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OpenFAST problem running Hydrodyn

Open edulastra opened this issue 1 year ago • 10 comments

Hi everyone. I am trying to perform a simulation with OpenFAST using the IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi turbine but I find several errors with Hydrodyn. I have been looking at different frequent problems here and tried to apply the proposed solutions but I get to this error that I don't understand.

I attach the error that appears and the Hydrodyn inputs file to see if you can help me.


Copyright (C) 2022 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Copyright (C) 2022 Envision Energy USA LTD

This program is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the "LICENSE" file distributed with this software for details.

OpenFAST-v3.0.0 Compile Info:

  • Compiler: GCC version 10.2.0
  • Architecture: 64 bit
  • Precision: double
  • OpenMP: No
  • Date: Jun 6 2022
  • Time: 09:41:00 Execution Info:
  • Date: 10/25/2023
  • Time: 09:27:59+0200

OpenFAST input file heading: IEA 15 MW offshore reference model on UMaine VolturnUS-S semi-submersible floating platform

Running ElastoDyn. Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. Running AeroDyn. AD15 Nodal Outputs: Nodal output section of AeroDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. Skipping nodal outputs. Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics because C_nalpha is 0. (node 1, blade 1) Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics because C_nalpha is 0. (node 2, blade 1) Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics because C_nalpha is 0. (node 1, blade 2) Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics because C_nalpha is 0. (node 2, blade 2) Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics because C_nalpha is 0. (node 1, blade 3) Warning: Turning off Unsteady Aerodynamics because C_nalpha is 0. (node 2, blade 3) Running InflowWind.

Reading a 50x50 grid (270 m wide, 17 m to 277 m above ground) with a characteristic wind speed
of 8 m/s. This full-field file was generated by TurbSim (v1.06.00, 21-Sep-2012) on 25-Sep-2023
at 17:08:04.

Processed 4755 time steps of 7.5019-Hz full-field data (633.71 seconds).

Running ServoDyn. Running ServoDyn Interface for Bladed Controllers (using GNU Fortran for Linux, ). Using legacy Bladed DLL interface. Running HydroDyn. Generating incident wave kinematics and current time history. Reading in WAMIT output with root name "/home/projects/energia/Pruebas_Edu/FIL_Validation/OF_v3.0.0/OF_UMaine_TurbulentWind_8ms_PltMotio n/HydroData/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi". Computing radiation impulse response functions and wave diffraction forces. Calculating second order difference-frequency force using the full quadratic transfer function. Calculating second order sum-frequency force using the full quadratic transfer function. Running MoorDyn (v1.01.02F, 8-Apr-2016). MD_Init: Opening MoorDyn input file: /home/projects/energia/Pruebas_Edu/FIL_Validation/OF_v3.0.0/OF_UMaine_TurbulentWind_8ms_PltMotio n/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi_MoorDyn.dat

FAST_InitializeAll:HydroDyn_Init:Waves_Init:VariousWaves_Init: The random number generator in use differs from the original code provided by NREL. This pRNG uses 8 seeds instead of the 2 in the HydroDyn input file. FAST_InitializeAll: MD_Init:MDIO_ReadInput:Failed to read line data for Line 1

OpenFAST encountered an error during module initialization. Simulation error level: FATAL ERROR

Aborting OpenFAST.

