ixnetwork_restpy copied to clipboard
Only getting one "Traffic Item Statistics" when I have multiple traffic items
IxNetwork 9.20 Python3 ixnetwork-restpy==1.1.11
I have a IxNetwork config file with 2 traffic items configured, from the GUI I am able to get the stats from both traffic items in the "Traffic Item Statistics"
With the following code, I am only able to get the "Traffic Item Statistic" from only one traffic item When I print the "Traffic Item Statistics", I only see 1 of the 2 traffic items:
"""This script demonstrates how to get started with ixnetwork_restpy scripting.
The script demonstrates the following:
- connect to an IxNetwork test platform, authenticate, add a new session and clear the config
- create 1 tx port and 1 rx port
- create traffic from the tx port to the rx port
- start traffic
- print statistics
- stop traffic
import os, sys, traceback
from pprint import pprint
import time, re
from ixnetwork_restpy import SessionAssistant, Files, StatViewAssistant
# local_file=False
# config file is on ixNet API Server machine,
# It must be stored under 'C:\\Users\\<user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Ixia\\sdmStreamManager\\common\\' dir
# local_file=True
# config file is on the script machine
#configFile = r"C:\\Users\\an144a\\Documents\\Ixia\\IxNetwork\\Repository\\Cisco-SDWAN Flexware Performance Test-noHW.ixncfg"
#configFile = r'C:\\Users\\an144a\\AppData\\Local\\Ixiay\\Cisco-SDWAN Flexware Performance Test-noHW.ixncfg'
#configFile = r'C:/Users/an144a/AppData/Local/Ixiay/cisco_sdwan_automation.ixncfg'
configFile = r'C:/Users/an144a/AppData/Local/Ixia/sdmStreamManager/common/cisco_sdwan_automation_api.ixncfg'
#The script will configure following Ixia chassis
ixChassisIpList = ['']
portList = [[ixChassisIpList[0], 5,5], [ixChassisIpList[0], 5, 6]]
# Forcefully take port ownership if the portList are owned by other users.
forceTakePortOwnership = True
# For linux and connection_manager only. Set to True to leave the session alive for debugging.
debugMode = False
# create a test tool session
session_assistant = SessionAssistant(IpAddress='', IgnoreEnvProxy=True, LogLevel=SessionAssistant.LOGLEVEL_INFO, ClearConfig=False)
ixnetwork = session_assistant.Ixnetwork
ixnetwork.info('Loading config file: {0}'.format(configFile))
ixnetwork.LoadConfig(Files(configFile, local_file=True))
# Assign ports
testPorts = []
vportList = [vport.href for vport in ixnetwork.Vport.find()]
for port in portList:
testPorts.append(dict(Arg1=port[0], Arg2=port[1], Arg3=port[2]))
ixnetwork.AssignPorts(testPorts, [], vportList, forceTakePortOwnership)
# create tx and rx port resources
#port_map = session_assistant.PortMapAssistant()
#port_map.Map('', 2, 3, Name='10GE LAN - Flex SDWAN')
#port_map.Map('', 2, 4, Name='10GE LAN - C8500X')
# finding all the traffic items in our config
traffic_items = ixnetwork.Traffic.TrafficItem.find()
# push ConfigElement settings down to HighLevelStream resources
ixnetwork.info('Apply config')
ixnetwork.info('Starting traffic')
# StatViewAssistant could also filter by regex, LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN, EQUAL.
# Examples:
# flowStatistics.AddRowFilter('Port Name', StatViewAssistant.REGEX, '^Port 1$')
# flowStatistics.AddRowFilter('Tx Frames', StatViewAssistant.LESS_THAN, 50000)
trafficItemStatistics = StatViewAssistant(ixnetwork, 'Traffic Item Statistics')
# Get the statistic values
#txFrames = trafficItemStatistics.Rows[0]['Tx Frames']
#rxFrames = trafficItemStatistics.Rows[0]['Rx Frames']
#ixnetwork.info('\nTraffic Item Stats:\n\tTxFrames: {} RxFrames: {}\n'.format(txFrames, rxFrames))
for rowNumber,trafStat in enumerate(trafficItemStatistics.Rows):
#ixnetwork.info('\n\nSTATS: {}\n\n'.format(trafStat))
ixnetwork.info('\n\nRow:{} Traffic Item:{} Tx Frames:{} Rx Frames:{} Loss %:{} \n'.format(rowNumber, trafStat['Traffic Item'], trafStat['Tx Frames'], trafStat['Rx Frames'], trafStat['Loss %']))
# print statistics
#print(session_assistant.StatViewAssistant('Port Statistics'))
#print(session_assistant.StatViewAssistant('Traffic Item Statistics'))
#print(session_assistant.StatViewAssistant('Flow Statistics'))
# stop traffic
if debugMode == False:
# For linux and connection_manager only
except Exception as errMsg:
print('\n%s' % traceback.format_exc(None, errMsg))
if debugMode == False and 'session' in locals():
As you can see only 1 traffic item statistic is outputed, while I have 2
[an144a@mtlab-auto ixia]$ python3 cisco_sdwan_perf.py
2023-11-29 10:28:44 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] using python version 3.8.17 (default, Aug 10 2023, 15:47:44)
[GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-20)]
2023-11-29 10:28:44 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] using ixnetwork-restpy version 1.1.11
2023-11-29 10:28:44 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [WARNING] Verification of certificates is disabled
2023-11-29 10:28:44 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] Determining the platform and rest_port using the address...
