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Problems with running FAST.Farm
No matter how I change NY_Low and Y0_Low, it always reports the error Farm_Initialize:AWAE_Init:AWAE_UpdateStates:InflowWind_CalcOutput:CalculateOutput:IfW_FlowField_Ge
tVelAcc:Grid3DField_GetCell: Violation of GF wind array boundary: Y-direction grid is too small.
Y=510; Y boundary = [-500, 500]
IfW_FlowField_GetCell: Violation of GF wind array boundary: Y-direction grid is too small. y=500.82; Y
Boundary = [-500, 500]
The values reported as errors also stay the same, why is this?
Your answers are much appreciated!
Dear @Yongbyon,
It looks like your TurbSim grid extends from Y= -500 to 500 m. However, both your low-resolution domain and your high-resolution domains for turbines 6 and 8 have Y dimensions that extend beyond 500 m. The TurbSim grid must fully cover the FAST.Farm domains.
FYI: Given the complexity of the FAST.Farm modeling guidance for ambient inflow generation and its compatibility with the low- and high-resolution domains of FAST.Farm (, we generally recommend using the python scripts available in the OpenFAST_Toolbox ( when setting up the ambient wind inflow and low- and high-resolution domains used by FAST.Farm.
Best regards,