SwitchBotAPI copied to clipboard
Improvement to be made :-)
Current Situation
No webhook for:
- bot
- remote
- curtain
- keypad (incomplete)
- keypad touch (incomplete)
- humidify
No status for:
- indoor camera
- pan/tilt
- 2K pan/tilt
No Commands for:
- pan/tilt
- 2K pan/tilt
Added for cameras:
- rstp for cameras
- pictures when detecting motion
Added firmware versions and battery level for all devices
Proposed Change
No webhook for:
- bot (send events)
- remote (sens events)
- curtain (send events)
- keypad (send events : lock button and which code entered successfully)
- humidify (send events)
No status for:
- indoor camera (send staus)
- pan/tilt (send staus)
- 2K pan/tilt (send staus)
No Commands for:
- pan/tilt (create turnOn,turnOff, ptz, motion detector activation or not)
- 2K pan/tilt (create turnOn,turnOff, ptz, motion detector activation or not)
Added for cameras:
- rstp for cameras (essential.....)
- pictures when detecting motion (add events width pictures)
Additional Context
The points listed are essential for the API to be complete and completely usable, such as for example on Jeedom, Home assistant, etc. For my part, the cameras are unusable (no ptz, no rtsp), remotes without webhook, keypads without webhook linked to keyboard entries (codes validated successfully and lock button)
Hi! the API document has been updated and we have added a few features of what you are looking for.
There's also no webhooks for the Blind Tilt
Hi, exist api for download history from outdoor meter? Tnx