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Charging does not stop in Eco(PV divert)

Open VictorTorrens opened this issue 2 years ago • 28 comments

I use OpenEVSE always in eco mode, and send to the charger the current available power with mqtt. The charger updates the value of avaliable power(Grid Import/Export) without any problem and it shows on the web UI, it updates every 5 seconds aprox.

But when the charger goes from available power (negative value), to not available power(positive value), the charger doesnt stop. It slows the charge rate to the lowest posible, 6A, but it doesnt stop.

Sometimes works properly, slows down the rate and then it stops the charging until power is available again. image

I've seen similar issues from other users, seems related.

Before plugin the car, without power available. image

Then if I have available power and plug the car, it starts charging properly image

But after the power comes down to positive values, (unavailable for charging), it slows down charging rate but doesnt stop. image

If I stop the charge by unpluging the car, it changes the state, waiting the car to charge again. Even if it keeps without available power. If I plug the car again, it starts charging at 5A, minimum rate. image

The only solution I found, is toggle eco mode to off and on again, then it works properly. Waiting for available power. And with this the power cycles.

Sometimes, I don't know why, It works fine. It stops the charge until available power, but I can't find why.

Thank you

VictorTorrens avatar Jul 06 '22 14:07 VictorTorrens

Me pasa lo mismo.

JoseL-Tizon avatar Jul 06 '22 18:07 JoseL-Tizon

I have the same problem Tengo el mismo problema

DARDOLOR avatar Jul 07 '22 10:07 DARDOLOR

I have the same issue for a long time.

I would be very grateful if this bug is reviewed

ayasystems avatar Jul 07 '22 14:07 ayasystems

I also have the same problem, It is very annoying.

Yenroff avatar Jul 08 '22 13:07 Yenroff

Same here ... and also why is the timer deactivated in PVDivert mode ? It would make sure charging stops when there is no sunlight ...

GregoryFi avatar Jul 11 '22 07:07 GregoryFi

Thanks for reporting this issue, I think there could be a bug with different timezones and the delay timer. Could you try clearing the delay timer and seeing if the solar PV divert stops? And also try setting the timezone to GMT London?

glynhudson avatar Jul 13 '22 10:07 glynhudson

My car is in the dealership for service, I can't testit now. But I removed the timer and applied the london timezone and did tests without the car. When the power goes to unavailable it stays on charging mode for 2 more minutes. I will test with the car as soon as possible and report the results. Thank you.

VictorTorrens avatar Jul 13 '22 11:07 VictorTorrens

@VictorTorrens that is not unexpected, there are several mechanisms to stop the relay being damaged with lots of switching. There is a minimum time that the power will be on and the signal is smoothed to avoid too much switching. Both of these can be configured by enabling the advanced settings: image

jeremypoulter avatar Jul 13 '22 12:07 jeremypoulter

I set it as 120 of minimal time of charger and sometimes never ends without available.

ayasystems avatar Jul 13 '22 13:07 ayasystems

Had a bit of a look at this and it does look like there is a case where if the divert codes does not switch start the charge it will never stop: so I need to look at if divert_active is actually needed

jeremypoulter avatar Jul 18 '22 23:07 jeremypoulter

I recently upgraded to Wifi Firmware 4.1.4 and have not seen this behavior yet. In 4.1.3 I've seen it a few times. I may be chasing a ghost, but setting required pv power ratio to 1 seems to help. image

It is not happening often enough and I have not yet found a reproducible failure mode to make this science.

pdhoogh avatar Aug 10 '22 08:08 pdhoogh

I am using v4.1.3 firmware and I have observed that when the charger is running and I start sending a positive MQTT command the charger will not stop.

However, if I send exactly zero it will stop after a timeout.

The OP should try sending a zero reference (instead of +4000) and see if the charger stops in PV-Divert mode.


OpenEVSE should stop when sent a positive reference once the power falls below the minimum charge current.

pbix avatar Aug 17 '22 00:08 pbix

That is interesting. Since I calculate +E/-I with Python and feed that to MQTT for the OpenEVSE to read out, I could clamp to zero. But I'm not doing it since I do not agree with the principle that EV charging should stop when the current is balanced.

