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Key error `geloeschteunddeaktivierteeinheiten`
I get a key error when I download with bulk from scratch while parsing
Table 'hydro_extended' is filled with data 'einheitenwasser' from the bulk download.
File 'EinheitenWasser.xml' is parsed.
Data is cleansed.
Table 'wind_extended' is filled with data 'einheitenwind' from the bulk download.
File 'EinheitenWind.xml' is parsed.
Data is cleansed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cwm/Python/open-mastr/", line 72, in <module>"bulk", data=data_bulk, date=bulk_date, bulk_cleansing=True)
File "/home/cwm/Python/open-mastr/open_mastr/", line 219, in download
File "/home/cwm/Python/open-mastr/open_mastr/xml_download/", line 33, in write_mastr_xml_to_database
if is_table_relevant(
File "/home/cwm/Python/open-mastr/open_mastr/xml_download/", line 75, in is_table_relevant
tablename_mapping[xml_tablename]["__class__"] is not None
KeyError: 'geloeschteunddeaktivierteeinheiten'
Process finished with exit code 1
Which bulk download date do you have?
Have you deleted your database before the download to get the newest data model?
Ok, I get the same error with the newest data model and todays bulk download. The error did not occur with the download from two weeks ago.
is now a file that comes with the bulk download.
@deniztepe the column Einheitentyp
is still filled with integer numbers, even though I put it into the replace_columns
list. Can you check why this does not work?
There was a typo in columns_to_replace. Einheitentyp -> Einheittyp
should resolve it. I am testing it currently.
I'm testing it too
There is still a mistake: Einheittyp is not to be replaced with values from Katalogwerte.
I got the actual values we can use to replace the numbers in Einheittyp
from deleted_units
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Wir werden den Katalog im entsprechenden XML Objekt ergänzen.
Folgende Werte Relationen sind möglich: Id ETY_Bezeichnung 1 Solareinheit 2 Windeinheit 3 Biomasse 4 Wasser 5 Geothermie 6 Verbrennung 7 Kernenergie 8 Stromspeichereinheit 9 Stromverbrauchseinheit 10 Gasverbrauchseinheit 11 Gaserzeugungseinheit 12 Gasspeichereinheit 13 Stromerzeugungseinheit