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The Euphoria programming language (

Euphoria Programming Language

Euphoria is a powerful but easy-to-learn and easy-to-use programming language. It has a simple syntax and structure with consistent rules, and is also easy to read. You can quickly, and with little effort, develop applications big and small for Windows and UNIX variants (Linux, FreeBSD, and OS X).

Euphoria was first released as shareware way back in 1993. Nowadays, it is being developed as an open source project that is community driven and maintained by the OpenEuphoria Group. Its use of simple English words rather than punctuation and symbols enables you to quickly read the source code and understand it.

Euphoria is a general-purpose programming language with a large standard library making it usable for a variety of tasks. Please read some sample code for yourself. The language has evolved into a sophisticated tool that can be used to develop web and console applications and supports a variety of native-only and cross-platform GUI toolkits.

Euphoria is one of the fastest interpreted languages around. For even more speed and easy distribution, Euphoria also includes an integrated Euphoria-to-C translator. Euphoria provides subscript checking, uninitialized variable checking, garbage collection, and numerous other run-time checks, and is still extremely fast.

Language Overview

  • Routines are declared as either a function (returns a value) or a procedure (does not return a value).
  • Constants are declared with constant (for any object type) or enum (for integer enumerations only).
  • Variables are declared as either an atom (any numeric value) or a sequence (a dynamic array of atoms or sequences).
  • Variables can be declared as an object to hold any value dynamically. Use the integer type for simple counting.
  • Sequence element numbers start at 1, because counting should be easy.
  • Strings are stored simply as sequences of atoms of character values.

Sample Code

Hello World

include std/io.e

procedure main()
    puts( STDOUT, "Hello, world!\n" )
end procedure



Hello, world!

Fibonacci Numbers

procedure main()
    integer f0 = 0
    integer f1 = 1
    -- ? prints to console
    ? f0
    ? f1
    while f1 < 100 do
        integer f = f0 + f1
        ? f
        f0 = f1
        f1 = f
    end while
end procedure




Atoms and integers

include std/io.e
include std/math.e

procedure main()
    atom twopi = PI * 2
    atom halfpi = PI / 2
    integer myage = 42
    printf( STDOUT, "twopi = %0.10\n", {twopi} )
    printf( STDOUT, "halfpi = %g\n", {halfpi} )
    printf( STDOUT, "myage is %d\n", {myage} )
end procedure



twopi = 6.2831853072
halfpi = 1.5708
myage is 42

Strings and sequences

include std/io.e

procedure main()
    sequence numbers = {1,2,3,4,5}
    sequence timestwo = numbers * 2
    sequence myname = "Fred"
    print( STDOUT, numbers )
    print( STDOUT, timestwo )
    print( STDOUT, myname )
    printf( STDOUT, "my name is %s\n", {myname} )
end procedure



{70,114,101,100} -- same as {'F','r','e','d'} or "Fred"
my name is Fred