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macOS: olad -l 3 => olad: invalid option -- l

Open vanvught opened this issue 2 years ago • 18 comments

The olad command does not accept any arguments:

[@MacBook-Air ~]$ olad -l 3
olad: invalid option -- l
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ olad --log-level 3
olad: unrecognized option `--log-level'
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ olad -v           
olad: invalid option -- v
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ sw_vers           
ProductName:	macOS
ProductVersion:	12.6.1
BuildVersion:	21G217

Showing the olad version:

[@MacBook-Air ~]$ brew install ola
Running `brew update --auto-update`...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).

Warning: ola 0.10.8_6 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 0.10.8_6, run:
  brew reinstall ola

vanvught avatar Nov 23 '22 16:11 vanvught

Do you know when it last worked @vanvught ? What have you changed since?

Can we have the output of the following:

which olad
ldd olad
olad --help
olad -h
stract olad -l 3

Do any of the other OLA commands work?

Does olad run up with no options?

peternewman avatar Nov 23 '22 20:11 peternewman

Hi Peter,

I can only think that it could have happened after a brew upgrade. All commands are broken. olad runs fine without arguments.

Thanks, Arjan

[@MacBook-Air ~]$ which olad
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ ldd olad
zsh: command not found: ldd
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ olad --help
olad: unrecognized option `--help'
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ olad -h
olad: invalid option -- h
[arjanvanvught@MacBook-Air ~]$ stract olad -l 3
zsh: command not found: stract
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ otool -L /usr/local/bin/olad
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolaserver.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolaartnet.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolaartnetconf.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/liboladummy.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolae131.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolae131conf.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolaespnet.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolagpio.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolagpiocore.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolakarate.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolakinet.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolamilinst.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolaopendmx.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolaopenpixelcontrol.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolaosc.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/opt/liblo/lib/liblo.7.dylib (compatibility version 12.0.0, current version 12.1.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolapathport.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolarenard.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolasandnet.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolashownet.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolastageprofi.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolausbdmx.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/opt/libusb/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 4.0.0, current version 4.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolausbpro.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolausbproconf.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolaserverplugininterface.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libola.1.dylib (compatibility version 2.0.0, current version 2.1.0)
	/usr/local/opt/libmicrohttpd/lib/libmicrohttpd.12.dylib (compatibility version 73.0.0, current version 73.0.0)
	/usr/local/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6/lib/libolacommon.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
	/usr/local/opt/protobuf/lib/libprotobuf.32.dylib (compatibility version 33.0.0, current version 33.9.0)
	/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1300.23.0)
	/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1311.100.3)
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ nm /usr/local/bin/olad      
000000010000ba64 s GCC_except_table15
000000010000ba7c s GCC_except_table24
000000010000bac0 s GCC_except_table25
000000010000bad4 s GCC_except_table44
000000010000b9ec s GCC_except_table5
000000010000b353 t __GLOBAL__sub_I_Olad.cpp
                 U __Unwind_Resume
000000010000a5a3 T __Z17StartSignalThreadPN3ola2io12SelectServerEPNS_6thread12SignalThreadE
                 U __ZN3ola10ParseFlagsEPiPPc
                 U __ZN3ola10ServerInitEiPPcPNS_9ExportMapE
                 U __ZN3ola11GetRegistryEv
                 U __ZN3ola11StringToIntERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEEPtb
                 U __ZN3ola12FlagRegistry12RegisterFlagEPNS_13FlagInterfaceE
                 U __ZN3ola12SupportsUIDsEv
                 U __ZN3ola13SetHelpStringERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEES8_
                 U __ZN3ola13logging_levelE
                 U __ZN3ola16EXIT_UNAVAILABLEE
                 U __ZN3ola17IncrementLogLevelEv
000000010000b2b8 t __ZN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_2io12SelectServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvE5DoRunEv
000000010000b2ae t __ZN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_2io12SelectServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvED0Ev
000000010000b2a8 t __ZN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_2io12SelectServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvED1Ev
000000010000b330 t __ZN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_9OlaServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvE5DoRunEv
000000010000b326 t __ZN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_9OlaServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvED0Ev
000000010000b320 t __ZN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_9OlaServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvED1Ev
000000010000b2ec t __ZN3ola18SingleUseCallback0IvE3RunEv
000000010000b2a0 t __ZN3ola19FunctionCallback0_0INS_9Callback0IvEEvE5DoRunEv
000000010000b28a t __ZN3ola19FunctionCallback0_0INS_9Callback0IvEEvED0Ev
000000010000b284 t __ZN3ola19FunctionCallback0_0INS_9Callback0IvEEvED1Ev
000000010000b30a t __ZN3ola19FunctionCallback2_0INS_18SingleUseCallback0IvEEvPNS_2io12SelectServerEPNS_6thread12SignalThreadEE5DoRunEv
000000010000b2e2 t __ZN3ola19FunctionCallback2_0INS_18SingleUseCallback0IvEEvPNS_2io12SelectServerEPNS_6thread12SignalThreadEED0Ev
000000010000b2dc t __ZN3ola19FunctionCallback2_0INS_18SingleUseCallback0IvEEvPNS_2io12SelectServerEPNS_6thread12SignalThreadEED1Ev
                 U __ZN3ola20InitLoggingFromFlagsEv
                 U __ZN3ola20StringToBoolTolerantERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEEPb
                 U __ZN3ola2io12SelectServer9TerminateEv
000000010000af08 t __ZN3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEE8SetValueERKS7_
000000010000ae26 t __ZN3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEEC2EPKcSA_SA_S7_SA_b
000000010000aecc t __ZN3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEED0Ev
000000010000a576 t __ZN3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEED1Ev
000000010000af1e t __ZN3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEED2Ev
000000010000adf8 t __ZN3ola4FlagIbE8SetValueERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEE
                 U __ZN3ola4FlagIbE9NO_PREFIXE
000000010000aca0 t __ZN3ola4FlagIbEC2EPKcS3_S3_bS3_b
000000010000ad76 t __ZN3ola4FlagIbED0Ev
000000010000a4d0 t __ZN3ola4FlagIbED1Ev
000000010000b266 t __ZN3ola4FlagItE8SetValueERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEE
000000010000b220 t __ZN3ola4FlagItED0Ev
000000010000a580 t __ZN3ola4FlagItED1Ev
                 U __ZN3ola4base7Version10GetVersionEv