  1. The OpenEVSE does not have perfect accuracy and the total current usage of the house constantly fluctuates. It goes from -150 to plus 200, sometimes even +2000 for short bursts. I do not want the charge to stop all the time because of that.

  2. Even if there is a time delay before stopping if Power1 is zero or positive, I don't always want the charger to stop. If it keeps charging at +600 Watt I'm still saving money: I pay more for taking power from the grid than I get for putting it in. Stopping the charge at Power1 = zero means Power1 will become -1600W. If I later need to charge the car and there is not enough solar, I need to take that 1600W from the grid later on and pay a premium and taxes on top for using the grid. That is how it works in Belgium. So I'd rather pay for taking 600W from the grid and keep charging and use my 1000W of "free" power.

In summer I don't do that. With good weather there is so much solar I do not need to shift Power1. But in winter I shift it by -600W.

pdhoogh avatar Aug 17 '22 09:08 pdhoogh

There is certainly nothing in the code that is special casing 0, not to say that there is no issue it is just not an expected case.

jeremypoulter avatar Aug 17 '22 12:08 jeremypoulter

That is interesting. Since I calculate +E/-I with Python and feed that to MQTT for the OpenEVSE to read out, I could clamp to zero. But I'm not doing it since I do not agree with the principle that EV charging should stop when the current is balanced.

For the benefit of Jeremy could you try a test and see if you can reproduce my results?

pbix avatar Aug 17 '22 16:08 pbix

Yes, I can and will, but note that I am on 4.1.4. I will include a trend taken with MQTT Explorer. We have cloudy weather now, so will need to wait for a bit more sun to do a representative test. And I'll include the code.

pdhoogh avatar Aug 17 '22 16:08 pdhoogh

I have been thinking about this a bit more. I do not have to code much, the Power1 we want to feed to the OpenEVSE comes straight out of the DSMRv5, so all I have to do is point the +I/-E OpenEVSE to the topic dsmr/reading/phase_currently_returned_l1 and change its sign to negative. I don't think I can change the sign in the OpenEVSE subscription so I'll still need a bit of Python code: image

When the dsmr starts importing current, the topic becomes zero. It is then the other topic, dsmr/reading/phase_currently_delivered_l1, that becomes non-zero

@jeremypoulter and @glynhudson I'd like to test my understanding with you and what I expect the OpenEVSE to do.

  • The +I/-E topic in OpenEVSE is used to calculate available current. Since it has no other reference and uses just +I/-E, the control algorithm is working incrementally. Meaning, if the present available current is x, the new available current is x+y where y is derived from the present +I/-E reading.
  • If above is correct and +I/-E is sufficiently high (negative), the OpenEVSE in eco mode will calculate a high enough "current available" to start charging and start the charge with the calculated current. I'm leaving the filters and timeouts out here for simplicity.
  • So, as long as +I/-E is negative, the OpenEVSE will keep increasing the charging current
  • When +I/-E goes to zero, the control algo thinks the grid intake is balanced, so it won't change the available current
  • The logical end state of the test is that OpenEVSE at some point will have reached Max Current and will stay there until you pull the plug. Regardless of what +I/-E will do, knowing it will never go positive.

So my expectation of this test is OpenEVSE will never stop charging in this test. Is my understanding correct?

pdhoogh avatar Aug 18 '22 12:08 pdhoogh

To be clear about my test.

Run your charger at some positive value over 6 amps. Send it a positive reference like 4000 via MQTT. The current will reduce to 6Amps but not shut off. Change the MQTT reference to zero and the charger will shut off.

pbix avatar Aug 19 '22 01:08 pbix

To be clear about my test.

Run your charger at some positive value over 6 amps. Send it a positive reference like 4000 via MQTT. The current will reduce to 6Amps but not shut off. Change the MQTT reference to zero and the charger will shut off.

I did this exact scenario and It works with my charger too. I don't know why but it works.

VictorTorrens avatar Aug 20 '22 09:08 VictorTorrens

To be clear about my test.