------- HydroDyn Input File ---------------------------------------------------- NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline floating platform HydroDyn input properties for the OC4 Semi-submersible. False Echo - Echo the input file data (flag) ---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS -------------------------------- 1025 WtrDens - Water density (kg/m^3) 200 WtrDpth - Water depth (meters) 0 MSL2SWL - Offset between still-water level and mean sea level (meters) [positive upward; unused when WaveMod = 6; must be zero if PotMod=1 or 2] ---------------------- WAVES --------------------------------------------------- 3 WaveMod - Incident wave kinematics model {0: none=still water, 1: regular (periodic), 1P#: regular with user-specified phase, 2: JONSWAP/Pierson-Moskowitz s IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi_HydroDyn - copia.txt pectrum (irregular), 3: White noise spectrum (irregular), 4: user-defined spectrum from routine UserWaveSpctrm (irregular), 5: Externally generated wave-elevation time series, 6: Externally generated full wave-kinematics time series [option 6 is invalid for PotMod/=0]} (switch) 0 WaveStMod - Model for stretching incident wave kinematics to instantaneous free surface {0: none=no stretching, 1: vertical stretching, 2: extrapolation stretching, 3: Wheeler stretching} (switch) [unused when WaveMod=0 or when PotMod/=0] 4600 WaveTMax - Analysis time for incident wave calculations (sec) [unused when WaveMod=0; determines WaveDOmega=2Pi/WaveTMax in the IFFT] 0.2 WaveDT - Time step for incident wave calculations (sec) [unused when WaveMod=0; 0.1<=WaveDT<=1.0 recommended; determines WaveOmegaMax=Pi/WaveDT in the IFFT] 1.2646 WaveHs - Significant wave height of incident waves (meters) [used only when WaveMod=1, 2, or 3] 10 WaveTp - Peak-spectral period of incident waves (sec) [used only when WaveMod=1 or 2] "DEFAULT" WavePkShp - Peak-shape parameter of incident wave spectrum (-) or DEFAULT (string) [used only when WaveMod=2; use 1.0 for Pierson-Moskowitz] 0.314159 WvLowCOff - Low cut-off frequency or lower frequency limit of the wave spectrum beyond which the wave spectrum is zeroed (rad/s) [unused when WaveMod=0, 1, or 6] 1.570796 WvHiCOff - High cut-off frequency or upper frequency limit of the wave spectrum beyond which the wave spectrum is zeroed (rad/s) [unused when WaveMod=0, 1, or 6] 0 WaveDir - Incident wave propagation heading direction (degrees) [unused when WaveMod=0 or 6] 0 WaveDirMod - Directional spreading function {0: none, 1: COS2S} (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4] 1 WaveDirSpread - Wave direction spreading coefficient ( > 0 ) (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4 and WaveDirMod=1] 1 WaveNDir - Number of wave directions (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4 and WaveDirMod=1; odd number only] 0 WaveDirRange - Range of wave directions (full range: WaveDir +/- 1/2WaveDirRange) (degrees) [only used when WaveMod=2,3,or 4 and WaveDirMod=1] 123456789 WaveSeed(1) - First random seed of incident waves [-2147483648 to 2147483647] (-) [unused when WaveMod=0, 5, or 6] RANLUX WaveSeed(2) - Second random seed of incident waves [-2147483648 to 2147483647] for intrinsic pRNG, or an alternative pRNG: "RanLux" (-) [unused when WaveMod=0, 5, or 6] FALSE WaveNDAmp - Flag for normally distributed amplitudes (flag) [only used when WaveMod=2, 3, or 4] "" WvKinFile - Root name of externally generated wave data file(s) (quoted string) [used only when WaveMod=5 or 6] 1 NWaveElev - Number of points where the incident wave elevations can be computed (-) [maximum of 9 output locations] 0 WaveElevxi - List of xi-coordinates for points where the incident wave elevations can be output (meters) [NWaveElev points, separated by commas or white space; usused if NWaveElev = 0] 0 WaveElevyi - List of yi-coordinates for points where the incident wave elevations can be output (meters) [NWaveElev points, separated by commas or white space; usused if NWaveElev = 0] ---------------------- 2ND-ORDER WAVES ----------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=0 or 6] FALSE WvDiffQTF - Full difference-frequency 2nd-order wave kinematics (flag) FALSE WvSumQTF - Full summation-frequency 2nd-order wave kinematics (flag) 0 WvLowCOffD - Low frequency cutoff used in the difference-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a difference-frequency method] 1.256637 WvHiCOffD - High frequency cutoff used in the difference-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a difference-frequency method] 0.618319 WvLowCOffS - Low frequency cutoff used in the summation-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a summation-frequency method] 3.141593 WvHiCOffS - High frequency cutoff used in the summation-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a summation-frequency method] ---------------------- CURRENT ------------------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=6] 0 CurrMod - Current profile model {0: none=no current, 1: standard, 2: user-defined from routine UserCurrent} (switch) 0 CurrSSV0 - Sub-surface current velocity at still water level (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] "DEFAULT" CurrSSDir - Sub-surface current heading direction (degrees) or DEFAULT (string) [used only when CurrMod=1] 20 CurrNSRef - Near-surface current reference depth (meters) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrNSV0 - Near-surface current velocity at still water level (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrNSDir - Near-surface current heading direction (degrees) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrDIV - Depth-independent current velocity (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrDIDir - Depth-independent current heading direction (degrees) [used only when CurrMod=1] ---------------------- FLOATING PLATFORM --------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=6] 1 PotMod - Potential-flow model {0: none=no potential flow, 1: frequency-to-time-domain transforms based on WAMIT output, 2: fluid-impulse theory (FIT)} (switch) 1 ExctnMod - Wave-excitation model {0: no wave-excitation calculation, 1: DFT, 2: state-space} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1; STATE-SPACE REQUIRES .ssexctn INPUT FILE] 1 RdtnMod - Radiation memory-effect model {0: no memory-effect calculation, 1: convolution, 2: state-space} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1; STATE-SPACE REQUIRES .ss INPUT FILE] 60 RdtnTMax - Analysis time for wave radiation kernel calculations (sec) [only used when PotMod=1 and RdtnMod=1; determines RdtnDOmega=Pi/RdtnTMax in the cosine transform; MAKE SURE THIS IS LONG ENOUGH FOR THE RADIATION IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTIONS TO DECAY TO NEAR-ZERO FOR THE GIVEN PLATFORM!] 0.06 RdtnDT - Time step for wave radiation kernel calculations (sec) [only used when PotMod=1 and ExctnMod>1 or RdtnMod>0; DT<=RdtnDT<=0.1 recommended; determines RdtnOmegaMax=Pi/RdtnDT in the cosine transform] 1 NBody - Number of WAMIT bodies to be used (-) [>=1; only used when PotMod=1. If NBodyMod=1, the WAMIT data contains a vector of size 6NBody x 1 and matrices of size 6NBody x 6NBody; if NBodyMod>1, there are NBody sets of WAMIT data each with a vector of size 6 x 1 and matrices of size 6 x 6] 1 NBodyMod - Body coupling model {1: include coupling terms between each body and NBody in HydroDyn equals NBODY in WAMIT, 2: neglect coupling terms between each body and NBODY=1 with XBODY=0 in WAMIT, 3: Neglect coupling terms between each body and NBODY=1 with XBODY=/0 in WAMIT} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1] "HydroData/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi" PotFile - Root name of potential-flow model data; WAMIT output files containing the linear, nondimensionalized, hydrostatic restoring matrix (.hst), frequency-dependent hydrodynamic added mass matrix and damping matrix (.1), and frequency- and direction-dependent wave excitation force vector per unit wave amplitude (.3) (quoted string) [1 to NBody if NBodyMod>1] [MAKE SURE THE FREQUENCIES INHERENT IN THESE WAMIT FILES SPAN THE PHYSICALLY-SIGNIFICANT RANGE OF FREQUENCIES FOR THE GIVEN PLATFORM; THEY MUST CONTAIN THE ZERO- AND INFINITE-FREQUENCY LIMITS!] 1 WAMITULEN - Characteristic body length scale used to redimensionalize WAMIT output (meters) [1 to NBody if NBodyMod>1] [only used when PotMod=1] 0.0 PtfmRefxt - The xt offset of the body reference point(s) from (0,0,0) (meters) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1] 0.0 PtfmRefyt - The yt offset of the body reference point(s) from (0,0,0) (meters) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1] 0.0 PtfmRefzt - The zt offset of the body reference point(s) from (0,0,0) (meters) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1. If NBodyMod=2,PtfmRefzt=0.0] 0.0 PtfmRefztRot - The rotation about zt of the body reference frame(s) from xt/yt (degrees) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1] 13917 PtfmVol0 - Displaced volume of water when the body is in its undisplaced position (m^3) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1; USE THE SAME VALUE COMPUTED BY WAMIT AS OUTPUT IN THE .OUT FILE!] 0.0 PtfmCOBxt - The xt offset of the center of buoyancy (COB) from (0,0) (meters) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1] 0.0 PtfmCOByt - The yt offset of the center of buoyancy (COB) from (0,0) (meters) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1] ---------------------- 2ND-ORDER FLOATING PLATFORM FORCES ---------------------- [unused with WaveMod=0 or 6, or PotMod=0 or 2] 0 MnDrift - Mean-drift 2nd-order forces computed {0: None; [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero. If NBody>1, MnDrift /=8] 0 NewmanApp - Mean- and slow-drift 2nd-order forces computed with Newman's approximation {0: None; [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero. If NBody>1, NewmanApp/=8. Used only when WaveDirMod=0] 12 DiffQTF - Full difference-frequency 2nd-order forces computed with full QTF {0: None; [10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero] 12 SumQTF - Full summation -frequency 2nd-order forces computed with full QTF {0: None; [10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} ---------------------- PLATFORM ADDITIONAL STIFFNESS AND DAMPING -------------- [unused with