                 U __ZN3ola6thread12SignalThread20InstallSignalHandlerEiPNS_9Callback0IvEE
                 U __ZN3ola6thread12SignalThreadC1Ev
                 U __ZN3ola6thread12SignalThreadD1Ev
                 U __ZN3ola7EXIT_OKE
                 U __ZN3ola7GetEUIDEPj
                 U __ZN3ola7LogLineC1EPKciNS_9log_levelE
                 U __ZN3ola7LogLineD1Ev
                 U __ZN3ola8BaseFlag16NewCanonicalNameEPKc
                 U __ZN3ola8BaseFlag27ReplaceUnderscoreWithHyphenEPc
000000010000b294 t __ZN3ola9Callback0IvE3RunEv
                 U __ZN3ola9DaemoniseEv
                 U __ZN3ola9ExportMapD1Ev
                 U __ZN3ola9OlaDaemon3RunEv
                 U __ZN3ola9OlaDaemon4InitEv
                 U __ZN3ola9OlaDaemonC1ERKNS_9OlaServer7OptionsEPNS_9ExportMapE
                 U __ZN3ola9OlaDaemonD1Ev
                 U __ZN3ola9OlaServer13ReloadPluginsEv
0000000100010190 S __ZN9ola_flags10FLAGS_httpE
0000000100010210 S __ZN9ola_flags12FLAGS_daemonE
0000000100010249 S __ZN9ola_flags12flag_short_dE
0000000100010209 S __ZN9ola_flags12flag_short_fE
00000001000102b1 S __ZN9ola_flags12flag_short_iE
0000000100010381 S __ZN9ola_flags12flag_short_pE
0000000100010388 S __ZN9ola_flags15FLAGS_http_portE
00000001000101d0 S __ZN9ola_flags15FLAGS_http_quitE
00000001000102b8 S __ZN9ola_flags15FLAGS_interfaceE
0000000100010320 S __ZN9ola_flags18FLAGS_pid_locationE
0000000100010250 S __ZN9ola_flags19FLAGS_http_data_dirE
00000001000101c8 S __ZN9ola_flags20flag_registerer_httpE
0000000100010248 S __ZN9ola_flags22flag_registerer_daemonE
00000001000103c0 S __ZN9ola_flags25flag_registerer_http_portE
0000000100010208 S __ZN9ola_flags25flag_registerer_http_quitE
0000000100010318 S __ZN9ola_flags25flag_registerer_interfaceE
0000000100010380 S __ZN9ola_flags28flag_registerer_pid_locationE
00000001000102b0 S __ZN9ola_flags29flag_registerer_http_data_dirE
000000010000aee8 t __ZNK3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEE4nameEv
000000010000aef2 t __ZNK3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEE7has_argEv
000000010000aefa t __ZNK3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEE8arg_typeEv
000000010000adaa t __ZNK3ola4FlagIbE4nameEv
000000010000adbe t __ZNK3ola4FlagIbE7has_argEv
000000010000b254 t __ZNK3ola4FlagItE4nameEv
000000010000b25e t __ZNK3ola4FlagItE7has_argEv
000000010000add2 t __ZNK3ola8BaseFlag4helpEv
000000010000adee t __ZNK3ola8BaseFlag7presentEv
000000010000adc8 t __ZNK3ola8BaseFlag8arg_typeEv
000000010000adb4 t __ZNK3ola8BaseFlag9short_optEv
000000010000af7c t __ZNKSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE20__throw_length_errorEv
                 U __ZNKSt3__121__basic_string_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv
                 U __ZNKSt3__16locale9use_facetERNS0_2idE
                 U __ZNKSt3__18ios_base6getlocEv
                 U __ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC1ERKS5_
000000010000a4f4 t __ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC1IDnEEPKc
                 U __ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSERKS5_
                 U __ZNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE6sentryC1ERS3_
                 U __ZNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE6sentryD1Ev
000000010000b0d5 t __ZNSt3__116__pad_and_outputIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEENS_19ostreambuf_iteratorIT_T0_EES6_PKS4_S8_S8_RNS_8ios_baseES4_
000000010000af85 t __ZNSt3__124__put_character_sequenceIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEERNS_13basic_ostreamIT_T0_EES7_PKS4_m
                 U __ZNSt3__15ctypeIcE2idE
                 U __ZNSt3__16localeD1Ev
                 U __ZNSt3__18ios_base33__set_badbit_and_consider_rethrowEv
                 U __ZNSt3__18ios_base5clearEj
                 U __ZSt9terminatev
000000010000c240 S __ZTIN3ola13BaseCallback0IvEE
000000010000c0f0 S __ZTIN3ola13FlagInterfaceE
000000010000c2b0 S __ZTIN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_2io12SelectServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000c358 S __ZTIN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_9OlaServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000c2f8 S __ZTIN3ola18SingleUseCallback0IvEE
000000010000c268 S __ZTIN3ola19FunctionCallback0_0INS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000c310 S __ZTIN3ola19FunctionCallback2_0INS_18SingleUseCallback0IvEEvPNS_2io12SelectServerEPNS_6thread12SignalThreadEEE
000000010000c188 S __ZTIN3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEEE
000000010000c118 S __ZTIN3ola4FlagIbEE
000000010000c1f8 S __ZTIN3ola4FlagItEE
000000010000c100 S __ZTIN3ola8BaseFlagE
000000010000c250 S __ZTIN3ola9Callback0IvEE
000000010000bdf4 S __ZTSN3ola13BaseCallback0IvEE
000000010000bd3d S __ZTSN3ola13FlagInterfaceE
000000010000be0d S __ZTSN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_2io12SelectServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000bed8 S __ZTSN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_9OlaServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000beba S __ZTSN3ola18SingleUseCallback0IvEE
000000010000bdb0 S __ZTSN3ola19FunctionCallback0_0INS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000be50 S __ZTSN3ola19FunctionCallback2_0INS_18SingleUseCallback0IvEEvPNS_2io12SelectServerEPNS_6thread12SignalThreadEEE
000000010000bd53 S __ZTSN3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEEE
000000010000bd1e S __ZTSN3ola4FlagIbEE
000000010000bda1 S __ZTSN3ola4FlagItEE
000000010000bd2d S __ZTSN3ola8BaseFlagE
000000010000bde0 S __ZTSN3ola9Callback0IvEE
                 U __ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
                 U __ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
000000010000c280 s __ZTVN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_2io12SelectServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000c328 s __ZTVN3ola17MethodCallback0_0INS_9OlaServerENS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000c210 s __ZTVN3ola19FunctionCallback0_0INS_9Callback0IvEEvEE
000000010000c2c8 s __ZTVN3ola19FunctionCallback2_0INS_18SingleUseCallback0IvEEvPNS_2io12SelectServerEPNS_6thread12SignalThreadEEE
000000010000c130 s __ZTVN3ola4FlagINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEEE
000000010000c098 s __ZTVN3ola4FlagIbEE
000000010000c1a0 s __ZTVN3ola4FlagItEE
                 U __ZdaPv
                 U __ZdlPv
                 U __Znam
                 U __Znwm
                 U ____chkstk_darwin
000000010000af70 t ___clang_call_terminate
                 U ___cxa_atexit
                 U ___cxa_begin_catch
                 U ___cxa_end_catch
                 U ___gxx_personality_v0
                 U ___stack_chk_fail
                 U ___stack_chk_guard
0000000100010188 d __dyld_private
0000000100000000 T __mh_execute_header
000000010000a5ce T _main
                 U _memcpy
                 U _memset
                 U _strlen
                 U dyld_stub_binder

vanvught avatar Nov 23 '22 21:11 vanvught

I can only think that it could have happened after a brew upgrade.

Okay, that's still good to know.

All commands are broken.

I assume you mean all OLA related commands? Presumably other CLI tools work?

Can you just check ola_plugin_info for example, which uses getopt_long directly.

olad runs fine without arguments.

[arjanvanvught@MacBook-Air ~]$ stract olad -l 3
zsh: command not found: stract

Ooops, I meant strace.

Can you also try make check if you can run that from Homebrew, or otherwise try compiling outside of Homebrew (but you can use their dependencies).

peternewman avatar Nov 24 '22 02:11 peternewman

Hi Peter,

I assume you mean all OLA related commands? Presumably other CLI tools work?

Yes, the OLA related commands are broken. Except for ola_plugin_info :

[@MacBook-Air ~]$ ola_plugin_info -h   
Usage: ola_plugin_info [--plugin-id <plugin-id>]

Get info on the plugins loaded by olad. Called without arguments this will
display the plugins loaded by olad. When used with --plugin-id this will
display the specified plugin's description.

