mapper copied to clipboard
ISMTBOM 2022 symbol set
Actual behaviour
Here are notes from MTB Orienteering Commission minutes 2017-2
7 Mapping standards
For several reasons it has not been possible to launch the testing phase in spring as planned. It was decided that only the symbols/elements which are most urgently needed (e.g. sprint symbols) would be included in a first step. Nevertheless the scope of work is large so it is desirable to extend the working group.
Preliminary schedule:
- Agree on the details for the first step and prepare the documents for these symbols in autumn.
- Inform about the testing phase and distribute documents to the worldwide MTBO community.
- During winter until March 2018: Mapmakers have the opportunity to get familiar with the new symbols and can make preparations to use them.
- April - September 2018: New symbols can be tested at competitions.
- Until autumn 2018: collect feedback from mapmakers and athletes.
- October - November 2018: In collaboration with the Map Commission, finalise a proposal for approval by the IOF Council.
The aim is to have the elements/symbols of the first step in the ISMTBOM 2019.
LP has the lead of this project and will decide on the composition of the map working group.
And here is notes from MTB Orienteering Commission minutes 2018-1
9 Mapping standards
9.1 The MTBOC delegated the task to design the most urgently needed symbols (mainly for sprint, e.g. stairs, canopy, paved areas, narrow ride, uncrossable stone walls) to the Map Commission (MC) who will also start with the ISMTBOM review.
These symbols should be available in April and can be tested during the season 2018, feedback will be collected. A solution for rideable/unrideable areas will follow later.
9.2 The MTBOC and the MC discussed the new map control process for IOF major events.
The actual OCAD files must now be sent to the MC at the latest six months before the event. The deadline of six months is ambitious but the MTBOC agrees with it.
On the "Current Projects" page on MTBO Commision website published next notes
Review of International Specification of MTBO Maps (ISMTBOM)
Currently the Map Commission - with input from the MTBOC - is preparing a draft of a limited revision. It is planned to be available in April 2018. As soon as everything is ready, all documents will be published as drafts for public testing and commenting within the MTBO community on this page.
Expected behaviour
Create ISMTBOM2019 symbol set (when it's specification would be published)
Mapper Version: 0.9.x
, 1.0.x
Operating System: all
- NEW!
Minutes of the MTBO Commission Meeting 2018-2, 10 August 2018 in Zwettl, Austria
7 Mapping matters
7.1 First step of ISMTBOM review
The review was delegated to the Map Commission (MC). The Map Working Group has decided on the most urgently needed symbols (mainly for sprint). At the moment the OCAD templates are being prepared by the MC. As soon as they are ready, the testing phase can start. It will last until August 2019 with the aim to formally use these symbols from the beginning of 2020. Many thanks to LP for his work! The major revision of the ISMTBOM will be the second stage.
7.2 Other mapping issues
Maps at past events showed the following quality deficiencies:
- Too many irrelevant details such as stones and rocks were mapped → bad legibility.
- Unskilled drawing → in some places it was not clear whether you were allowed to pass or not (especially crucial in countries where off-track riding is not allowed).
- Control circles and/or lines were not cut → important information was covered.
- Control numbers were badly placed → important information was covered.
- Wrong scale was used → reading the map became an eye test.
- FootO symbols which do not exist in MTBO (e.g. form lines) were used on MTBO maps → bad for legibility.
- Incorrect order of colours (e.g. contours were above paved areas or roads).
- Size of symbols and scale did not match.
- Difference between open and forested terrain was not shown on map.
- Sprint map of urban area was too detailed (like a FootO map).
- etc.
12 Next meeting
The next meeting is taking place in Warsaw, POL, on 18 - 19 January 2019, together with the IOF joint meeting.
As I can see, @mlerjen announced on FB that ISMTBOM 2022
(aka "ISMTBOM 202x") final draft already available:
The final draft of the ISMTBOM 2022 was sent to the Federations last friday. The IOF is welcoming comments submitted by your national Federation until october 31st.
So if you are interested/competent in this topic, contact your Federation...
PDF already available on MTBO Commission site, BUT this site ~~just not available at this moment (down?)~~
UPD: MTBO Commission site may not be available in countries where Weebly hoster limited access (but could be reached via proxy), so I also attached PDF here:
- ismtbom2020en_finaldraft_v3-20.8.21.pdf (attachment / mirror)
Some review notes in MTBO group on FB:
Not me, sorry.
måndag 6 september 2021 skrev app4soft @.***>:
As I can see, @mlerjen announced on FB that ISMTBOM 2022 (aka "ISMTBOM 202x") final draft already available:
The final draft of the ISMTBOM 2022 was sent to the Federations last friday. The IOF is welcoming comments submitted by your national Federation until october 31st.
So if you are interested/competent in this topic, contact your Federation...
Some say that PDF already available on MTBO Commission site, BUT this site just not available at this moment (down?):
Anybody has access to this PDF, @krticka @lpechacek @Zerbembasqwibo
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@mlerjen, MTBO Commission site & PDF direct link does not work in Ukraine (and some other countries) due to the Weebly GeoIP-blocking:
BTW, I already got file & attached it in comment above Here is direct link to attachment:
OCAD released an update with ISMTBOM202x
symbol sets:
ISMTBOM 202x Final Draft 15’000.ocd
ISMTBOM 202x Final Draft 5’000.ocd
Screenshot of ISOM 2017 to ISMTBOM 202x.ocdCrt
conversion table:
IOF Map Commission Meeting, December 7th, 2021
ISMTBOM 202X final draft version
Feedbacks were received from different federations and analysed in a meeting with the MTBO working group, CC and LK.
Final draft was submitted to the Map Commission members.
It was pointed out that a new Printtech test sheet should be produced to include the new orange colour for ridable area. It was mentioned that such a colour will be tricky to maintain in the printing process and that it may be difficult to see the contour lines in such orange area.
It was agreed:
- to try to clarify the wording allowing the use of 1:7500 scale for specific categories with a magnification of 2 for the symbols. CC will make a proposal.
- to modify the illustration of the Out-of-bound areas in the pictures to represent the same situation on the field for using some tracks.
ISMTBOM 2022 released
@krticka posted: “Dear all, ISMTBOM 2022 has been published on IOF website.”
I am working on the ISMTBOM v02.2022 symbol set.
Here is the ISMTBOM v2.2022 symbol set for testing. ~~ISMTBOM outdated, scroll down for most recent version
From latest MC minutes: A correction to the line width in the road symbol in ISMTBOM is approved (0.18 instead of 0.12).
Thus corrected 501 and 502.
~~ISMTBOM outdated, scroll down for most recent version
@krticka wrote on FB:
ISMTBOM 2022 Revision 2 has been published. This version includes a few minor corrections to the map symbols. All changes are listed in the errata at the end of the document.
And here is side note on this by other mapper:
Here's the updated ISMTBOM 2022 R2 02.2023 ...
~~ISMTBOM 2022 R2 outdated, scroll down for most recent version
I've just tried exporting this symbol set into .ocd format and noticed an interesting detail in the symbol definitions. Two line and one point symbols have graphical elements defined but have no color assigned. For instance, 104 Earth bank has a start and end elements defined but without any color. See the illustration below. When I export the symbol into .ocd and reopen the file, there are black lines at the start and end.
I'm wondering if this is an intentional symbol trait or an error.
The other symbols showing this behavior are 201 Impassable cliff and 314 Special water feature.
Yes, that is an error, which gets apparent by the export to OCAD.
ISMTBOM 2022 R2 = Most recent version