Run your charger at some positive value over 6 amps. Send it a positive reference like 4000 via MQTT. The current will reduce to 6Amps but not shut off. Change the MQTT reference to zero and the charger will shut off.

Ah OK, but that is not a representative test. I used to try sending MQTT data manually and saw "incorrect behavior". Glyn told me for the OpenEVSE in Eco mode to work correctly, it has to get an update from MQTT every 10 seconds. When I programmed that, the OpenEVSE started working correctly.

So to make this a better test, I will reprogram and use the values you propose, but with an automatic MQTT update every 10 seconds.

pdhoogh avatar Aug 22 '22 15:08 pdhoogh

To be clear about my test. Run your charger at some positive value over 6 amps. Send it a positive reference like 4000 via MQTT. The current will reduce to 6Amps but not shut off. Change the MQTT reference to zero and the charger will shut off.

I did this exact scenario and It works with my charger too. I don't know why but it works.

What does "It works" mean? Can you be more descriptive of how the charger reacted in your case?

Also I agree with pdhoogh that you must update the MQTT reference at least once every 10 seconds or Divert Mode will not work. I should have said before that my references are sent every 10 seconds.

pbix avatar Aug 22 '22 16:08 pbix

Here is the result of my test. Python test code generates the "POWER1" every 10 seconds, generating the -3000 > +4000 > 0 profile. Even after dropping to zero the charger does not stop. The minimum charge time was set to 60 seconds. This test was after a normal charging session of 4 hours in eco mode with the "proper" Power1 calc, using true grid +I/-E. image

It was evening, After the above test showing eco mode malfunctioning, I turned the proper Power1 calc back on and the charger kept charging, even though it calculated 1 Amp charge current. Only when I restarted the wifi did the charger stop. Time scale is 15 minutes for the complete X-axis. image

Then I repeated the zero test. Now it did behave as should be expected: as soon as the Power1 went to +4k the charger stopped. image

So it seems that the wifi module remembers stuff from the past that makes eco mode malfunction. After a fresh start it seems to work as advertised.

pdhoogh avatar Aug 22 '22 18:08 pdhoogh

Same error with last dev firmware

No available but still charging

Screenshot_2022-08-26-16-29-28-077_com android chrome

Screenshot_2022-08-26-16-29-41-118_com android chrome

ayasystems avatar Aug 26 '22 14:08 ayasystems

@ayasystems can you post the content of /claims ? eg http://openevse-1234.local/claims but this may point to this comment being true as the fist screen shot shows Active: no

jeremypoulter avatar Aug 26 '22 14:08 jeremypoulter


But this data is after stop it manually

Yes, I saw that active was NO in my screenshot but eco was activated, I don't know why active was not.

I think that you need xxxxx/claims in the moment not now, right?

ayasystems avatar Aug 26 '22 17:08 ayasystems

That is great, thanks. I think it must be something to do with that active flag. It used to be used to stop the divert messing up other modes but should be redundant now.

jeremypoulter avatar Aug 26 '22 20:08 jeremypoulter

I saw ready 5A in display without solar available. I check that eco mode is set.

Before plug the car

Screenshot_2022-08-29-23-07-45-069_com android chrome After plug the car charging was started

Screenshot_2022-08-29-23-08-17-636_com android chrome



I hope it can help

Still charging without pv

ayasystems avatar Aug 29 '22 21:08 ayasystems

Thanks, think I know what is going on, I will try and fix it this week.

jeremypoulter avatar Aug 29 '22 21:08 jeremypoulter

#431 has a fix for this issue, test binaries can be downloaded from

jeremypoulter avatar Sep 24 '22 15:09 jeremypoulter

Thanks Jeremy!

Is this going to be rolled up in an “official” version 4.1.5 in some time or will that take many months before another point release is done ?

I’m asking because I can wait a bit as we have entered the rain season here and there is not a lot of PV divert opportunity the coming months. I can be patient. Also, testing the fix would require a "Power1" testcode. Without any real sun, I'd need to shift the +I/-E. But if you'd like me to test it, I can.

pdhoogh avatar Sep 25 '22 10:09 pdhoogh