  -h, --help                  Display this help message and exit.
  -p, --plugin-id <plugin_id> Id of the plugin to fetch the description of
  --list-plugin-ids           List plugin Ids only.

[@MacBook-Air ~]$ ola_plugin_info -p 11
E1.31 (Streaming DMX over ACN) Plugin

This plugin creates a single device with a configurable number of input 
and output ports.

Each port can be assigned to a different E1.31 Universe.

--- Config file : ola-e131.conf ---

cid = 00010203-0405-0607-0809-0A0B0C0D0E0F
The CID to use for this device.

dscp = [int]
The DSCP value to tag the packets with, range is 0 to 63.

draft_discovery = [bool]
Enable the draft (2014) E1.31 discovery protocol.

ignore_preview = [true|false]
Ignore preview data.

input_ports = [int]
The number of input ports to create up to a max of 32.

ip = [a.b.c.d|<interface_name>]
The ip address or interface name to bind to. If not specified it will
use the first non-loopback interface.

output_ports = [int]
The number of output ports to create up to a max of 32.

prepend_hostname = [true|false]
Prepend the hostname to the source name when sending packets.

revision = [0.2|0.46]
Select which revision of the standard to use when sending data. 0.2 is the
 standardized revision, 0.46 (default) is the ANSI standard version.

strace is not available.

[@MacBook-Air ~]$ strace    
zsh: command not found: strace

Can you also try make check if you can run that from Homebrew, or otherwise try compiling outside of Homebrew (but you can use their dependencies).

With brew install there are binaries only. Or do I miss something here?

Thanks. Arjan

vanvught avatar Nov 24 '22 12:11 vanvught

Hi Peter,

I assume you mean all OLA related commands? Presumably other CLI tools work?

Yes, the OLA related commands are broken. Except for ola_plugin_info :

Is it really just that one, could you try a few others?

strace is not available.

Can you install strace via homebrew?

Can you also try make check if you can run that from Homebrew, or otherwise try compiling outside of Homebrew (but you can use their dependencies).

With brew install there are binaries only. Or do I miss something here?

Hmm, can you just try compiling OLA standalone then?

peternewman avatar Nov 24 '22 12:11 peternewman

Hi Peter,

Just did a fresh installation on a new MacBook Pro M1, and there is the same issue.

@MacBook-Pro ~ % sw_vers       
ProductName:		macOS
ProductVersion:		13.0.1
BuildVersion:		22A400
@MacBook-Pro ~ % olad -l 3
olad: invalid option -- l

Running fine without options:

@MacBook-Pro ~ % olad
common/io/IOUtils.cpp:39: open(/dev/dmx0): No such file or directory
plugins/opendmx/OpenDmxPlugin.cpp:80: Could not open /dev/dmx0 No such file or directory
common/io/IOUtils.cpp:39: open(/dev/kldmx0): No such file or directory
plugins/karate/KaratePlugin.cpp:79: Could not open /dev/kldmx0 No such file or directory


vanvught avatar Dec 05 '22 17:12 vanvught

Hi Peter,

Just did a fresh installation on a new MacBook Pro M1, and there is the same issue.

That's very unfortunate! Thanks for confirming though.

Was this just via Homebrew again?

Could you try building it direct from Git please (you can still install the dependencies via Homebrew or Macports), then you can run make check which is likely to really help any troubleshooting! https://www.openlighting.org/ola/mac-install/

It seems our formula, and Homebrew in general, doesn't normally let you run make check...

peternewman avatar Dec 05 '22 23:12 peternewman

Well our flags test doesn't fail on the GitHub Action Runner on Mac: https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/ola/actions/runs/3643874927/jobs/6152519024#step:4:50441

Although it doesn't currently try and run any of your example failures...

peternewman avatar Dec 08 '22 00:12 peternewman

What exit code does your olad --help give?

Mine is zero on the Mac as tested via: https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/ola/actions/runs/3651600098/jobs/6169000247#step:5:50526


peternewman avatar Dec 08 '22 20:12 peternewman

What exit code does your olad --help give?


[@MacBook-Air ~]$ olad --help
olad: unrecognized option `--help'
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ echo $?
[@MacBook-Air ~]$ ola_plugin_info -h   
Usage: ola_plugin_info [--plugin-id <plugin-id>]

Get info on the plugins loaded by olad. Called without arguments this will
display the plugins loaded by olad. When used with --plugin-id this will
display the specified plugin's description.

  -h, --help                  Display this help message and exit.
  -p, --plugin-id <plugin_id> Id of the plugin to fetch the description of
  --list-plugin-ids           List plugin Ids only.

[@MacBook-Air ~]$ echo $?              

vanvught avatar Dec 08 '22 20:12 vanvught

Yeah confirmed I'm really seeing the help here: https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/ola/actions/runs/3659513411/jobs/6185596552#step:5:50662

So I guess it's something Arm related...

I'm going to need the output of make check to do much more...

peternewman avatar Dec 09 '22 17:12 peternewman

So I guess it's something Arm related...

The Air is Intel, the Pro is ARM. The same issue for both platforms. Just do a clean install with brew.

vanvught avatar Dec 09 '22 17:12 vanvught

So I guess it's something Arm related...

The Air is Intel, the Pro is ARM. The same issue for both platforms.

Ah apologies.

Just do a clean install with brew.

Okay I can confirm that shows the fault having added it to our brew tests for future releases: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/actions/runs/3660273000/jobs/6187291499#step:6:43

I don't have a Mac, so I'm very limited to the testing I can do unfortunately.

I can't see anything obvious in our changes for the 0.10 branch against the release brew will be using: https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/ola/compare/0.10.8...0.10

But the behaviour we're seeing everywhere else means its either a bug in homebrew, or something we've already fixed in OLA without realising.

Please can you at least build either ola 0.10 from source, or I think if you do brew install ola --HEAD that should build our master branch (hopefully) and I suspect will be absolutely fine too.

peternewman avatar Dec 09 '22 20:12 peternewman

I checked on my M1 air with updated brew 3.6.14.

Already had ola 0.10.8_3 installed and olad --help worked fine

Trying to brew install ola --HEAD gave an error: ==> Installing ola --HEAD ==> Patching ==> Applying protobuf3.diff patching file configure.ac 1 out of 1 hunks failed--saving rejects to configure.ac.rej

I didn't have time to look into the failure any further.


On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 3:24 PM Peter Newman @.***> wrote:

So I guess it's something Arm related...

The Air is Intel, the Pro is ARM. The same issue for both platforms.

Ah apologies.

Just do a clean install with brew.

Okay I can confirm that shows the fault having added it to our brew tests for future releases:


I don't have a Mac, so I'm very limited to the testing I can do unfortunately.

I can't see anything obvious in our changes for the 0.10 branch against the release brew will be using: 0.10.8...0.10 https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/ola/compare/0.10.8...0.10

But the behaviour we're seeing everywhere else means its either a bug in homebrew, or something we've already fixed in OLA without realising.

Please can you at least build either ola 0.10 from source, or I think if you do brew install ola --HEAD that should build our master branch (hopefully) and I suspect will be absolutely fine too.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/ola/issues/1799#issuecomment-1344746948, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADNHN5IEBEV5QZ2RTLJZMFDWMOIO3ANCNFSM6AAAAAASJFQZ3A . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.***>

brucelowekamp avatar Dec 11 '22 18:12 brucelowekamp

The M1, fresh install

[@MacBook-Pro ~]$ brew --version
Homebrew 3.6.14
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision ed85a49fde0; last commit 2022-12-11)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 0533e90b31; last commit 2022-12-11)
[@MacBook-Pro ~]$ olad --help   
olad: unrecognized option `--help'

I have OLA 10.8.6 installed.

