flutter_listview_loadmore copied to clipboard
flutter loadmore demos
a ?? b+c 运算优先级是+号先计算,导致bug
Your documentation is faulty. Please resolve this.
触发onLoadMore的逻辑是什么,我这边Listview渲染了数据并且数据填满了布局,但还是直接加载了两次onLoadMore. 我运行了你的demo发现也是这样. 正常的逻辑不是滑动到底部时才会触发onLoadMore吗
List userQuestions = []; void load() { print("load"); setState(() { questions.addAll(List.generate(20, (v) => v)); print("data count = $questions.length}"); }); }
Hi, i write a Bloc with Rx pattern. The loadMore function required to return Future. ``` class LoadMoreBloc { void loadMoreFeed() { // API.loadFeed().listen();