ULCA-asr-dataset-corpus copied to clipboard
The links to the dataset download are broken. Can anyone please help with the way to access the dataset?
The datasets download links are not working, can you update the links please?
Can you add information at the top of the README to explain how this repo has the rights to distribute this data under the CC Attribution license? Much of the...
[In this repo](https://github.com/Open-Speech-EkStep/vakyansh-models#finetuned-asr-models-works-on-v2-hydra-branch) the size of Hindi labelled data is mentioned as 4200 hours but this repository contains Hindi labelled data with duration of 2398 hours. On the contrary, Tamil...
The Malayalam dataset in the categories: dd_malayalam, joshtalks and The_Cue can not be played or processed due to some file formatting issue. It gives the following error when trying to...
Datatset not available to download