PotMod=0 or 2] 0 AddF0 - Additional preload (N, N-m) [If NBodyMod=1, one size 6NBody x 1 vector; if NBodyMod>1, NBody size 6 x 1 vectors] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AddCLin - Additional linear stiffness (N/m, N/rad, N-m/m, N-m/rad) [If NBodyMod=1, one size 6NBody x 6NBody matrix; if NBodyMod>1, NBody size 6 x 6 matrices] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AddBLin - Additional linear damping(N/(m/s), N/(rad/s), N-m/(m/s), N-m/(rad/s)) [If NBodyMod=1, one size 6NBody x 6NBody matrix; if NBodyMod>1, NBody size 6 x 6 matrices] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AddBQuad - Additional quadratic drag(N/(m/s)^2, N/(rad/s)^2, N-m(m/s)^2, N-m/(rad/s)^2) [If NBodyMod=1, one size 6NBody x 6*NBody matrix; if NBodyMod>1, NBody size 6 x 6 matrices] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------- AXIAL COEFFICIENTS -------------------------------------- 2 NAxCoef - Number of axial coefficients (-) AxCoefID AxCd AxCa AxCp (-) (-) (-) (-) 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 2 9.60 0.00 1.00 ---------------------- MEMBER JOINTS ------------------------------------------- 44 NJoints - Number of joints (-) [must be exactly 0 or at least 2] JointID Jointxi Jointyi Jointzi JointAxID JointOvrlp [JointOvrlp= 0: do nothing at joint, 1: eliminate overlaps by calculating super member] (-) (m) (m) (m) (-) (switch) 1 0.00000 0.00000 -20.00000 1 0 2 0.00000 0.00000 10.00000 1 0 3 14.43376 25.00000 -14.00000 1 0 4 14.43376 25.00000 12.00000 1 0 5 -28.86751 0.00000 -14.00000 1 0 6 -28.86751 0.00000 12.00000 1 0 7 14.43376 -25.00000 -14.00000 1 0 8 14.43376 -25.00000 12.00000 1 0 9 14.43375 25.00000 -20.00000 2 0 10 -28.86750 0.00000 -20.00000 2 0 11 14.43375 -25.00000 -20.00000 2 0 12 9.23760 22.00000 10.00000 1 0 13 -23.67130 3.00000 10.00000 1 0 14 -23.67130 -3.00000 10.00000 1 0 15 9.23760 -22.00000 10.00000 1 0 16 14.43375 -19.00000 10.00000 1 0 17 14.43375 19.00000 10.00000 1 0 18 4.04145 19.00000 -17.00000 1 0 19 -18.47520 6.00000 -17.00000 1 0 20 -18.47520 -6.00000 -17.00000 1 0 21 4.04145 -19.00000 -17.00000 1 0 22 14.43375 -13.00000 -17.00000 1 0 23 14.43375 13.00000 -17.00000 1 0 24 1.62500 2.81500 10.00000 1 0 25 11.43376 19.80385 10.00000 1 0 26 -3.25000 0.00000 10.00000 1 0 27 -22.87000 0.00000 10.00000 1 0 28 1.62500 -2.81500 10.00000 1 0 29 11.43376 -19.80385 10.00000 1 0 30 1.62500 2.81500 -17.00000 1 0 31 8.43376 14.60770 -17.00000 1 0 32 -3.25000 0.00000 -17.00000 1 0 33 -16.87000 0.00000 -17.00000 1 0 34 1.62500 -2.81500 -17.00000 1 0 35 8.43376 -14.60770 -17.00000 1 0 36 1.62500 2.81500 -16.20000 1 0 37 11.43376 19.80385 9.13000 1 0 38 -3.25000 0.00000 -16.20000 1 0 39 -22.87000 0.00000 9.13000 1 0 40 1.62500 -2.81500 -16.20000 1 0 41 11.43376 -19.80385 9.13000 1 0 42 14.43376 25.00000 -19.94000 1 0 43 -28.86751 0.00000 -19.94000 1 0 44 14.43376 -25.00000 -19.94000 1 0 ---------------------- MEMBER CROSS-SECTION PROPERTIES ------------------------- 4 NPropSets - Number of member property sets (-) PropSetID PropD PropThck (-) (m) (m) 1 6.50000 0.03000 ! Main Column 2 12.00000 0.06000 ! Upper Columns 3 24.00000 0.06000 ! Base Columns 4 1.60000 0.01750 ! Pontoons ---------------------- SIMPLE HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 1) -------------- SimplCd SimplCdMG SimplCa SimplCaMG SimplCp SimplCpMG SimplAxCd SimplAxCdMG SimplAxCa SimplAxCaMG SimplAxCp SimplAxCpMG (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 ---------------------- DEPTH-BASED HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 2) --------- 0 NCoefDpth - Number of depth-dependent coefficients (-) Dpth DpthCd DpthCdMG DpthCa DpthCaMG DpthCp DpthCpMG DpthAxCd DpthAxCdMG DpthAxCa DpthAxCaMG DpthAxCp DpthAxCpMG (m) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) ---------------------- MEMBER-BASED HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 3) -------- 25 NCoefMembers - Number of member-based coefficients (-) MemberID MemberCd1 MemberCd2 MemberCdMG1 MemberCdMG2 MemberCa1 MemberCa2 MemberCaMG1 MemberCaMG2 MemberCp1 MemberCp2 MemberCpMG1 MemberCpMG2 MemberAxCd1 MemberAxCd2 MemberAxCdMG1 MemberAxCdMG2 MemberAxCa1 MemberAxCa2 MemberAxCaMG1 MemberAxCaMG2 MemberAxCp1 MemberAxCp2 MemberAxCpMG1 MemberAxCpMG2 (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) 1 0.56 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Main Column 2 0.61 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Upper Column 1 3 0.61 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Upper Column 2 4 0.61 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Upper Column 3 5 0.68 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Base Column 1 6 0.68 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Base Column 2 7 0.68 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Base Column 3 23 0.68 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Base column cap 1 24 0.68 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Base column cap 2 25 0.68 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Base column cap 3 8 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Delta Pontoon, Upper 1 9 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Delta Pontoon, Upper 2 10 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Delta Pontoon, Upper 3 11 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Delta Pontoon, Lower 1 12 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Delta Pontoon, Lower 2 13 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Delta Pontoon, Lower 3 14 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Y Pontoon, Upper 1 15 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Y Pontoon, Upper 2 16 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Y Pontoon, Upper 3 17 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Y Pontoon, Lower 1 18 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Y Pontoon, Lower 2 19 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Y Pontoon, Lower 3 20 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Cross Brace 1 21 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Cross Brace 2 22 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ! Cross Brace 3 -------------------- MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------- 25 NMembers - Number of members (-) MemberID MJointID1 MJointID2 MPropSetID1 MPropSetID2 MDivSize MCoefMod PropPot [MCoefMod=1: use simple coeff table, 2: use depth-based coeff table, 3: use member-based coeff table] [ PropPot/=0 if member is modeled with potential-flow theory] (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (m) (switch) (flag) 1 1 2 1 1 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Main Column 2 3 4 2 2 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Upper Column 1 3 5 6 2 2 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Upper Column 2 4 7 8 2 2 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Upper Column 3 5 42 3 3 3 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Base Column 1 6 43 5 3 3 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Base Column 2 7 44 7 3 3 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Base Column 3 23 9 42 3 3 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Base column cap 1 24 10 43 3 3 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Base column cap 2 25 11 44 3 3 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Base column cap 3 8 12 13 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Delta Pontoon, Upper 1 9 14 15 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Delta Pontoon, Upper 2 10 16 17 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Delta Pontoon, Upper 3 11 18 19 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Delta Pontoon, Lower 1 12 20 21 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Delta Pontoon, Lower 2 13 22 23 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Delta Pontoon, Lower 3 14 24 25 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Y Pontoon, Upper 1 15 26 27 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Y Pontoon, Upper 2 16 28 29 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Y Pontoon, Upper 3 17 30 31 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Y Pontoon, Lower 1 18 32 33 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Y Pontoon, Lower 2 19 34 35 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Y Pontoon, Lower 3 20 36 37 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Cross Brace 1 21 38 39 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Cross Brace 2 22 40 41 4 4 1.0000 3 TRUE ! Cross Brace 3 ---------------------- FILLED MEMBERS ------------------------------------------ 2 NFillGroups - Number of filled member groups (-) [If FillDens = DEFAULT, then FillDens = WtrDens; FillFSLoc is related to MSL2SWL] FillNumM FillMList FillFSLoc FillDens (-) (-) (m) (kg/m^3) 3 2 3 4 -6.17 1025 3 5 6 7 -14.89 1025 ---------------------- MARINE GROWTH ------------------------------------------- 0 NMGDepths - Number of marine-growth depths specified (-) MGDpth MGThck MGDens (m) (m) (kg/m^3) ---------------------- MEMBER OUTPUT LIST -------------------------------------- 0 NMOutputs - Number of member outputs (-) [must be < 10] MemberID NOutLoc NodeLocs [NOutLoc < 10; node locations are normalized distance from the start of the member, and must be >=0 and <= 1] [unused if NMOutputs=0] (-) (-) (-) ---------------------- JOINT OUTPUT LIST --------------------------------------- 0 NJOutputs - Number of joint outputs [Must be < 10] 0 JOutLst - List of JointIDs which are to be output (-)[unused if NJOutputs=0] ---------------------- OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------- True HDSum - Output a summary file [flag] False OutAll - Output all user-specified member and joint loads (only at each member end, not interior locations) [flag] 2 OutSwtch - Output requested channels to: [1=Hydrodyn.out, 2=GlueCode.out, 3=both files] "E15.7e2" OutFmt - Output format for numerical results (quoted string) [not checked for validity!] "A11" OutSFmt - Output format for header strings (quoted string) [not checked for validity!] ---------------------- OUTPUT CHANNELS ----------------------------------------- "Wave1Elev" - Wave elevation at the platform reference point (0, 0) END of output channels and end of file. (the word "END" must appear in the first 3 columns of this line)