[@MacBook-Pro ~]$ brew info ola 
==> ola: stable 0.10.8 (bottled), HEAD
Open Lighting Architecture for lighting control information
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6 (462 files, 18.8MB) *
  Poured from bottle on 2022-12-05 at 15:40:58
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/HEAD/Formula/ola.rb
License: GPL-2.0-or-later and LGPL-2.1-or-later
==> Dependencies
Build: autoconf ✘, automake ✘, libtool ✔, pkg-config ✔
Required: liblo ✔, libmicrohttpd ✔, libusb ✔, numpy ✔, protobuf ✔, [email protected] ✔
==> Options
	Install HEAD version
==> Analytics
install: 57 (30 days), 166 (90 days), 725 (365 days)
install-on-request: 57 (30 days), 166 (90 days), 724 (365 days)
build-error: 11 (30 days)

vanvught avatar Dec 11 '22 18:12 vanvught

Build of raw master on the same M1 air (I did duplicate the brew ola @ 0.10.8_6 as having the same problem), using @.*** appears to work: 578 export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/include" 579 export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/lib" 580 ./configure 581 make -j 4 check ...

Testsuite summary for OLA 0.10.8


PASS: 82






============================================================================ 582:bosberg:~/src/ola$./olad/olad --help Usage: /Users/lowekamp/src/ola/olad/.libs/olad [options]

Start the OLA Daemon. ...

On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 1:13 PM Arjan @.***> wrote:

The M1, fresh install

@.*** ~]$ brew --version

Homebrew 3.6.14

Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision ed85a49fde0; last commit 2022-12-11)

Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 0533e90b31; last commit 2022-12-11)

@.*** ~]$ olad --help

olad: unrecognized option `--help'

I have OLA 10.8.6 installed.

@.*** ~]$ brew info ola

==> ola: stable 0.10.8 (bottled), HEAD

Open Lighting Architecture for lighting control information https://www.openlighting.org/ola/

/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ola/0.10.8_6 (462 files, 18.8MB) *

Poured from bottle on 2022-12-05 at 15:40:58

From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/HEAD/Formula/ola.rb

License: GPL-2.0-or-later and LGPL-2.1-or-later

==> Dependencies

Build: autoconf ✘, automake ✘, libtool ✔, pkg-config ✔

Required: liblo ✔, libmicrohttpd ✔, libusb ✔, numpy ✔, protobuf ✔, @.*** ✔

==> Options


Install HEAD version

==> Analytics

install: 57 (30 days), 166 (90 days), 725 (365 days)

install-on-request: 57 (30 days), 166 (90 days), 724 (365 days)

build-error: 11 (30 days)

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/OpenLightingProject/ola/issues/1799#issuecomment-1345621356, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADNHN5JWJJBRGNSK2ZOSPFDWMYKUNANCNFSM6AAAAAASJFQZ3A . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

brucelowekamp avatar Dec 11 '22 19:12 brucelowekamp

I checked on my M1 air with updated brew 3.6.14.

Already had ola 0.10.8_3 installed and olad --help worked fine

Thanks @brucelowekamp that's very useful to know, so it's either the changes made to the OLA brew since revision 3, or changes to the packages used as part of the build since then.

Trying to brew install ola --HEAD gave an error: ==> Installing ola --HEAD ==> Patching ==> Applying protobuf3.diff patching file configure.ac 1 out of 1 hunks failed--saving rejects to configure.ac.rej

Ah yeah that would make sense, the fix in that patch has been rolled into 0.10 branch onwards so won't apply cleanly anymore.

I didn't have time to look into the failure any further.

No worries, thanks for your time on it so far.

I'd be reassured to know that a clean build of 0.10 branch on a Mac works as expected, even more so (although slightly confused) if a clean build of 0.10.8 tag on a Mac failed (I guess ideally with that patch applied).

FWIW I have replicated a number of test failures on Mac on 0.10.8 with the Homebrew bots in https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/117765 but building 0.10 branch on GitHub actions having installed the dependencies via Homebrew works fine:

