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Recover changes to build PyPI package

Open lochel opened this issue 9 months ago • 5 comments

This recoveres some changes to create a PyPI package for OMSimulator, but I'm uncertain about the current state of the changes. I would appreciate insights from @mahge on the best approach before proceeding further.

To generate the PyPI package, follow these steps:

  1. Build the project using the OM_OMS_ENABLE_PIP option in CMake:

    cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install/ -DOM_OMS_ENABLE_PIP=ON
    cmake --build build/ --target install
  2. Run the Makefile:

    make pip
  3. Upload the package using twine:

    twine upload src/pip/install/dist/OMSimulator-2.1.1.post248.tar.gz

lochel avatar Nov 29 '23 11:11 lochel