edulastra avatar Oct 25 '23 07:10 edulastra

Dear @edulastra,

The error you are receiving is tied to MoorDyn rather than HydroDyn:

FAST_InitializeAll: MD_Init:MDIO_ReadInput:Failed to read line data for Line 1

It appears that you are running OpenFAST v3.0.0 with MoorDyn v1.01.02F; is your MoorDyn input file formatted properly for this version of MoorDyn?

Best regards,

jjonkman avatar Oct 25 '23 13:10 jjonkman

Dear @jjonkman ,

Thank you for your quick response. As I have had several issues with Hydrodyn before, I thought they might not be well resolved. I believe it is the correct inputs file for this version, but I'm not sure right now. I have compared it with some that I have found in github repositories that worked and it is the same (e.g. glue-codes/openfast/5MW_OC4Semi_WSt_WavesWN/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_OC4DeepCwindSemi_MoorDyn.dat). I'm attaching it to see if you can help me to be sure.

--------------------- MoorDyn Input File ------------------------------------
IEA 15 MW offshore reference model on UMaine VolturnUS-S semi-submersible floating platform mooring model- C. Allen UMaine
FALSE Echo - echo the input file data (flag)
----------------------- LINE TYPES ------------------------------------------
1 NTypes - number of LineTypes
Name Diam MassDen EA BA/-zeta Can Cat Cdn Cdt
(-) (m) (kg/m) (N) (N-s/-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
main 0.333 685.00 3.27E+09 -1 0.82 0.27 1.11 0.20
---------------------- CONNECTION PROPERTIES --------------------------------
6 NConnects - number of connections including anchors and fairleads
Node Type X Y Z M V FX FY FZ CdA CA (-) (-) (m) (m) (m) (kg) (m^3) (kN) (kN) (kN) (m^2) (-) 1 Vessel -58.000 0.000 -14.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Fixed -837.600 0.000 -200.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Vessel 29.000 50.229 -14.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Fixed 418.800 725.383 -200.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Vessel 29.000 -50.229 -14.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Fixed 418.800 -725.383 -200.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------- LINE PROPERTIES --------------------------------------
3 NLines - number of line objects
Line LineType UnstrLen NumSegs NodeAnch NodeFair Flags/Outputs
(-) (-) (m) (-) (-) (-) (-)
1 main 850.00 50 2 1 -
2 main 850.00 50 4 3 -
3 main 850.00 50 6 5 -
---------------------- SOLVER OPTIONS ---------------------------------------
0.001 dtM - time step to use in mooring integration (s) 3.0e6 kbot - bottom stiffness (Pa/m) 3.0e5 cbot - bottom damping (Pa-s/m) 1.0 dtIC - time interval for analyzing convergence during IC gen (s) 60.0 TmaxIC - max time for ic gen (s) 4.0 CdScaleIC - factor by which to scale drag coefficients during dynamic relaxation (-) 0.001 threshIC - threshold for IC convergence (-)
------------------------ OUTPUTS --------------------------------------------
------------------------- need this line --------------------------------------

Thank you very much, Best Regards IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi_MoorDyn.txt

edulastra avatar Oct 25 '23 13:10 edulastra

Dear @edulastra,

It looks like you are missing the CtrlChan column from the LINE PROPERTIES table, e.g. as found in this example: Does adding that column (of zeros) solve your issue?