Log ``` 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624410Z ================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624490Z OLA 0.10.8: ./test-suite.log 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624530Z ================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624540Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624580Z # TOTAL: 93 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624630Z # PASS: 85 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624660Z # SKIP: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624700Z # XFAIL: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624740Z # FAIL: 8 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624770Z # XPASS: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624810Z # ERROR: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5624810Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5633620Z .. contents:: :depth: 2 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5633630Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5633680Z FAIL: common/base/FlagsTester 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5633730Z ============================= 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5633730Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5633910Z ...FlagsTester: unrecognized option `--default-false' 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5633980Z FAIL common/base/FlagsTester (exit status: 64) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5633990Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634050Z FAIL: common/network/NetworkTester 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634090Z ================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634090Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634300Z .F....common/network/PosixInterfacePicker.cpp:184: hwlen was not expected length, so didn't obtain MAC address; got 0, expecting 6 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634310Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634350Z lo0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634390Z index: 1 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634430Z ip: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634480Z bcast: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634520Z subnet: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634560Z type: 24 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634600Z hw_addr: 00:00:00:00:00:00 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634610Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634670Z --------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634710Z en0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634750Z index: 6 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634790Z ip: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634830Z bcast: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634870Z subnet: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634910Z type: 6 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634970Z hw_addr: 3e:d5:5b:d8:50:5b 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5634970Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635030Z --------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635070Z en0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635110Z index: 6 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635150Z ip: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635200Z bcast: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635240Z subnet: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635270Z type: 6 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635320Z hw_addr: 3e:d5:5b:d8:50:5b 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635320Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635380Z --------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635580Z .common/network/PosixInterfacePicker.cpp:184: hwlen was not expected length, so didn't obtain MAC address; got 0, expecting 6 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635670Z .common/network/InterfacePicker.cpp:59: No interfaces found 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5635760Z common/network/InterfacePicker.cpp:114: No interfaces found 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636010Z common/network/IPV4Address.cpp:89: Could not convert address eth0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636100Z common/network/IPV4Address.cpp:89: Could not convert address eth1 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636200Z common/network/IPV4Address.cpp:89: Could not convert address foo 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636310Z .F.......common/network/NetworkUtils.cpp:446: Default gateway:, if_index: 6 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636410Z .common/network/SocketAddress.cpp:58: Length passed to ToSockAddr is too small. 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636500Z ..common/network/SocketTest.cpp:347: Connection from 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636610Z common/io/SelectServer.cpp:186: Removing an invalid file descriptor: 0x600000bec000 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636690Z .common/network/SocketTest.cpp:365: Connection from 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636780Z .common/network/Socket.cpp:151: bind( Invalid argument 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636880Z .common/network/Socket.cpp:151: bind( Invalid argument 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636880Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636890Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5636970Z common/network/IPV4AddressTest.cpp:93: Assertion 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637060Z Test name: IPAddressTest::testIPV4Address 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637110Z equality assertion failed 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637250Z - Expected: 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637320Z - Actual : 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637320Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637400Z common/network/InterfaceTest.cpp:76: Assertion 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637460Z Test name: InterfaceTest::testBuilder 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637520Z equality assertion failed 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637590Z - Expected: e4:ff:29:36:74:12 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637660Z - Actual : 38:07:a1:04:01:00 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637670Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637710Z Failures !!! 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637780Z Run: 21 Failure total: 2 Failures: 2 Errors: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637860Z FAIL common/network/NetworkTester (exit status: 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637860Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637920Z FAIL: plugins/artnet/ArtNetTester 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637960Z ================================= 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5637960Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638060Z .plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1636: Port index out of bounds: 4 >= 4 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 0: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 1: 0x72 == 0x72 (r == r) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 2: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 3: 0x2d == 0x2d (- == -) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 4: 0x4e == 0x4e (N == N) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 5: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 6: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 7: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 8: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 9: 0x21 == 0x21 (! == !) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 10: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5638960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 11: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 12: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 13: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 14: 0x36 == 0x36 (6 == 6) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 15: 0x19 == 0x19 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 16: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 17: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 18: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 19: 0x2 == 0x2 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 20: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639780Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 21: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639850Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 22: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5639930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 23: 0xd2 == 0xd2 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 24: 0x70 == 0x70 (p == p) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 25: 0x7a == 0x7a (z == z) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 26: 0x53 == 0x53 (S == S) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 27: 0x68 == 0x68 (h == h) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 28: 0x6f == 0x6f (o == o) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640360Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 29: 0x72 == 0x72 (r == r) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 30: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 31: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640570Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 32: 0x4e == 0x4e (N == N) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640640Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 33: 0x61 == 0x61 (a == a) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 34: 0x6d == 0x6d (m == m) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640780Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 35: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 36: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5640960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 37: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 38: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 39: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 40: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 41: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 42: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 43: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 44: 0x54 == 0x54 (T == T) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 45: 0x68 == 0x68 (h == h) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 46: 0x69 == 0x69 (i == i) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 47: 0x73 == 0x73 (s == s) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 48: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 49: 0x69 == 0x69 (i == i) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 50: 0x73 == 0x73 (s == s) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5641950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 51: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 52: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 53: 0x68 == 0x68 (h == h) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 54: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 55: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 56: 0x76 == 0x76 (v == v) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 57: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 58: 0x72 == 0x72 (r == r) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 59: 0x79 == 0x79 (y == y) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 60: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 61: 0x6c == 0x6c (l == l) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 62: 0x6f == 0x6f (o == o) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642840Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 63: 0x6e == 0x6e (n == n) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 64: 0x67 == 0x67 (g == g) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5642980Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 65: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 66: 0x6e == 0x6e (n == n) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 67: 0x61 == 0x61 (a == a) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 68: 0x6d == 0x6d (m == m) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 69: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643420Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 70: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 71: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643570Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 72: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 73: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 74: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 75: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 76: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5643930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 77: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 78: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 79: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 80: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 81: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 82: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 83: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 84: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 85: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 86: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644720Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 87: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 88: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 89: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5644930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 90: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 91: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 92: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 93: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 94: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 95: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 96: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 97: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 98: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 99: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 100: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645690Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 101: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 102: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 103: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 104: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5645970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 105: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 106: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 107: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 108: 0x23 == 0x23 (# == #) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 109: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 110: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 111: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 112: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 113: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 114: 0x5b == 0x5b ([ == [) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 115: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 116: 0x5d == 0x5d (] == ]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 117: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5646960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 118: 0x4f == 0x4f (O == O) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 119: 0x4c == 0x4c (L == L) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 120: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 121: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 122: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 123: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 124: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 125: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 126: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647580Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 127: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 128: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 129: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 130: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 131: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5647950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 132: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 133: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 134: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 135: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 136: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 137: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 138: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 139: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 140: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 141: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 142: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 143: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 144: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 145: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 146: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5648940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 147: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 148: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 149: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 150: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 151: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 152: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 153: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 154: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 155: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 156: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 157: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 158: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 159: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 160: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 161: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5649980Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 162: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 163: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 164: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 165: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 166: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 167: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 168: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 169: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 170: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650580Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 171: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650640Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 172: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 173: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 174: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 175: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5650930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 176: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 177: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 178: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 179: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 180: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 181: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 182: 0x80 == 0x80 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 183: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 184: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 185: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 186: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 187: 0x22 == 0x22 (" == ") 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 188: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 189: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5651950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 190: 0x23 == 0x23 (# == #) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 191: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 192: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 193: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 194: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 195: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652360Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 196: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 197: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 198: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 199: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 200: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 201: 0xa != 0x38 ( != 8) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 202: 0xb != 0xc7 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 203: 0xc != 0xe9 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5652960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 204: 0x12 != 0x0 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 205: 0x34 != 0x1 (4 != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 206: 0x56 != 0x0 (V != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 207: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 208: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 209: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653420Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 210: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 211: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 212: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 213: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653690Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 214: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 215: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 216: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 217: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5653950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 218: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 219: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 220: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 221: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 222: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 223: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 224: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 225: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 226: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 227: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 228: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 229: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5654930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 230: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 231: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 232: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 233: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 234: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 235: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 236: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 237: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 238: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655540Z F.common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 0: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 1: 0x72 == 0x72 (r == r) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 2: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 3: 0x2d == 0x2d (- == -) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5655930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 4: 0x4e == 0x4e (N == N) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 5: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656060Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 6: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 7: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 8: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 9: 0x21 == 0x21 (! == !) