origin-docker copied to clipboard
Hello is there any tutorial i can follow ? I am not that good with linux and docker .. i did everything but how to start it and should i have to set all my ips manually , amd add all the config manually ?
There's some rough instructions in the readme for how to get the service running. This assumes an already configured Linux installation with Docker installed.
Generally speaking, it's a good idea to have a static IP address for the server (whether it's a static lease in DHCP or manually configured on the host doesn't matter). You will need that IP address for your DNS server entries for the cache.
Can you elaborate on which bit you're having problems with?
I did everything and i see origin-docker on in container but when i try to start and only this and also i dont find the cache folder and when i put the dns in my pc nothing is showing on nload
I did everything and i see origin-docker on in container but when i try to start and only this and also i dont find the cache folder and when i put the dns in my pc nothing is showing on nload
Please learn punctuation. This is an unreadable, messy bunch of words.
My english is bad it is not my main . I did all the step from the readme and everything is done without error but the cache server is not working when i download anything from steam or any domain added on cache nothing is cached . And if i do "docker container ls" i see origin-docker is a container and it is up
@HtHNightwolf and that's not a helpful comment either :)
@chalhoub37 Since you say the docker container is running, I think you probably have a misconfiguration with DNS.
This is what the docker output should look like, for what its worth. In particular, it should list 80/tcp
as one of the forwarded ports, and status should be Up
$ docker ps
4fb2154abc91 origin-docker "/bin/sh -c 'nginx -…" 4 weeks ago Up 29 minutes>80/tcp cache
To test if DNS is correct or not, you can try resolving an address. For example, on my linux PC (this should work on windows too), I can resolve a Steam CDN address and you can see it resolves to my cache server address (
$ nslookup valve614.steamcontent.com
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: valve614.steamcontent.com
If that nslookup resolves some public IP, then you'll need to set up a local DNS server too. This repo has a preconfigured version of dnsmasq
you can use, also available on dockerhub. Something like:
# put your cache server's IP address where is below:
docker run -e HOST_IP= -p 53:53/udp opensourcelan/dnsmasq:latest
Then you can configure your PC's DNS server to point to your new DNS server's IP address and see if that helps. Here are some instructions on how to do this for windows 10 (remember what the settings used to be, and change them back when you're done testing).
Once that's set up, try restarting your game download client (steam/origin/whatever it is) and try again. Also try running the nslookup
command from above.
Apart from that, could you describe in more detail what games you're trying to download, what platform, how your DNS server (if any) is configured, and paste in to a comment the output of these commands from your server:
tail /data/logs/*.log
df -h
sudo du -hs /data/data
I have to configure the dnsmasq manually or it is auto configured with the step on the readme , when i get home will check what u said and let u know thank u in advance
I did all that but nslookup still not giving my ip as a dns .. i think it is bcz of ubuntu 18.04 reading my network card as enp4s0 and not eth0 i will try to switch to ubuntu 16.04 and will give it a try will let u know the result
18.04 vs 16.04 shouldn't make a difference :)
If you have dnsmasq running, you can do nslookup valve614.steamcontent.com
where is the IP of your dnsmasq server to test what that the DNS works. If that returns the correct IP of your cache server, then you need only to set the DNS server address on your client PC (the one with steam/origin/whatever installed).
If your client PC is Ubuntu, then you can open Network Connections -> pick your network adapter -> edit -> IPv4 settings -> Enter the dnsmasq address in the dns servers
I see dnsmasq in container ls but i dont know if it is working correctly i did what u said with dnsmasq and changed to my host ip but still not working and i have my cache ip set as dns on my pc but when i do nslookup i dont see my cache ip server ... I already did this cache with another auther but i wanted to fix this one bcz it seemed more proffesional
When i do netstat -plnt i see tcp6 for docker-proxy and i dont see tcp . Is this mean that it is working for ipv6 only ? And if yes how should i fix this ?