Best regards,

jjonkman avatar Oct 25 '23 14:10 jjonkman

Dear @jjonkman ,

Thank you for your reply. Now I am getting other errors... I have been encountering both "Tower strike" and "Mach number exceeds 1, equations cannot be evaluated" For which I have applied the solutions you propose to other problems in this forum. Now, when I deactivate "AFAeroMod" The program is stuck without giving the error, but it does not advance (as you can see, it starts at 9 am and cancels at 13h). Before these errors, I got the warnings I attached below... I understand that it is related to Hydrodyn... I attach input file too.


Copyright (C) 2022 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Copyright (C) 2022 Envision Energy USA LTD

This program is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the "LICENSE" file distributed with this software for details.

OpenFAST-v3.0.0 Compile Info:

  • Compiler: GCC version 10.2.0
  • Architecture: 64 bit
  • Precision: double
  • OpenMP: No
  • Date: Jun 6 2022
  • Time: 09:41:00 Execution Info:
  • Date: 10/26/2023
  • Time: 12:15:38+0200

OpenFAST input file heading: IEA 15 MW offshore reference model on UMaine VolturnUS-S semi-submersible floating platform

Running ElastoDyn. Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. Running AeroDyn. AD15 Nodal Outputs: Nodal output section of AeroDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. Skipping nodal outputs. Running InflowWind. Running ServoDyn. Running ServoDyn Interface for Bladed Controllers (using GNU Fortran for Linux, ). Using legacy Bladed DLL interface. Running HydroDyn. WARNING: The random number generator in use differs from the original code provided by NREL. This pRNG uses 8 seeds instead of the 2 in the input file. Generating incident wave kinematics and current time history. Running MoorDyn (v1.01.02F, 8-Apr-2016). MD_Init: Opening MoorDyn input file: /home/projects/energia/Pruebas_Edu/FIL_Validation/OF_v3.0.0/OF_UMaine_TurbulentWind_8ms_PltMotio n_Tests2/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi_MoorDyn.dat Creating mooring system. 3 fairleads, 3 anchors, 0 connects. Catenary solver failed for one or more lines. Using linear node spacing. Catenary solver failed for one or more lines. Using linear node spacing. Catenary solver failed for one or more lines. Using linear node spacing. Finalizing ICs using dynamic relaxation.

t=1 FairTen 1: 1.63746E+08, 0, 0
t=2 FairTen 1: 3.95344E+08, 1.63746E+08, 0
t=3 FairTen 1: 3.89444E+08, 3.95344E+08, 1.63746E+08
t=4 FairTen 1: 3.86731E+08, 3.89444E+08, 3.95344E+08
t=5 FairTen 1: 3.85394E+08, 3.86731E+08, 3.89444E+08
t=6 FairTen 1: 3.85123E+08, 3.85394E+08, 3.86731E+08
t=7 FairTen 1: 3.85485E+08, 3.85123E+08, 3.85394E+08
t=8 FairTen 1: 3.86025E+08, 3.85485E+08, 3.85123E+08
t=9 FairTen 1: 3.86372E+08, 3.86025E+08, 3.85485E+08
t=10 FairTen 1: 3.86418E+08, 3.86372E+08, 3.86025E+08
t=11 FairTen 1: 3.86245E+08, 3.86418E+08, 3.86372E+08 Fairlead tensions converged to 0.1% after 11 seconds.

FAST_InitializeAll:HydroDyn_Init:Waves_Init:VariousWaves_Init: The random number generator in use differs from the original code provided by NREL. This pRNG uses 8 seeds instead of the 2 in the HydroDyn input file.

Time: 0 of 600 seconds.


Running ROSCO-HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND A wind turbine controller framework for public use in the scientific field Developed in collaboration: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Warning: SkewedWakeCorrection encountered a large value of chi (90.427 deg), so the yaw correction will be limited. This warning will not be repeated though the condition may persist. See the AD15 chi output channels, and consider turning off the Pitt/Peters skew model (set SkewMod=1) if this condition persists.

FAST_Solution:FAST_AdvanceStates:ED_ABM4:ED_CalcContStateDeriv:SetCoordSy:Small angle assumption violated in SUBROUTINE SmllRotTrans() due to a large blade deflection (ElastoDyn SetCoordSy). The solution may be inaccurate. Simulation continuing, but future warnings from SmllRotTrans() will be suppressed. Additional debugging message from SUBROUTINE SmllRotTrans(): 0.3 s

The BEM solution is being turned off due to low TSR. (TSR = -87.308). This warning will not be repeated though the condition may persist. (See GeomPhi output channel.)

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 540506 ON node071 CANCELLED AT 2023-10-26T13:49:26 ***

