueue: size:64
StoreQueue: size:48
FPGAPlatform:true EnableDebug:true
Memory map: [h00_0000_0000 -> h00_0FFF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:Reserved [RW] [h00_1000_0000 -> h00_1FFF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:QSPI_Flash [RWX] [h00_2000_0000 -> h00_2FFF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:Reserved [RW] [h00_3000_0000 -> h00_3000_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:DMA [RW] [h00_3001_0000 -> h00_3004_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:GPU [RWC] [h00_3005_0000 -> h00_3006_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:USB/SDMMC [RW] [h00_3007_0000 -> h00_30FF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:Reserved [RW] [h00_3100_0000 -> h00_3111_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:MMIO [RW] [h00_3112_0000 -> h00_37FF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:Reserved [RW] [h00_3800_0000 -> h00_3800_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:CLINT [RW] [h00_3801_0000 -> h00_3801_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:BEU [RW] [h00_3802_0000 -> h00_3BFF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:Reserved [] [h00_3C00_0000 -> h00_3FFF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:PLIC [RW] [h00_4000_0000 -> h00_7FFF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:PCIe [RW] [h00_8000_0000 -> h1F_FFFF_FFFF] Width:unlimited Description:DDR [RWXIDSA]
Ftq: size:48 Roq: size:192 wbports:18 commitwidth:6 Regfile: size:160 read: 14write: 8 CSR: hasEmuPerfCnt:false
int wb arbiter: [ AluExeUnit ] -> out #0 [ AluExeUnit ] -> out #1 [ AluExeUnit ] -> out #2 [ AluExeUnit ] -> out #3 [ LoadExu ] -> out #4 [ LoadExu ] -> out #5 [ MulDivExeUnit JmpExeUnit ] -> arb -> out #6 [ MulDivExeUnit FmiscExeUnit FmiscExeUnit ] -> arb -> out #7
Regfile: size:160 read: 14write: 8
fp wb arbiter: [ FmacExeUnit ] -> out #0 [ FmacExeUnit ] -> out #1 [ FmacExeUnit ] -> out #2 [ FmacExeUnit ] -> out #3 [ LoadExu ] -> out #4 [ LoadExu ] -> out #5 [ FmiscExeUnit JmpExeUnit ] -> arb -> out #6 [ FmiscExeUnit ] -> out #7
0: exu:FmacExeUnit fastPortsCnt: 4 slowPorts: 4 delay:4
1: exu:FmacExeUnit fastPortsCnt: 4 slowPorts: 4 delay:4
2: exu:FmacExeUnit fastPortsCnt: 4 slowPorts: 4 delay:4
3: exu:FmacExeUnit fastPortsCnt: 4 slowPorts: 4 delay:4
4: exu:FmiscExeUnit fastPortsCnt: 4 slowPorts: 4 delay:-1
5: exu:FmiscExeUnit fastPortsCnt: 4 slowPorts: 4 delay:-1
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized.zipWithIndex(IndexedSeqOptimized.scala:106)
at scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized.zipWithIndex$(IndexedSeqOptimized.scala:100)
at scala.collection.immutable.StringOps.zipWithIndex(StringOps.scala:33)
at chisel3.Printable$.pack(Printable.scala:84)
at chisel3.printf$.printfWithoutReset(Printf.scala:101)
at chisel3.assert$.$anonfun$apply_impl_do$2(Assert.scala:62)
at chisel3.assert$$$Lambda$933/0x0000000840666040.apply(Unknown Source)
at chisel3.WhenContext.
我也遇到了,应该是这个原因: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 我正在尝试使用更大内存容量的电脑。
我也遇到了,应该是这个原因: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 我正在尝试使用更大内存容量的电脑。
试试运行下面这条命令后再make。 export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xms256m -Xmx10g -Xss256K'
我也遇到了,应该是这个原因: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 我正在尝试使用更大内存容量的电脑。
试试运行下面这条命令后再make。 export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xms256m -Xmx10g -Xss256K'
感谢建议。不过仍然报下面的异常: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.base/java.lang.StringLatin1.newString(StringLatin1.java:715)
有没有make verilog成功的伙伴? 你们的内存是多大? 我现在用16G内存还是hold不住。
可以先尝试以下几个解决方案: (1) 再次make init (2) rm -rf out之后,重新make init (3) 删除rocket-chip, berkeley-hardfloat等submodule目录,重新make init
如果仍然存在问题,可以试一下重新git clone XiangShan
是的,感谢,重新make init后解决了。
JVM heap size不足导致的编译失败是由于之前的build.sc没能正确的将JVM Xmx参数传递下去, #842 可以修复该问题,经过测试10G heap足够编译香山,如果大家仍有问题请继续在issue中反馈,谢谢!