2023-11-29 10:28:44 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [WARNING] Unable to connect to
2023-11-29 10:28:44 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] Connection established to ` on windows`
2023-11-29 10:28:44 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] Using IxNetwork api server version 9.20.2112.6
2023-11-29 10:28:45 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] User info IxNetwork/MTLAB-DELL-T340/an144a.13832
2023-11-29 10:28:45 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] Loading config file: C:/Users/an144a/AppData/Local/Ixia/sdmStreamManager/common/cisco_sdwan_automation_api.ixncfg
TrafficItem[0]: /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/traffic/trafficItem/15
AllowSelfDestined: False
BgpEpeOrdinalValue: 0
BgpEpeSidType: nodeSID
BiDirectional: False
EgressEnabled: False
EnableDynamicMplsLabelValues: False
EnableMacsecEgressOnlyAutoConfig: True
Enabled: True
Errors: []
EvpnNextHopOrdinalValue: 0
FlowGroupCount: 10
FrerDuplicateElimination: False
HasOpenFlow: False
HostsPerNetwork: 1
InterAsBgpPreference: one
InterAsLdpPreference: two
LabelPreferences: []
MaxNumberOfVpnLabelStack: 2
MergeDestinations: True
MulticastForwardingMode: replication
Name: Site10 --> Site40
NumVlansForMulticastReplication: 1
OrdinalNo: 0
OriginatorType: endUser
RawTrafficRxPortsBehavior: replicated
RegenerateCount: 0
RoundRobinPacketOrdering: False
RouteMesh: oneToOne
SrcDestMesh: oneToOne
State: unapplied
Suspend: False
TrafficItemType: l2L3
TrafficType: ipv4
TransmitMode: interleaved
TransportLdpPreference: two
TransportRsvpTePreference: one
UseControlPlaneFrameSize: True
UseControlPlaneRate: True
Warnings: []
TrafficItem[1]: /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/traffic/trafficItem/16
AllowSelfDestined: False
BgpEpeOrdinalValue: 0
BgpEpeSidType: nodeSID
BiDirectional: False
EgressEnabled: False
EnableDynamicMplsLabelValues: False
EnableMacsecEgressOnlyAutoConfig: True
Enabled: True
Errors: []
EvpnNextHopOrdinalValue: 0
FlowGroupCount: 10
FrerDuplicateElimination: False
HasOpenFlow: False
HostsPerNetwork: 1
InterAsBgpPreference: one
InterAsLdpPreference: two
LabelPreferences: []
MaxNumberOfVpnLabelStack: 2
MergeDestinations: True
MulticastForwardingMode: replication
Name: Site40 --> Site10
NumVlansForMulticastReplication: 1
OrdinalNo: 0
OriginatorType: endUser
RawTrafficRxPortsBehavior: replicated
RegenerateCount: 0
RoundRobinPacketOrdering: False
RouteMesh: oneToOne
SrcDestMesh: oneToOne
State: unapplied
Suspend: False
TrafficItemType: l2L3
TrafficType: ipv4
TransmitMode: interleaved
TransportLdpPreference: two
TransportRsvpTePreference: one
UseControlPlaneFrameSize: True
UseControlPlaneRate: True
Warnings: []
2023-11-29 10:29:35 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] Apply config
2023-11-29 10:29:37 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO] Starting traffic
Row:0 View:Traffic Item Statistics Sampled:2023-11-29 10:30:14.288122 UTC
Traffic Item: Site40 --> Site10
Tx Frames: 46920
Rx Frames: 46920
Frames Delta: 0
Loss %: 0.000
Tx Frame Rate: 1680.000
Rx Frame Rate: 1680.000
Tx L1 Rate (bps): 10283480.000
Rx L1 Rate (bps): 10399920.000
Rx Bytes: 34968488
Tx Rate (Bps): 1251835.000
Rx Rate (Bps): 1266390.000
Tx Rate (bps): 10014680.000
Rx Rate (bps): 10131120.000
Tx Rate (Kbps): 10014.680
Rx Rate (Kbps): 10131.120
Tx Rate (Mbps): 10.015
Rx Rate (Mbps): 10.131
Store-Forward Avg Latency (ns): 834033
Store-Forward Min Latency (ns): 331780
Store-Forward Max Latency (ns): 14406440
First TimeStamp: 00:00:00.403
Last TimeStamp: 00:00:28.366
2023-11-29 10:30:44 [ixnetwork_restpy.connection tid:139856911769856] [INFO]
Row:0 Traffic Item:Site40 --> Site10 Tx Frames:97250 Rx Frames:97250 Loss %:0.000
[an144a@mtlab-auto ixia]$