------- HydroDyn v2.03.* Input File -------------------------------------------- IEA 15 MW offshore reference model monopile configuration False Echo - Echo the input file data (flag) ---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS -------------------------------- 1027 WtrDens - Water density (kg/m^3) 30 WtrDpth - Water depth (meters) 0 MSL2SWL - Offset between still-water level and mean sea level (meters) [positive upward; unused when WaveMod = 6; must be zero if PotMod=1 or 2] ---------------------- WAVES --------------------------------------------------- 2 WaveMod - Incident wave kinematics model {0: none=still water, 1: regular (periodic), 1P#: regular with user-specified phase, 2: JONSWAP/Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum (irregular), 3: White noise spectrum (irregular), 4: user-defined spectrum from routine UserWaveSpctrm (irregular), 5: Externally generated wave-elevation time series, 6: Externally generated full wave-kinematics time series [option 6 is invalid for PotMod/=0]} (switch) 0 WaveStMod - Model for stretching incident wave kinematics to instantaneous free surface {0: none=no stretching, 1: vertical stretching, 2: extrapolation stretching, 3: Wheeler stretching} (switch) [unused when WaveMod=0 or when PotMod/=0] 3630 WaveTMax - Analysis time for incident wave calculations (sec) [unused when WaveMod=0; determines WaveDOmega=2Pi/WaveTMax in the IFFT] 0.25 WaveDT - Time step for incident wave calculations (sec) [unused when WaveMod=0; 0.1<=WaveDT<=1.0 recommended; determines WaveOmegaMax=Pi/WaveDT in the IFFT] 6 WaveHs - Significant wave height of incident waves (meters) [used only when WaveMod=1, 2, or 3] 10 WaveTp - Peak-spectral period of incident waves (sec) [used only when WaveMod=1 or 2] "DEFAULT" WavePkShp - Peak-shape parameter of incident wave spectrum (-) or DEFAULT (string) [used only when WaveMod=2; use 1.0 for Pierson-Moskowitz] 0.15708 WvLowCOff - Low cut-off frequency or lower frequency limit of the wave spectrum beyond which the wave spectrum is zeroed (rad/s) [unused when WaveMod=0, 1, or 6] 3.2 WvHiCOff - High cut-off frequency or upper frequency limit of the wave spectrum beyond which the wave spectrum is zeroed (rad/s) [unused when WaveMod=0, 1, or 6] 0 WaveDir - Incident wave propagation heading direction (degrees) [unused when WaveMod=0 or 6] 0 WaveDirMod - Directional spreading function {0: none, 1: COS2S} (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4] 1 WaveDirSpread - Wave direction spreading coefficient ( > 0 ) (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4 and WaveDirMod=1] 1 WaveNDir - Number of wave directions (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4 and WaveDirMod=1; odd number only] 90 WaveDirRange - Range of wave directions (full range: WaveDir +/- 1/2WaveDirRange) (degrees) [only used when WaveMod=2,3,or 4 and WaveDirMod=1] 123456789 WaveSeed(1) - First random seed of incident waves [-2147483648 to 2147483647] (-) [unused when WaveMod=0, 5, or 6] 1011121314 WaveSeed(2) - Second random seed of incident waves [-2147483648 to 2147483647] (-) [unused when WaveMod=0, 5, or 6] TRUE WaveNDAmp - Flag for normally distributed amplitudes (flag) [only used when WaveMod=2, 3, or 4] "" WvKinFile - Root name of externally generated wave data file(s) (quoted string) [used only when WaveMod=5 or 6] 1 NWaveElev - Number of points where the incident wave elevations can be computed (-) [maximum of 9 output locations] 0 WaveElevxi - List of xi-coordinates for points where the incident wave elevations can be output (meters) [NWaveElev points, separated by commas or white space; usused if NWaveElev = 0] 0 WaveElevyi - List of yi-coordinates for points where the incident wave elevations can be output (meters) [NWaveElev points, separated by commas or white space; usused if NWaveElev = 0] ---------------------- 2ND-ORDER WAVES ----------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=0 or 6] False WvDiffQTF - Full difference-frequency 2nd-order wave kinematics (flag) False WvSumQTF - Full summation-frequency 2nd-order wave kinematics (flag) 0 WvLowCOffD - Low frequency cutoff used in the difference-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a difference-frequency method] 3.04292 WvHiCOffD - High frequency cutoff used in the difference-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a difference-frequency method] 0.314159 WvLowCOffS - Low frequency cutoff used in the summation-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a summation-frequency method] 3.2 WvHiCOffS - High frequency cutoff used in the summation-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a summation-frequency method] ---------------------- CURRENT ------------------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=6] 0 CurrMod - Current profile model {0: none=no current, 1: standard, 2: user-defined from routine UserCurrent} (switch) 0 CurrSSV0 - Sub-surface current velocity at still water level (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] "DEFAULT" CurrSSDir - Sub-surface current heading direction (degrees) or DEFAULT (string) [used only when CurrMod=1] 20 CurrNSRef - Near-surface current reference depth (meters) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrNSV0 - Near-surface current velocity at still water level (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrNSDir - Near-surface current heading direction (degrees) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrDIV - Depth-independent current velocity (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrDIDir - Depth-independent current heading direction (degrees) [used only when CurrMod=1] ---------------------- FLOATING PLATFORM --------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=6] 0 PotMod - Potential-flow model {0: none=no potential flow, 1: frequency-to-time-domain transforms based on WAMIT output, 2: fluid-impulse theory (FIT)} (switch) 1 ExctnMod - Wave-excitation model {0: no wave-excitation calculation, 1: DFT, 2: state-space} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1; STATE-SPACE REQUIRES .ssexctn INPUT FILE] 0 RdtnMod - Radiation memory-effect model {0: no memory-effect calculation, 1: convolution, 2: state-space} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1; STATE-SPACE REQUIRES .ss INPUT FILE] 60 RdtnTMax - Analysis time for wave radiation kernel calculations (sec) [only used when PotMod=1 and RdtnMod>0; determines RdtnDOmega=Pi/RdtnTMax in the cosine transform; MAKE SURE THIS IS LONG ENOUGH FOR THE RADIATION IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTIONS TO DECAY TO NEAR-ZERO FOR THE GIVEN PLATFORM!] "DEFAULT" RdtnDT - Time step for wave radiation kernel calculations (sec) [only used when PotMod=1 and ExctnMod>0 or RdtnMod>0; DT<=RdtnDT<=0.1 recommended; determines RdtnOmegaMax=Pi/RdtnDT in the cosine transform] 1 NBody - Number of WAMIT bodies to be used (-) [>=1; only used when PotMod=1. If NBodyMod=1, the WAMIT data contains a vector of size 6NBody x 1 and matrices of size 6NBody x 6NBody; if NBodyMod>1, there are NBody sets of WAMIT data each with a vector of size 6 x 1 and matrices of size 6 x 6] 1 NBodyMod - Body coupling model {1: include coupling terms between each body and NBody in HydroDyn equals NBODY in WAMIT, 2: neglect coupling terms between each body and NBODY=1 with XBODY=0 in WAMIT, 3: Neglect coupling terms between each body and NBODY=1 with XBODY=/0 in WAMIT} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1] "unused" PotFile - Root name of potential-flow model data; WAMIT output files containing the linear, nondimensionalized, hydrostatic restoring matrix (.hst), frequency-dependent hydrodynamic added mass matrix and damping matrix (.1), and frequency- and direction-dependent wave excitation force vector per unit wave amplitude (.3) (quoted string) [MAKE SURE THE FREQUENCIES INHERENT IN THESE WAMIT FILES SPAN THE PHYSICALLY-SIGNIFICANT RANGE OF FREQUENCIES FOR THE GIVEN PLATFORM; THEY MUST CONTAIN THE ZERO- AND INFINITE-FREQUENCY LIMITS!] 1 WAMITULEN - Characteristic body length scale used to redimensionalize WAMIT output (meters) [only used when PotMod=1] 0 PtfmVol0 - Displaced volume of water when the platform is in its undisplaced position (m^3) [only used when PotMod=1; USE THE SAME VALUE COMPUTED BY WAMIT AS OUTPUT IN THE .OUT FILE!] 0 PtfmCOBxt - The xt offset of the center of buoyancy (COB) from the platform reference point (meters) [only used when PotMod=1] 0 PtfmCOByt - The yt offset of the center of buoyancy (COB) from the platform reference point (meters) [only used when PotMod=1] 0 ExctnMod - Wave Excitation model {0: None, 1: DFT, 2: state-space} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1; STATE-SPACE REQUIRES .ssexctn INPUT FILE] 1 RdtnMod - Radiation memory-effect model {0: no memory-effect calculation, 1: convolution, 2: state-space} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1; STATE-SPACE REQUIRES .ss INPUT FILE] 60 RdtnTMax - Analysis time for wave radiation kernel calculations (sec) [only used when PotMod=1; determines RdtnDOmega=Pi/RdtnTMax in the cosine transform; MAKE SURE THIS IS LONG ENOUGH FOR THE RADIATION IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTIONS TO DECAY TO NEAR-ZERO FOR THE GIVEN PLATFORM!] 0.005 RdtnDT - Time step for wave radiation kernel calculations (sec) [only used when PotMod=1; DT<=RdtnDT<=0.1 recommended; determines RdtnOmegaMax=Pi/RdtnDT in the cosine transform] ---------------------- 2ND-ORDER FLOATING PLATFORM FORCES ---------------------- [unused with WaveMod=0 or 6, or PotMod=0 or 2] 0 MnDrift - Mean-drift 2nd-order forces computed {0: None; [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero] 0 NewmanApp - Mean- and slow-drift 2nd-order forces computed with Newman's approximation {0: None; [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero. Used only when WaveDirMod=0] 0 DiffQTF - Full difference-frequency 2nd-order forces computed with full QTF {0: None; [10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero] 0 SumQTF - Full summation -frequency 2nd-order forces computed with full QTF {0: None; [10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} ---------------------- PLATFORM ADDITIONAL STIFFNESS AND DAMPING -------------- [unused with PotMod=0 or 2] 0 AddF0 - Additional preload (N, N-m) [If NBodyMod=1, one size 6NBody x 1 vector; if NBodyMod>1, NBody size 6 x 1 vectors] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AddCLin - Additional linear stiffness (N/m, N/rad, N-m/m, N-m/rad) [If NBodyMod=1, one size 6NBody x 6*NBody matrix; if NBodyMod>1, NBody size 6 x 6 matrices] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AddBLin - Additional linear damping(N/(m/s), N/(rad/s), N-m/(m/s), N-m/(rad/s)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4389794.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AddBQuad - Additional quadratic drag(N/(m/s)^2, N/(rad/s)^2, N-m(m/s)^2, N-m/(rad/s)^2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------- AXIAL COEFFICIENTS -------------------------------------- 1 NAxCoef - Number of axial coefficients (-) AxCoefID AxCd AxCa AxCp (-) (-) (-) (-) 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 ---------------------- MEMBER JOINTS ------------------------------------------- 2 NJoints - Number of joints (-) [must be exactly 0 or at least 2] JointID Jointxi Jointyi Jointzi JointAxID JointOvrlp [JointOvrlp= 0: do nothing at joint, 1: eliminate overlaps by calculating super member] (-) (m) (m) (m) (-) (switch) 1 0.00000 0.00000 -30.00010 1 0 2 0.00000 0.00000 20.00000 1 0 ---------------------- MEMBER CROSS-SECTION PROPERTIES ------------------------- 1 NPropSets - Number of member property sets (-) PropSetID PropD PropThck (-) (m) (m) 1 10.00 0.055 ---------------------- SIMPLE HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 1) -------------- SimplCd SimplCdMG SimplCa SimplCaMG SimplCp SimplCpMG SimplAxCd SimplAxCdMG SimplAxCa SimplAxCaMG SimplAxCp SimplAxCpMG (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ---------------------- DEPTH-BASED HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 2) --------- 0 NCoefDpth - Number of depth-dependent coefficients (-) Dpth DpthCd DpthCdMG DpthCa DpthCaMG DpthCp DpthCpMG DpthAxCd DpthAxCdMG DpthAxCa DpthAxCaMG DpthAxCp DpthAxCpMG (m) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) ---------------------- MEMBER-BASED HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 3) -------- 0 NCoefMembers - Number of member-based coefficients (-) MemberID MemberCd1 MemberCd2 MemberCdMG1 MemberCdMG2 MemberCa1 MemberCa2 MemberCaMG1 MemberCaMG2 MemberCp1 MemberCp2 MemberCpMG1 MemberCpMG2 MemberAxCd1 MemberAxCd2 MemberAxCdMG1 MemberAxCdMG2 MemberAxCa1 MemberAxCa2 MemberAxCaMG1 MemberAxCaMG2 MemberAxCp1 MemberAxCp2 MemberAxCpMG1 MemberAxCpMG2 (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) -------------------- MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------- 1 NMembers - Number of members (-) MemberID MJointID1 MJointID2 MPropSetID1 MPropSetID2 MDivSize MCoefMod PropPot [MCoefMod=1: use simple coeff table, 2: use depth-based coeff table, 3: use member-based coeff table] [ PropPot/=0 if member is modeled with potential-flow theory] (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (m) (switch) (flag) 1 1 2 1 1 0.5000 1 FALSE ---------------------- FILLED MEMBERS ------------------------------------------ 0 NFillGroups - Number of filled member groups (-) [If FillDens = DEFAULT, then FillDens = WtrDens; FillFSLoc is related to MSL2SWL] FillNumM FillMList FillFSLoc FillDens (-) (-) (m) (kg/m^3) ---------------------- MARINE GROWTH ------------------------------------------- 0 NMGDepths - Number of marine-growth depths specified (-) MGDpth MGThck MGDens (m) (m) (kg/m^3) ---------------------- MEMBER OUTPUT LIST -------------------------------------- 0 NMOutputs - Number of member outputs (-) [must be < 10] MemberID NOutLoc NodeLocs [NOutLoc < 10; node locations are normalized distance from the start of the member, and must be >=0 and <= 1] [unused if NMOutputs=0] (-) (-) (-) ---------------------- JOINT OUTPUT LIST --------------------------------------- 0 NJOutputs - Number of joint outputs [Must be < 10] 0 JOutLst - List of JointIDs which are to be output (-)[unused if NJOutputs=0] ---------------------- OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------- True HDSum - Output a summary file [flag] False OutAll - Output all user-specified member and joint loads (only at each member end, not interior locations) [flag] 2 OutSwtch - Output requested channels to: [1=Hydrodyn.out, 2=GlueCode.out, 3=both files] "ES11.4e2" OutFmt - Output format for numerical results (quoted string) [not checked for validity!] "A11" OutSFmt - Output format for header strings (quoted string) [not checked for validity!] ---------------------- OUTPUT CHANNELS ----------------------------------------- "Wave1Elev" - Wave elevation at the WAMIT reference point (0,0) "B1Surge" "B1Sway" "B1Heave" "B1Roll" "B1Pitch" "B1Yaw" END of output channels and end of file. (the word "END" must appear in the first 3 columns of this line)