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 10: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656420Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 11: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 12: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 13: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 14: 0x36 == 0x36 (6 == 6) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 15: 0x19 == 0x19 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 16: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 17: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5656960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 18: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 19: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 20: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 21: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 22: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 23: 0xd2 == 0xd2 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 24: 0x70 == 0x70 (p == p) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 25: 0x7a == 0x7a (z == z) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 26: 0x53 == 0x53 (S == S) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 27: 0x68 == 0x68 (h == h) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 28: 0x6f == 0x6f (o == o) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 29: 0x72 == 0x72 (r == r) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 30: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 31: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5657980Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 32: 0x4e == 0x4e (N == N) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 33: 0x61 == 0x61 (a == a) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 34: 0x6d == 0x6d (m == m) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 35: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 36: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 37: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 38: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 39: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 40: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 41: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 42: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 43: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 44: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 45: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5658950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 46: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 47: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 48: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 49: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 50: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 51: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659360Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 52: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659420Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 53: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 54: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 55: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 56: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659690Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 57: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 58: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 59: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 60: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5659960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 61: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 62: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 63: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 64: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 65: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 66: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 67: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 68: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 69: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 70: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 71: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 72: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 73: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 74: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5660930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 75: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 76: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 77: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 78: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 79: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 80: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 81: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 82: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 83: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661580Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 84: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661640Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 85: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 86: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661780Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 87: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661840Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 88: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 89: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5661980Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 90: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 91: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 92: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 93: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 94: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 95: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 96: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 97: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 98: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 99: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 100: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 101: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 102: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 103: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5662940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 104: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 105: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 106: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 107: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 108: 0x23 == 0x23 (# == #) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 109: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 110: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 111: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 112: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663690Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 113: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 114: 0x5b == 0x5b ([ == [) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 115: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 116: 0x5d == 0x5d (] == ]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5663970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 117: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 118: 0x4f == 0x4f (O == O) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 119: 0x4c == 0x4c (L == L) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 120: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 121: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 122: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 123: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 124: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 125: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 126: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 127: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 128: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 129: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 130: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5664970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 131: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 132: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 133: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 134: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 135: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 136: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 137: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 138: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 139: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 140: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 141: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 142: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 143: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5665940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 144: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 145: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 146: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 147: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 148: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 149: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 150: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 151: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666580Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 152: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666640Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 153: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 154: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 155: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666840Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 156: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5666990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 157: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667060Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 158: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 159: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 160: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 161: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 162: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 163: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 164: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 165: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 166: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 167: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 168: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 169: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 170: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667920Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 171: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5667990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 172: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 173: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 174: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 175: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 176: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 177: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 178: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 179: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 180: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 181: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 182: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 183: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5668880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 184: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 185: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 186: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 187: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 188: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 189: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 190: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 191: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 192: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 193: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 194: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669850Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 195: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5669920Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 196: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 197: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 198: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 199: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 200: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 201: 0xa != 0x38 ( != 8) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 202: 0xb != 0xc7 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 203: 0xc != 0xe9 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 204: 0x12 != 0x0 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670690Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 205: 0x34 != 0x1 (4 != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 206: 0x56 != 0x0 (V != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 207: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5670990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 208: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5671060Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 209: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5679560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 210: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5679710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 211: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5679770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 212: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5679840Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 213: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5679910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 214: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5679990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 215: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 216: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 217: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 218: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 219: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 220: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 221: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 222: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 223: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 224: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 225: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 226: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 227: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5680970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 228: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 229: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 230: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 231: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 232: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 233: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 234: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 235: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 236: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681580Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 237: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 238: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681750Z F.plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1646: Port index out of bounds: 4 >= 4 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681850Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1646: Port index out of bounds: 5 >= 4 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5681940Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1646: Port index out of bounds: 6 >= 4 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682030Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1646: Port index out of bounds: 7 >= 4 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682120Z .plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1601: Port index out of bounds: 4 >= 4 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682230Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1629: Attempt to send ArtDMX on an inactive port 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682300Z .common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 0: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 1: 0x72 == 0x72 (r == r) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 2: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 3: 0x2d == 0x2d (- == -) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 4: 0x4e == 0x4e (N == N) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 5: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5682930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 6: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 7: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 8: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 9: 0x21 == 0x21 (! == !) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 10: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 11: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 12: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 13: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 14: 0x36 == 0x36 (6 == 6) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683580Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 15: 0x19 == 0x19 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 16: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683720Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 17: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 18: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 19: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5683960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 20: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 21: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 22: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 23: 0xd2 == 0xd2 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 24: 0x70 == 0x70 (p == p) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 25: 0x7a == 0x7a (z == z) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 26: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 27: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 28: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 29: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 30: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 31: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 32: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 33: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5684950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 34: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 35: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 36: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 37: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 38: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 39: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685360Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 40: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 41: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 42: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 43: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 44: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 45: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 46: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 47: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5685940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 48: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 49: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 50: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 51: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 52: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 53: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 54: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 55: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 56: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 57: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 58: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 59: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 60: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 61: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5686970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 62: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 63: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 64: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 65: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 66: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 67: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 68: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 69: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 70: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 71: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 72: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 73: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 74: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 75: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5687940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 76: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 77: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 78: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 79: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 80: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 81: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 82: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 83: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 84: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 85: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 86: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688690Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 87: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 88: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 89: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 90: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5688960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 91: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 92: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 93: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 94: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 95: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 96: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 97: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 98: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 99: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 100: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 101: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 102: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 103: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 104: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5689970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 105: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 106: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 107: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 108: 0x23 == 0x23 (# == #) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 109: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 110: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 111: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 112: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 113: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 114: 0x5b == 0x5b ([ == [) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 115: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 116: 0x5d == 0x5d (] == ]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 117: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5690990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 118: 0x4f == 0x4f (O == O) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691060Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 119: 0x4c == 0x4c (L == L) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 120: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 121: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 122: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 123: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691420Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 124: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 125: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 126: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 127: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 128: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 129: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691840Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 130: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 131: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5691970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 132: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 133: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 134: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 135: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 136: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 137: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 138: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 139: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 140: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 141: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 142: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 143: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 144: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 145: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5692930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 146: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 147: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 148: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 149: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 150: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 151: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 152: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 153: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 154: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693580Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 155: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693640Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 156: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 157: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693780Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 158: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693840Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 159: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 160: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5693970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 161: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 162: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 163: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 164: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 165: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 166: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 167: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 168: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 169: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 170: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 171: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 172: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 173: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 174: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5694950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 175: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 176: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 177: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 178: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 179: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 180: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 181: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 182: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 183: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 184: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 185: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 186: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 187: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 188: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 189: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5695960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 190: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 191: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 192: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 193: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 194: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 195: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 196: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 197: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 198: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 199: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 200: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 201: 0xa != 0x38 ( != 8) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 202: 0xb != 0xc7 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 203: 0xc != 0xe9 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5696970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 204: 0x12 != 0x0 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 205: 0x34 != 0x1 (4 != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 206: 0x56 != 0x0 (V != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 207: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 208: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 209: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 210: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 211: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697570Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 212: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 213: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 214: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 215: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 216: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 217: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5697970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 218: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 219: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 220: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 221: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 222: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 223: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 224: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 225: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 226: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698570Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 227: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 228: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 229: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 230: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 231: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 232: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5698960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 233: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 234: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 235: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 236: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 237: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 238: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699460Z F.....plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1540: Entered merge mode for universe 35 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 0: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 1: 0x72 == 0x72 (r == r) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 2: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 3: 0x2d == 0x2d (- == -) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 4: 0x4e == 0x4e (N == N) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5699970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 5: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 6: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 7: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 8: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 9: 0x21 == 0x21 (! == !) