open-fixture-library copied to clipboard
Add fixture `beamz/moveing-head-1`
- Add fixture
Fixture warnings / errors
- beamz/moveing-head-1
- ❌ File does not match schema: fixture/wheels/Color Wheel/slots must NOT have fewer than 2 items
Thank you @Luispupuis!
Export files validity
(Output of test script tests/github/exports-valid.js
Test the exported files of selected fixtures against the plugins' export tests.
You can run a plugin's export tests by executing:
$ node cli/run-export-test.js -p <plugin name> <fixtures>
❌ beamz / moveing-head-1: d-light / attributes-correctness
❌ beamz/moveing-head-1-MAIN.xml
Error parsing XML: Duplicate parameter name: FOCUS/TILT,Duplicate parameter name: FOCUS/TILT
✔️ beamz / moveing-head-1: dmxcontrol3 / channel-numbers
- ✔️ beamz-moveing-head-1-MAIN.xml
❌ beamz / moveing-head-1: dragonframe / json-schema-conformity
❌ beamz/moveing-head-1.json
fixture/wheels/Color Wheel/slots must NOT have fewer than 2 items- ✔️ manufacturers.json
✔️ beamz / moveing-head-1: millumin / json-schema-conformity
- ✔️ beamz/moveing-head-1.json
❌ beamz / moveing-head-1: qlcplus_4.12.2 / fixture-tool-validation
❌ fixtures/BeamZ-Moveing-head-1.qxf
Namespace(map=False, convert=None, validate=['.']) Starting validation ./manufacturer/fixture.qxf: Invalid physical dimensions detected 1 definitions processed. 1 errors detected
❌ beamz / moveing-head-1: qlcplus_4.12.2 / xsd-schema-conformity
❌ fixtures/BeamZ-Moveing-head-1.qxf
Element '{}Dimensions', attribute 'Weight': [facet 'minExclusive'] The value '0' must be greater than '0'.
Element '{}Dimensions', attribute 'Width': '0' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:positiveInteger'.
Element '{}Dimensions', attribute 'Height': '0' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:positiveInteger'.
Element '{}Dimensions', attribute 'Depth': '0' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:positiveInteger'.
I named it wrong :/
I named it wrong :/
The fixture also seems to be missing some crucial information such as a manual. Please see here for the infomation used to review fixture contributions.
I'll close this PR, please feel free to upload a more complete definition, or open a PR to amend this one. Thanks!