Thank you very much for your help. Best regards

edulastra avatar Oct 27 '23 07:10 edulastra

Can you clarify what you are trying to do? The header of your OpenFAST simulation states that you are simulating the "IEA 15 MW offshore reference model on UMaine VolturnUS-S semi-submersible floating platform"; however, you've shared the HydroDyn input file of the monopile for the IEA Wind 15-MW RWT (previously you had shared the HydroDyn input file for the semisubmersible).

Regardless, it looks like your model is numerically unstable. If you are trying to model the IEA Wind 15-MW RWT, does the model run for you without changes to the input files? If so, what changes have you made to the input files that result in this instability?

Best regards,

jjonkman avatar Oct 27 '23 13:10 jjonkman

H @jjonkman ,

I try to simulate the semi-sub. I have changed the hydrodyn inputs file several times trying several options, if I put back the original file for the semisub without changing anything, I get the same error. I do not know if I'm taking the inputs from a source that is wrong, but it is the only one I have found for version 3.0.0.

Attached is the hydrodyn input file and the summary of the output that the program gives me, which is stuck in the same way as before...

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,


------- HydroDyn v2.03.* Input File -------------------------------------------- IEA 15 MW offshore reference model on UMaine VolturnUS-S semi-submersible floating platform False Echo - Echo the input file data (flag) ---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS -------------------------------- 1027 WtrDens - Water density (kg/m^3) 30 WtrDpth - Water depth (meters) 0 MSL2SWL - Offset between still-water level and mean sea level (meters) [positive upward; unused when WaveMod = 6; must be zero if PotMod=1 or 2] ---------------------- WAVES --------------------------------------------------- 2 WaveMod - Incident wave kinematics model {0: none=still water, 1: regular (periodic), 1P#: regular with user-specified phase, 2: JONSWAP/Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum (irregular), 3: White noise spectrum (irregular), 4: user-defined spectrum from routine UserWaveSpctrm (irregular), 5: Externally generated wave-elevation time series, 6: Externally generated full wave-kinematics time series [option 6 is invalid for PotMod/=0]} (switch) 0 WaveStMod - Model for stretching incident wave kinematics to instantaneous free surface {0: none=no stretching, 1: vertical stretching, 2: extrapolation stretching, 3: Wheeler stretching} (switch) [unused when WaveMod=0 or when PotMod/=0] 850.00 WaveTMax - Analysis time for incident wave calculations (sec) [unused when WaveMod=0; determines WaveDOmega=2Pi/WaveTMax in the IFFT] 0.25 WaveDT - Time step for incident wave calculations (sec) [unused when WaveMod=0; 0.1<=WaveDT<=1.0 recommended; determines WaveOmegaMax=Pi/WaveDT in the IFFT] 1.10 WaveHs - Significant wave height of incident waves (meters) [used only when WaveMod=1 or 2] 8.52 WaveTp - Peak spectral period of incident waves (sec) [used only when WaveMod=1 or 2] DEFAULT WavePkShp - Peak-shape parameter of incident wave spectrum (-) or DEFAULT (string) [used only when WaveMod=2; use 1.0 for Pierson-Moskowitz]
0.111527 WvLowCOff - Low cut-off frequency or lower frequency limit of the wave spectrum beyond which the wave spectrum is zeroed (rad/s) [unused when WaveMod=0, 1, or 6] 3.2 WvHiCOff - High cut-off frequency or upper frequency limit of the wave spectrum beyond which the wave spectrum is zeroed (rad/s) [unused when WaveMod=0, 1, or 6] 0.00 WaveDir - Incident wave propagation heading direction (degrees) [unused when WaveMod=0 or 6]
0 WaveDirMod - Directional spreading function {0: none, 1: COS2S} (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4] 1 WaveDirSpread - Wave direction spreading coefficient ( > 0 ) (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4 and WaveDirMod=1] 1 WaveNDir - Number of wave directions (-) [only used when WaveMod=2,3, or 4 and WaveDirMod=1; odd number only] 90 WaveDirRange - Range of wave directions (full range: WaveDir +/- 1/2WaveDirRange) (degrees) [only used when WaveMod=2,3,or 4 and WaveDirMod=1] -561580799 WaveSeed(1) - First random seed of incident waves [-2147483648 to 2147483647] (-) [unused when WaveMod=0, 5, or 6] RANLUX WaveSeed(2) - Second random seed of incident waves [-2147483648 to 2147483647] (-) [unused when WaveMod=0, 5, or 6] TRUE WaveNDAmp - Flag for normally distributed amplitudes (flag) [only used when WaveMod=2, 3, or 4] "none" WvKinFile - Root name of externally generated wave data file(s) (quoted string) [used only when WaveMod=5 or 6] 1 NWaveElev - Number of points where the incident wave elevations can be computed (-) [maximum of 9 output locations] 0 WaveElevxi - List of xi-coordinates for points where the incident wave elevations can be output (meters) [NWaveElev points, separated by commas or white space; usused if NWaveElev = 0] 0 WaveElevyi - List of yi-coordinates for points where the incident wave elevations can be output (meters) [NWaveElev points, separated by commas or white space; usused if NWaveElev = 0] ---------------------- 2ND-ORDER WAVES ----------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=0 or 6] True WvDiffQTF - Full difference-frequency 2nd-order wave kinematics (flag) True WvSumQTF - Full summation-frequency 2nd-order wave kinematics (flag) 0 WvLowCOffD - Low frequency cutoff used in the difference-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a difference-frequency method] 0.737863 WvHiCOffD - High frequency cutoff used in the difference-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a difference-frequency method] 0.314159 WvLowCOffS - Low frequency cutoff used in the summation-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a summation-frequency method] 3.2 WvHiCOffS - High frequency cutoff used in the summation-frequencies (rad/s) [Only used with a summation-frequency method] ---------------------- CURRENT ------------------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=6] 0 CurrMod - Current profile model {0: none=no current, 1: standard, 2: user-defined from routine UserCurrent} (switch) 0 CurrSSV0 - Sub-surface current velocity at still water level (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] "DEFAULT" CurrSSDir - Sub-surface current heading direction (degrees) or DEFAULT (string) [used only when CurrMod=1] 20 CurrNSRef - Near-surface current reference depth (meters) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrNSV0 - Near-surface current velocity at still water level (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrNSDir - Near-surface current heading direction (degrees) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrDIV - Depth-independent current velocity (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0 CurrDIDir - Depth-independent current heading direction (degrees) [used only when CurrMod=1] ---------------------- FLOATING PLATFORM --------------------------------------- [unused with WaveMod=6] 1 PotMod - Potential-flow model {0: none=no potential flow, 1: frequency-to-time-domain transforms based on WAMIT output, 2: fluid-impulse theory (FIT)} (switch) 1 ExctnMod - Wave Excitation model {0: None, 1: DFT, 2: state-space} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1; STATE-SPACE REQUIRES .ssexctn INPUT FILE] 1 RdtnMod - Radiation memory-effect model {0: no memory-effect calculation, 1: convolution, 2: state-space} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1; STATE-SPACE REQUIRES .ss INPUT FILE] 60.0 RdtnTMax - Analysis time for wave radiation kernel calculations (sec) [only used when PotMod=1; determines RdtnDOmega=Pi/RdtnTMax in the cosine transform; MAKE SURE THIS IS LONG ENOUGH FOR THE RADIATION IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTIONS TO DECAY TO NEAR-ZERO FOR THE GIVEN PLATFORM!] "DEFAULT" RdtnDT - Time step for wave radiation kernel calculations (sec) [only used when PotMod=1; DT<=RdtnDT<=0.1 recommended; determines RdtnOmegaMax=Pi/RdtnDT in the cosine transform] 1 NBody - Number of WAMIT bodies to be used (-) [>=1; only used when PotMod=1. If NBodyMod=1, the WAMIT data contains a vector of size 6NBody x 1 and matrices of size 6NBody x 6NBody; if NBodyMod>1, there are NBody sets of WAMIT data each with a vector of size 6 x 1 and matrices of size 6 x 6] 1 NBodyMod - Body coupling model {1: include coupling terms between each body and NBody in HydroDyn equals NBODY in WAMIT, 2: neglect coupling terms between each body and NBODY=1 with XBODY=0 in WAMIT, 3: Neglect coupling terms between each body and NBODY=1 with XBODY=/0 in WAMIT} (switch) [only used when PotMod=1] "HydroData/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi" PotFile - Root name of potential-flow model data; WAMIT output files containing the linear, nondimensionalized, hydrostatic restoring matrix (.hst), frequency-dependent hydrodynamic added mass matrix and damping matrix (.1), and frequency- and direction-dependent wave excitation force vector per unit wave amplitude (.3) (quoted string) [MAKE SURE THE FREQUENCIES INHERENT IN THESE WAMIT FILES SPAN THE PHYSICALLY-SIGNIFICANT RANGE OF FREQUENCIES FOR THE GIVEN PLATFORM; THEY MUST CONTAIN THE ZERO- AND INFINITE-FREQUENCY LIMITS!] 1 WAMITULEN - Characteristic body length scale used to redimensionalize WAMIT output (meters) [only used when PotMod=1] 0.0 PtfmRefxt - The xt offset of the body reference point(s) from (0,0,0) (meters) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1] 0.0 PtfmRefyt - The yt offset of the body reference point(s) from (0,0,0) (meters) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1] 0.0 PtfmRefzt - The zt offset of the body reference point(s) from (0,0,0) (meters) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1. If NBodyMod=2,PtfmRefzt=0.0] 0.0 PtfmRefztRot - The rotation about zt of the body reference frame(s) from xt/yt (degrees) [1 to NBody] [only used when PotMod=1] 20206.34889 PtfmVol0 - Displaced volume of water when the platform is in its undisplaced position (m^3) [only used when PotMod=1; USE THE SAME VALUE COMPUTED BY WAMIT AS OUTPUT IN THE .OUT FILE!] 0 PtfmCOBxt - The xt offset of the center of buoyancy (COB) from the platform reference point (meters) [only used when PotMod=1] 0 PtfmCOByt - The yt offset of the center of buoyancy (COB) from the platform reference point (meters) [only used when PotMod=1] ---------------------- 2ND-ORDER FLOATING PLATFORM FORCES ---------------------- [unused with WaveMod=0 or 6, or PotMod=0 or 2] 0 MnDrift - Mean-drift 2nd-order forces computed {0: None; [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero] 0 NewmanApp - Mean- and slow-drift 2nd-order forces computed with Newman's approximation {0: None; [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero. Used only when WaveDirMod=0] 12 DiffQTF - Full difference-frequency 2nd-order forces computed with full QTF {0: None; [10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} [Only one of MnDrift, NewmanApp, or DiffQTF can be non-zero]
0 SumQTF - Full summation -frequency 2nd-order forces computed with full QTF {0: None; [10, 11, or 12]: WAMIT file to use} ---------------------- PLATFORM ADDITIONAL STIFFNESS AND DAMPING -------------- 0.0 AddF0 - Additional preload (N, N-m) [If NBodyMod=1, one size 6*NBody x 1 vector; if NBodyMod>1, NBody size 6 x 1 vectors] 0.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 AddCLin - Additional linear stiffness (N/m, N/rad, N-m/m, N-m/rad) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AddBLin - Additional linear damping(N/(m/s), N/(rad/s), N-m/(m/s), N-m/(rad/s)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.23E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 -8.92E+06 0.00E+00 AddBQuad - Additional quadratic drag(N/(m/s)^2, N/(rad/s)^2, N-m(m/s)^2, N-m/(rad/s)^2) 0.00E+00 9.23E+05 0.00E+00 8.92E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.30E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.92E+06 0.00E+00 1.68E+10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 -8.92E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.68E+10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.80E+10 ---------------------- AXIAL COEFFICIENTS -------------------------------------- 1 NAxCoef - Number of axial coefficients (-) AxCoefID AxCd AxCa AxCp
(-) (-) (-) (-)
1 0.0 0.0 1.0
---------------------- MEMBER JOINTS ------------------------------------------- 0 NJoints - Number of joints (-) [must be exactly 0 or at least 2] JointID Jointxi Jointyi Jointzi JointAxID JointOvrlp [JointOvrlp= 0: do nothing at joint, 1: eliminate overlaps by calculating super member] (-) (m) (m) (m) (-) (switch)
---------------------- MEMBER CROSS-SECTION PROPERTIES ------------------------- 0 NPropSets - Number of member property sets (-) PropSetID PropD PropThck
(-) (m) (m)
---------------------- SIMPLE HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 1) -------------- SimplCd SimplCdMG SimplCa SimplCaMG SimplCp SimplCpMG SimplAxCd SimplAxCdMG SimplAxCa SimplAxCaMG SimplAxCp SimplAxCpMG (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
---------------------- DEPTH-BASED HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 2) --------- 0 NCoefDpth - Number of depth-dependent coefficients (-) Dpth DpthCd DpthCdMG DpthCa DpthCaMG DpthCp DpthCpMG DpthAxCd DpthAxCdMG DpthAxCa DpthAxCaMG DpthAxCp DpthAxCpMG (m) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)
---------------------- MEMBER-BASED HYDRODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS (model 3) -------- 0 NCoefMembers - Number of member-based coefficients (-) MemberID_HydC MemberCd1 MemberCd2 MemberCdMG1 MemberCdMG2 MemberCa1 MemberCa2 MemberCaMG1 MemberCaMG2 MemberCp1 MemberCp2 MemberCpMG1 MemberCpMG2 MemberAxCd1 MemberAxCd2 MemberAxCdMG1 MemberAxCdMG2 MemberAxCa1 MemberAxCa2 MemberAxCaMG1 MemberAxCaMG2 MemberAxCp1 MemberAxCp2 MemberAxCpMG1 MemberAxCpMG2 (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) -------------------- MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------- 0 NMembers - Number of members (-) MemberID MJointID1 MJointID2 MPropSetID1 MPropSetID2 MDivSize MCoefMod PropPot [MCoefMod=1: use simple coeff table, 2: use depth-based coeff table, 3: use member-based coeff table] [ PropPot/=0 if member is modeled with potential-flow theory] (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (m) (switch) (flag)
---------------------- FILLED MEMBERS ------------------------------------------ 0 NFillGroups - Number of filled member groups (-) [If FillDens = DEFAULT, then FillDens = WtrDens; FillFSLoc is related to MSL2SWL] FillNumM FillMList FillFSLoc FillDens (-) (-) (m) (kg/m^3) ---------------------- MARINE GROWTH ------------------------------------------- 0 NMGDepths - Number of marine-growth depths specified (-) MGDpth MGThck MGDens (m) (m) (kg/m^3) ---------------------- MEMBER OUTPUT LIST -------------------------------------- 0 NMOutputs - Number of member outputs (-) [must be < 10] MemberID NOutLoc NodeLocs [NOutLoc < 10; node locations are normalized distance from the start of the member, and must be >=0 and <= 1] [unused if NMOutputs=0] (-) (-) (-) ---------------------- JOINT OUTPUT LIST --------------------------------------- 0 NJOutputs - Number of joint outputs [Must be < 10] 0 JOutLst - List of JointIDs which are to be output (-)[unused if NJOutputs=0] ---------------------- OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------- TRUE HDSum - Output a summary file [flag] False OutAll - Output all user-specified member and joint loads (only at each member end, not interior locations) [flag] 2 OutSwtch - Output requested channels to: [1=Hydrodyn.out, 2=GlueCode.out, 3=both files] "ES11.4e2" OutFmt - Output format for numerical results (quoted string) [not checked for validity!] "A11" OutSFmt - Output format for header strings (quoted string) [not checked for validity!] ---------------------- OUTPUT CHANNELS ----------------------------------------- "Wave1Elev" - Wave elevation at the platform reference point ( 0, 0) END of output channels and end of file. (the word "END" must appear in the first 3 columns of this line)