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 10: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 11: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 12: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 13: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 14: 0x36 == 0x36 (6 == 6) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700720Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 15: 0x19 == 0x19 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 16: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 17: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700920Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 18: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5700990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 19: 0x2 == 0x2 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701060Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 20: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 21: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 22: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 23: 0xd2 == 0xd2 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701360Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 24: 0x70 == 0x70 (p == p) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 25: 0x7a == 0x7a (z == z) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 26: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701570Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 27: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 28: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 29: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 30: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701840Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 31: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 32: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5701970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 33: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 34: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 35: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 36: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 37: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 38: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 39: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 40: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 41: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 42: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 43: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702720Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 44: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 45: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 46: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5702960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 47: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 48: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 49: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 50: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 51: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 52: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 53: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 54: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 55: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703570Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 56: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703640Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 57: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 58: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703780Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 59: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703850Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 60: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5703910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 61: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 62: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 63: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 64: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 65: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 66: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704360Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 67: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 68: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 69: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 70: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 71: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 72: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 73: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 74: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5704980Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 75: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 76: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 77: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 78: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 79: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 80: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705330Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 81: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 82: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 83: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 84: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 85: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 86: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 87: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 88: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5705940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 89: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 90: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 91: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 92: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 93: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 94: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 95: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 96: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 97: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 98: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 99: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 100: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 101: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 102: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5706940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 103: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 104: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 105: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 106: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 107: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 108: 0x23 == 0x23 (# == #) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707360Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 109: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 110: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 111: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 112: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 113: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 114: 0x5b == 0x5b ([ == [) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 115: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 116: 0x5d == 0x5d (] == ]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5707960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 117: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 118: 0x4f == 0x4f (O == O) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 119: 0x4c == 0x4c (L == L) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 120: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 121: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 122: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 123: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 124: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 125: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 126: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 127: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 128: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 129: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 130: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708920Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 131: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5708990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 132: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709060Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 133: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 134: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 135: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 136: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 137: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 138: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 139: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 140: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 141: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 142: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 143: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 144: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 145: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5709940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 146: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 147: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 148: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 149: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 150: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 151: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 152: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 153: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 154: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 155: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 156: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 157: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 158: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 159: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 160: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5710970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 161: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 162: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 163: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 164: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 165: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 166: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 167: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 168: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711570Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 169: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 170: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 171: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 172: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 173: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 174: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5711980Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 175: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 176: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 177: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 178: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 179: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 180: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 181: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 182: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 183: 0x88 == 0x88 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 184: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 185: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 186: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 187: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5712970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 188: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 189: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 190: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 191: 0x23 == 0x23 (# == #) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 192: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 193: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 194: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 195: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 196: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 197: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 198: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 199: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 200: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713890Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 201: 0xa != 0x38 ( != 8) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5713970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 202: 0xb != 0xc7 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 203: 0xc != 0xe9 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 204: 0x12 != 0x0 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 205: 0x34 != 0x1 (4 != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 206: 0x56 != 0x0 (V != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 207: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 208: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 209: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 210: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 211: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 212: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 213: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 214: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5714940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 215: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 216: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 217: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 218: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 219: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 220: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 221: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 222: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 223: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 224: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 225: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 226: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 227: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 228: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 229: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715920Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 230: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5715990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 231: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716060Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 232: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 233: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 234: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 235: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 236: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716420Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 237: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 238: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716560Z F.common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 0: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 1: 0x72 == 0x72 (r == r) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 2: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 3: 0x2d == 0x2d (- == -) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5716930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 4: 0x4e == 0x4e (N == N) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 5: 0x65 == 0x65 (e == e) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 6: 0x74 == 0x74 (t == t) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 7: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 8: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 9: 0x21 == 0x21 (! == !) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 10: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 11: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 12: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 13: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717820Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 14: 0x36 == 0x36 (6 == 6) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 15: 0x19 == 0x19 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5717970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 16: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 17: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 18: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 19: 0x2 == 0x2 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 20: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718320Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 21: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718390Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 22: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718460Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 23: 0xd2 == 0xd2 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 24: 0x70 == 0x70 (p == p) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 25: 0x7a == 0x7a (z == z) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 26: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 27: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 28: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 29: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5718950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 30: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 31: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 32: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719150Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 33: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719220Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 34: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 35: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719350Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 36: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719420Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 37: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 38: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 39: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 40: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719690Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 41: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 42: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 43: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5719930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 44: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 45: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 46: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 47: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 48: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 49: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 50: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 51: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 52: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 53: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 54: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 55: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 56: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 57: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 58: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5720980Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 59: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 60: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 61: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 62: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 63: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 64: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721380Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 65: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 66: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 67: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 68: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 69: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721720Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 70: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 71: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 72: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721920Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 73: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5721990Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 74: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722060Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 75: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 76: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722190Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 77: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722260Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 78: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 79: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 80: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 81: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722530Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 82: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 83: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 84: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 85: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 86: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 87: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5722940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 88: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 89: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 90: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 91: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 92: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 93: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 94: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 95: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 96: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723570Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 97: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723640Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 98: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 99: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723770Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 100: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723840Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 101: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5723930Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 102: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 103: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 104: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724170Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 105: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 106: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 107: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 108: 0x23 == 0x23 (# == #) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724450Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 109: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724520Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 110: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724590Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 111: 0x30 == 0x30 (0 == 0) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724660Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 112: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724730Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 113: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 114: 0x5b == 0x5b ([ == [) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 115: 0x31 == 0x31 (1 == 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5724950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 116: 0x5d == 0x5d (] == ]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 117: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 118: 0x4f == 0x4f (O == O) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 119: 0x4c == 0x4c (L == L) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 120: 0x41 == 0x41 (A == A) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 121: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 122: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 123: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 124: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725580Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 125: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725650Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 126: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725720Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 127: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725780Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 128: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725850Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 129: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725910Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 130: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5725980Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 131: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726050Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 132: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726110Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 133: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 134: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726240Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 135: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726310Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 136: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 137: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 138: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 139: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 140: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726750Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 141: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 142: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 143: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5726950Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 144: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 145: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727080Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 146: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 147: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 148: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727280Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 149: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 150: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 151: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727500Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 