我按照 842 该了 build.sc 但是 编译 还是报相同错误;我的虚拟机 是 11G, 刚刚好也不行么
我按照 842 该了 build.sc 但是 编译 还是报相同错误;我的虚拟机 是 11G, 刚刚好也不行么
Ubuntu 20.04, 32GB内存,编译了半个多点吧 发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用 发件人: vitaminabcd发送时间: 2021年6月25日 12:58收件人: OpenXiangShan/XiangShan抄送: Subscribed主题: Re: [OpenXiangShan/XiangShan] make verilog error (#837) 有没有make verilog成功的伙伴?你们的内存是多大?—You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.
这个可不可以优化一下,让编译时间短点------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ @.> 发送时间: 2021年6月28日(星期一) 下午4:15 @.>; @.@.>; 主题: Re: [OpenXiangShan/XiangShan] make verilog error (#837)
M1 有笔记本了么,不知道呀
请问 一下 , 进入 xianshan/ , make init 后 , make verilog , 遇到如下错误 [96/213] rocketchip.resolvedIvyDeps | Downloading [6/6] artifacts (~0/0 bytes) 1 targets failed rocketchip.resolvedIvyDeps Resolution failed for 1 modules:
org.scalamacros:paradise_2.12.13:2.1.1 not found: /home/aren/.ivy2/local/org.scalamacros/paradise_2.12.13/2.1.1/ivys/ivy.xml download error: Caught java.net.UnknownHostException (repo1.maven.org) while downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/scalamacros/paradise_2.12.13/2.1.1/paradise_2.12.13-2.1.1.pom download error: Caught java.net.UnknownHostException (oss.sonatype.org) while downloading https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/scalamacros/paradise_2.12.13/2.1.1/paradise_2.12.13-2.1.1.pom download error: Caught java.net.UnknownHostException (oss.sonatype.org) while downloading https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/org/scalamacros/paradise_2.12.13/2.1.1/paradise_2.12.13-2.1.1.pom
这个该怎么解决呢 ??
可以检查一下您那边的网络 修改了 /etc/hosts , 把 我的 hostname 加在了 IP 后面。就没有问题了。 In fact , Caught java.net.UnknownHostException 基本上都是这个原因。 谢谢 啦 ! :)
请问在./setup.sh时这些warn会有影响吗 /home/xxx/project/XiangShan/xs-env/NEMU/scripts/config.mk:5: Warning: .config does not exists! -bash: /home/xxx/project/XiangShan/xs-env/NEMU/scripts/config.mk:5:: No such file or directory xxx@105:~$ /home/xxx/project/XiangShan/xs-env/NEMU/scripts/config.mk:6: To build the porject, first run 'make menuconfig'. -bash: /home/xxx/project/XiangShan/xs-env/NEMU/scripts/config.mk:6:: No such file or directory ... class utils.FlushableQueueIO (1 calls): Unable to automatically infer cloneType on class utils.FlushableQueueIO. cloneType is now implemented by the Chisel compiler plugin so please ensure you are using it in your build. If you cannot use the compiler plugin or you are using it and you still see this message, please file an issue and let us know. For those not using the plugin, here is the 'runtime reflection' cloneType error message: constructor has parameters (entries) that are not both immutable and accessible. Either make all parameters immutable and accessible (vals) so cloneType can be inferred, or define a custom cloneType method. There were 1 deprecated function(s) used. These may stop compiling in a future release - you are encouraged to fix these issues. [warn] Line numbers for deprecations reported by Chisel may be inaccurate; enable scalac compiler deprecation warnings via either of the following methods: [warn] In the sbt interactive console, enter: [warn] set scalacOptions in ThisBuild ++= Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation") [warn] or, in your build.sbt, add the line: [warn] scalacOptions := Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation") ... warning: ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to 'char *' [-Wwritable-strings] dumpGoldenMem("Init", track_instr, ticks); ...