Copyright (C) 2022 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Copyright (C) 2022 Envision Energy USA LTD

This program is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the "LICENSE" file distributed with this software for details.

OpenFAST-v3.0.0 Compile Info:

  • Compiler: GCC version 10.2.0
  • Architecture: 64 bit
  • Precision: double
  • OpenMP: No
  • Date: Jun 6 2022
  • Time: 09:41:00 Execution Info:
  • Date: 10/30/2023
  • Time: 16:50:43+0100

OpenFAST input file heading: IEA 15 MW offshore reference model on UMaine VolturnUS-S semi-submersible floating platform

Running ElastoDyn. Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. Running AeroDyn. AD15 Nodal Outputs: Nodal output section of AeroDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. Skipping nodal outputs. Running InflowWind. Running ServoDyn. Running ServoDyn Interface for Bladed Controllers (using GNU Fortran for Linux, ). Using legacy Bladed DLL interface. Running HydroDyn. Generating incident wave kinematics and current time history. Calculating second order difference frequency wave kinematics. Calculating second order sum frequency wave kinematics. Reading in WAMIT output with root name "/home/projects/energia/Pruebas_Edu/FIL_Validation/OF_v3.0.0/OF_UMaine_TurbulentWind_8ms_PltMotio n_Tests2/HydroData/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi". Computing radiation impulse response functions and wave diffraction forces. Calculating second order difference-frequency force using the full quadratic transfer function. Running MoorDyn (v1.01.02F, 8-Apr-2016). MD_Init: Opening MoorDyn input file: /home/projects/energia/Pruebas_Edu/FIL_Validation/OF_v3.0.0/OF_UMaine_TurbulentWind_8ms_PltMotio n_Tests2/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi_MoorDyn.dat Creating mooring system. 3 fairleads, 3 anchors, 0 connects. Catenary solver failed for one or more lines. Using linear node spacing. Catenary solver failed for one or more lines. Using linear node spacing. Catenary solver failed for one or more lines. Using linear node spacing. Finalizing ICs using dynamic relaxation.

t=1 FairTen 1: 1.71450E+08, 0, 0
t=2 FairTen 1: 4.03195E+08, 1.71450E+08, 0
t=3 FairTen 1: 3.97144E+08, 4.03195E+08, 1.71450E+08
t=4 FairTen 1: 3.94380E+08, 3.97144E+08, 4.03195E+08
t=5 FairTen 1: 3.93091E+08, 3.94380E+08, 3.97144E+08
t=6 FairTen 1: 3.92885E+08, 3.93091E+08, 3.94380E+08
t=7 FairTen 1: 3.93302E+08, 3.92885E+08, 3.93091E+08
t=8 FairTen 1: 3.93853E+08, 3.93302E+08, 3.92885E+08
t=9 FairTen 1: 3.94179E+08, 3.93853E+08, 3.93302E+08
t=10 FairTen 1: 3.94188E+08, 3.94179E+08, 3.93853E+08 Fairlead tensions converged to 0.1% after 10 seconds.

FAST_InitializeAll:HydroDyn_Init:Waves_Init:VariousWaves_Init: The random number generator in use differs from the original code provided by NREL. This pRNG uses 8 seeds instead of the 2 in the HydroDyn input file.

Time: 0 of 600 seconds.


Running ROSCO-HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND A wind turbine controller framework for public use in the scientific field Developed in collaboration: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Warning: SkewedWakeCorrection encountered a large value of chi (98.523 deg), so the yaw correction will be limited. This warning will not be repeated though the condition may persist. See the AD15 chi output channels, and consider turning off the Pitt/Peters skew model (set SkewMod=1) if this condition persists.

FAST_Solution:FAST_AdvanceStates:ED_ABM4:ED_CalcContStateDeriv:SetCoordSy:Small angle assumption violated in SUBROUTINE SmllRotTrans() due to a large blade deflection (ElastoDyn SetCoordSy). The solution may be inaccurate. Simulation continuing, but future warnings from SmllRotTrans() will be suppressed. Additional debugging message from SUBROUTINE SmllRotTrans(): 0.3 s

The BEM solution is being turned off due to low TSR. (TSR = -32.679). This warning will not be repeated though the condition may persist. (See GeomPhi output channel.)

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

FAST_Solution:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption1:ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutp ut: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. ED_HD_InputOutputSolve:HydroDyn_CalcOutput: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians. HydroDyn_CalcOutput:HDOut_MapOutputs: Angles in GetSmllRotAngs() are larger than 0.4 radians.

edulastra avatar Oct 30 '23 16:10 edulastra

Dear @edulastra,

It looks like you are trying to model the IEA Wind 15-MW reference wind turbine atop the UMaine semisubmersible in OpenFAST v3.0.0. Can you clarify where you accessed the full OpenFAST model for this version of OpenFAST?

Does upgrading to the newest release of the model with the newest release of OpenFAST (v3.5.1) work for you? You can find OpenFAST v3.5.1 here: and the corresponding model here:

Best regards,

jjonkman avatar Nov 01 '23 12:11 jjonkman

Dear @jjonkman ,

I already tried to model this turbine with version 3.5.0 and it worked perfectly. The problem is that I need to make some comparisons with a study done last year with version and that is why I am using this version... the inputs I am using were already in the system since they are the ones used for the previous study. In principle, it would not make sense to have applied changes... I have not been able to find any other input files for version 3.0.0. that model this floating turbine...I don't know if you can help me find a working gihub repository.

Thank you foryour help,

Best regards,

edulastra avatar Nov 02 '23 09:11 edulastra

Hello @edulastra ,

You can see the version history of the IEA Wind 15-MW turbine here. The version 1.1.0 release notes mention alignment with OpenFAST v3.0, so you could try downloading that release archive. I would caution however that all of the other releases through the current v1.1.6 have been bug fixes, so I would recommend incorporating those changes if you can, including use of a recent version of ROSCO.

Cheers, Garrett

gbarter avatar Nov 04 '23 13:11 gbarter