firmware copied to clipboard
Makefile is missing show how to usage correct parameters
BR-OpenIPC usage:
- make help|usage - print this help
- make install-deps - install system deps
- make prepare - download and unpack buildroot
- make list-configs - show available hardware configs list
- make BOARD=<BOARD-ID> board-info - write to stdout information about selected board
- make BOARD=<BOARD-ID> all - build all needed for a board (toolchain, kernel and rootfs images)
- make overlayed-rootfs-<FS-TYPE> ROOTFS_OVERLAYS=... - create rootfs image that contains original
- make clean - cleaning before reassembly
- make distclean - switching to the factory state Buildroot target dir overlayed by some custom layers. Example: make overlayed-rootfs-squashfs ROOTFS_OVERLAYS=./examples/echo_server/overlay/
wrong command as is shown: make list-configs ls: cannot access '/Users/myuser/openipc/firmware/br-ext-chip-/configs': No such file or directory
command needs set to platform argument to work properly: make list-configs PLATFORM=anyka unknown_unknown_ak3918ev200_openipc_defconfig
make PLATFORM=anyka BOARD=ak3918ev200 all making ....