另外在make verilog阶段,也会出现大量的warn ... compiling 20 Scala sources to /home/xxx/project/XiangShan/xs-env/XiangShan/out/foreign-modules/rocket-chip/hardfloat/hardfloat/compile/dest/classes ... [warn] 535 feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details [warn] one warning found [info] done compiling [79/213] config.compile [info] compiling 1 Scala source to /home/xxx/project/XiangShan/xs-env/XiangShan/out/foreign-modules/rocket-chip/api-config-chipsalliance/build-rules/mill/config/compile/dest/classes ... [info] done compiling [103/213] rocketchip.compile [info] compiling 376 Scala sources to /home/xxx/project/XiangShan/xs-env/XiangShan/out/rocketchip/compile/dest/classes ... [warn] two deprecations [warn] four deprecations (since Chisel 3.5) [warn] 16 deprecations (since FIRRTL 1.4) [warn] 22 deprecations in total; re-run with -deprecation for details [warn] 2573 feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details [warn] 5 warnings found [info] done compiling ...
history buffer length 256 [warning] update logic of foldest history has two or more levels of xor gates! histlen:16, compLen:8, at bit 6 [warning] update logic of foldest history has two or more levels of xor gates! histlen:16, compLen:8, at bit 7 [warning] update logic of foldest history has two or more levels of xor gates! histlen:32, compLen:8, at bit 6 [warning] update logic of foldest history has two or more levels of xor gates! histlen:32, compLen:8, at bit 7 [warning] update logic of foldest history has two or more levels of xor gates! histlen:119, compLen:8, at bit 6 [warning] update logic of foldest history has two or more levels of xor gates! histlen:32, compLen:11, at bit 9 [warning] update logic of foldest history has two or more levels of xor gates! histlen:13, compLen:7, at bit 5 ... 最后可以成功生成verilog,不知道是否有影响
可以先尝试以下几个解决方案: (1) 再次make init (2) rm -rf out之后,重新make init (3) 删除rocket-chip, berkeley-hardfloat等submodule目录,重新make init
如果仍然存在问题,可以试一下重新git clone XiangShan

https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/XiangShan/pull/1622 修复了这一问题,可以 pull 一下最新的修改
我的环境是Ubuntu20.04LTS,按照开发环境部署配置,init以后make erilog出现以下报错问题,麻烦各位大佬指点谢谢 There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue. Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 19428016128 bytes for committing reserved memory. An error report file with more information is saved as: /home/zlh/桌面/xs-env/XiangShan/hs_err_pid18523.log 1 targets failed XiangShan.runMain subprocess failed make: *** [Makefile:57:build/XSTop.v] 错误 1
您好,我在進行 make verilog 這一步時,發現內存不夠,因此按照上述步驟將內存需求降為10G,不過我在non-inclusive L3這一步發現機器沒有反應(沒有報錯也沒有反應),我大約兩次都等了兩個小時,也發現內存始終都保持著高占用的情況,請問是我等地不夠久還是需要另作調整(? 謝謝
我的环境是Ubuntu20.04LTS,按照开发环境部署配置,init以后make erilog出现以下报错问题,麻烦各位大佬指点谢谢 There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue. Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 19428016128 bytes for committing reserved memory. An error report file with more information is saved as: /home/zlh/桌面/xs-env/XiangShan/hs_err_pid18523.log 1 targets failed XiangShan.runMain subprocess failed make: *** [Makefile:57:build/XSTop.v] 错误 1
- rm -rf output; make init 无效
- git submodule; rm -rf (all submodule); make init 无效
- 重新 git clone 无效
- 重新 git clone --recursive 无效
- make bsp; make idea; make verilog 无效
- ......
- 电脑是dell inspiron 15 3511
- 处理器 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz 2.42 GHz
- 机带 RAM 16.0 GB (15.7 GB 可用)
- WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04
- vdisk 208G
请问该问题是拉取 submodule 有误还是电脑性能不行运存不足还是wsl虚拟机分配存储空间不足?如何解决? 谢谢!