152: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 153: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 154: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 155: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 156: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 157: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 158: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5727960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 159: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 160: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728090Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 161: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 162: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 163: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728290Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 164: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728360Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 165: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728430Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 166: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728490Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 167: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728560Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 168: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728630Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 169: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728700Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 170: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728760Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 171: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728830Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 172: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728900Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 173: 0x4 == 0x4 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5728970Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 174: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729040Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 175: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729120Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 176: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 177: 0xc0 == 0xc0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 178: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 179: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 180: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 181: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 182: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 183: 0x82 == 0x82 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729710Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 184: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729780Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 185: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729850Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 186: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5729920Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 187: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730000Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 188: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 189: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730130Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 190: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730200Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 191: 0x23 == 0x23 (# == #) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 192: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 193: 0x20 == 0x20 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730410Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 194: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730480Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 195: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730550Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 196: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730620Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 197: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730690Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 198: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730790Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 199: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730860Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 200: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5730940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 201: 0xa != 0x38 ( != 8) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731020Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 202: 0xb != 0xc7 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 203: 0xc != 0xe9 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731180Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 204: 0x12 != 0x0 ( != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731250Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 205: 0x34 != 0x1 (4 != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731330Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 206: 0x56 != 0x0 (V != ) ## MISMATCH 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 207: 0xa == 0xa ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 208: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 209: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731610Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 210: 0x1 == 0x1 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731680Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 211: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 212: 0x8 == 0x8 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731810Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 213: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731880Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 214: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5731940Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 215: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732010Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 216: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732070Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 217: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732140Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 218: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732210Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 219: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732270Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 220: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732340Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 221: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732400Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 222: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732470Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 223: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732540Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 224: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732600Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 225: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732670Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 226: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732740Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 227: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732800Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 228: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732870Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 229: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5732960Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 230: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733030Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 231: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733100Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 232: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733160Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 233: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733230Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 234: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733300Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 235: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733370Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 236: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733440Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 237: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733510Z common/testing/TestUtils.cpp:68: 238: 0x0 == 0x0 ( == ) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733610Z F.plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1784: Artnet RDM discovery complete 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733710Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1784: Artnet RDM discovery complete 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733800Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1784: Artnet RDM discovery complete 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733900Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1853: Port index out of bounds: 4 >= 4 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5733990Z .plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1784: Artnet RDM discovery complete 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734080Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1853: Port index out of bounds: 4 >= 4 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734200Z .....plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1469: RDM Request timed out. 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734380Z .plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1410: IP address of RDM response didn't match 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734470Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1469: RDM Request timed out. 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734690Z .plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1369: Got response from/to unexpected UID: req 0001:00000002 -> 7a70:00000000, res 7a70:00000001 -> 0001:00000002 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734780Z plugins/artnet/ArtNetNode.cpp:1469: RDM Request timed out. 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734820Z . 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734820Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5734910Z common/testing/MockUDPSocket.cpp:113: Assertion 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735020Z Test name: ArtNetNodeTest::testBasicBehaviour 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735070Z assertion failed 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735130Z - Data differs 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735130Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735220Z common/testing/MockUDPSocket.cpp:113: Assertion 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735310Z Test name: ArtNetNodeTest::testConfigurationMode 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735360Z assertion failed 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735420Z - Data differs 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735430Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735510Z common/testing/MockUDPSocket.cpp:113: Assertion 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735610Z Test name: ArtNetNodeTest::testBroadcastSendDMXZeroUniverse 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735650Z assertion failed 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735710Z - Data differs 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735710Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735780Z common/testing/MockUDPSocket.cpp:113: Assertion 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735850Z Test name: ArtNetNodeTest::testHTPMerge 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735890Z assertion failed 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735940Z - Data differs 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5735950Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736020Z common/testing/MockUDPSocket.cpp:113: Assertion 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736090Z Test name: ArtNetNodeTest::testLTPMerge 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736140Z assertion failed 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736200Z - Data differs 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736200Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736240Z Failures !!! 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736320Z Run: 21 Failure total: 5 Failures: 5 Errors: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736390Z FAIL plugins/artnet/ArtNetTester (exit status: 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736390Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736470Z FAIL: examples/RecorderVerifyTest.sh 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736510Z ==================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736520Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736590Z Checking ./examples/testdata/dos_line_endings 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736690Z ola_recorder: unrecognized option `--verify' 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736800Z FAIL: ./examples/testdata/dos_line_endings caused ola_recorder to exit with status 64 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736880Z FAIL examples/RecorderVerifyTest.sh (exit status: 64) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736920Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5736990Z FAIL: python/ola/ClientWrapperTest.sh 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737030Z ===================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737040Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737280Z /private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/ClientWrapper.py:270: DeprecationWarning: currentThread() is deprecated, use current_thread() instead 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737360Z return threading.currentThread().ident 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737400Z ....E 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737460Z ====================================================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737550Z ERROR: testSend (__main__.ClientWrapperTest.testSend) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737620Z tests that data goes out on the wire with SendDMX 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737750Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5737810Z Traceback (most recent call last): 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738000Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/./python/ola/ClientWrapperTest.py", line 226, in testSend 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738140Z self.assertTrue(wrapper.Client().SendDmx(1, array.array('B', [0] * 100), 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738200Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738370Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/OlaClient.py", line 958, in SendDmx 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738470Z request.data = data.tostring() 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738510Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738640Z AttributeError: 'array.array' object has no attribute 'tostring' 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738650Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738770Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738820Z Ran 5 tests in 0.019s 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738820Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738860Z FAILED (errors=1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738950Z FAIL python/ola/ClientWrapperTest.sh (exit status: 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5738950Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739010Z FAIL: python/ola/PidStoreTest.sh 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739060Z ================================ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739060Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739100Z .........EE. 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739160Z ====================================================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739250Z ERROR: testPackRanges (__main__.PidStoreTest.testPackRanges) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739380Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739440Z Traceback (most recent call last): 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739690Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/./python/ola/PidStoreTest.py", line 268, in testPackRanges 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739780Z blob = pid._responses.get(PidStore.RDM_GET).Pack(args)[0] 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5739840Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740030Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/PidStore.py", line 808, in Pack 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740160Z chunk, args_used = self._atoms[-1].Pack(args[arg_offset:]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740220Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740380Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/PidStore.py", line 825, in Pack 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740460Z chunk, args_consumed = atom.Pack(args[arg_offset:]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740510Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740670Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/PidStore.py", line 651, in Pack 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740770Z data = struct.unpack('%ds' % arg_size, arg) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740820Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740920Z TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740930Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5740990Z ====================================================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5741090Z ERROR: testPackUnpack (__main__.PidStoreTest.testPackUnpack) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5741270Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5741340Z Traceback (most recent call last): 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5741520Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/./python/ola/PidStoreTest.py", line 217, in testPackUnpack 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5741610Z blob = pid._responses.get(PidStore.RDM_GET).Pack(args)[0] 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5741670Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5741830Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/PidStore.py", line 808, in Pack 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5741940Z chunk, args_used = self._atoms[-1].Pack(args[arg_offset:]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742010Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742160Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/PidStore.py", line 651, in Pack 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742260Z data = struct.unpack('%ds' % arg_size, arg) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742310Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742420Z TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742420Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742550Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742590Z Ran 12 tests in 0.074s 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742630Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742670Z FAILED (errors=2) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742750Z FAIL python/ola/PidStoreTest.sh (exit status: 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742750Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742800Z FAIL: python/ola/RDMTest.sh 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742850Z =========================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5742850Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743080Z /private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/ClientWrapper.py:270: DeprecationWarning: currentThread() is deprecated, use current_thread() instead 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743160Z return threading.currentThread().ident 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743190Z F.. 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743250Z ====================================================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743370Z FAIL: testGetParamsWithResponse (__main__.RDMTest.testGetParamsWithResponse) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743440Z uses client to send an RDM get with mocked olad. 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743570Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743630Z Traceback (most recent call last): 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743930Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/./python/ola/RDMTest.py", line 158, in testGetParamsWithResponse 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5743980Z wrapper.Run() 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5751810Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/ClientWrapper.py", line 312, in Run 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5751960Z self._ss.Run() 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5752210Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/ClientWrapper.py", line 232, in Run 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5752290Z self._CheckDescriptors(i, self._read_descriptors) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5752480Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/ClientWrapper.py", line 267, in _CheckDescriptors 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5752520Z runnable() 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5752680Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/OlaClient.py", line 803, in SocketReady 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5752760Z self._channel.SocketReady() 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5752940Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/rpc/StreamRpcChannel.py", line 88, in SocketReady 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5753000Z self._ProcessIncomingData() 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5753190Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/rpc/StreamRpcChannel.py", line 269, in _ProcessIncomingData 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5753250Z self._HandleNewMessage(data) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5753430Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/rpc/StreamRpcChannel.py", line 283, in _HandleNewMessage 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5753510Z self.MESSAGE_HANDLERS[message.type](self, message) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5753970Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/rpc/StreamRpcChannel.py", line 327, in _HandleResponse 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5754030Z self._InvokeCallback(response) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5754220Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/rpc/StreamRpcChannel.py", line 370, in _InvokeCallback 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5754320Z response.callback(response.controller, response.reply) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5754490Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/OlaClient.py", line 1372, in 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5754570Z lambda x, y: self._RDMCommandComplete(callback, x, y)) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5754640Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5754830Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/OlaClient.py", line 1550, in _RDMCommandComplete 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5754910Z callback(RDMResponse(controller, response)) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5755080Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/RDMAPI.py", line 238, in 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5755180Z lambda response: self._GenericHandler(callback, uid, response), 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5755260Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5755580Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/python/ola/RDMAPI.py", line 266, in _GenericHandler 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5755660Z callback(response, obj, unpack_exception) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5755830Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/./python/ola/RDMTest.py", line 156, in 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5755930Z lambda x, y, z: ResponseCallback(self, x, y, z), args=["2"]) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5755990Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756170Z File "/private/tmp/ola-20221209-11613-1j43qu/ola-0.10.8/./python/ola/RDMTest.py", line 148, in ResponseCallback 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756280Z self.assertEqual(data['name'], "Personality 2") 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756390Z AssertionError: b'Personality 2' != 'Personality 2' 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756390Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756520Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756570Z Ran 3 tests in 0.074s 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756580Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756620Z FAILED (failures=1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756690Z FAIL python/ola/RDMTest.sh (exit status: 1) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756700Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756770Z FAIL: tools/ola_trigger/FileValidateTest.sh 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756830Z =========================================== 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756830Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5756900Z Checking ./tools/ola_trigger/example.conf 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757000Z ola_trigger: unrecognized option `--validate' 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757110Z FAIL: ./tools/ola_trigger/example.conf caused ola_trigger to exit with status 64 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757190Z FAIL tools/ola_trigger/FileValidateTest.sh (exit status: 64) 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757200Z 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757270Z ============================================================================ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757320Z Testsuite summary for OLA 0.10.8 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757390Z ============================================================================ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757430Z # TOTAL: 93 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757470Z # PASS: 85 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757510Z # SKIP: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757550Z # XFAIL: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757580Z # FAIL: 8 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757620Z # XPASS: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757660Z # ERROR: 0 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757720Z ============================================================================ 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757790Z See ./test-suite.log 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757900Z Please report to [email protected] 2022-12-10T02:04:51.5757960Z ============================================================================ ```

peternewman avatar Dec 11 '22 23:12 peternewman

@peternewman FYI, I have the same issue when installing from Homebrew, but building it locally on a M2 Mac works just fine.

olad/Olad.cpp:98: OLA Daemon version 0.10.9

pchaussalet avatar Mar 12 '24 23:03 pchaussalet