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Initial draft for Use-Cases for next meeting in Darmstadt
The use cases shall have a reference to the roles and activites described in the OpenChain Curriculum. The use cases shall describe the "What". The User stories can be used to describe concrete features to be implemented in one sprint. There is a description how use cases and user stories may be used together:
Thank you for contributing the use cases @mkurzman. For me is is currently not clear whether and how the use cases have any relationship to the user stories. If yes can you please specify what relationship they have. If not - I think we need such kind of relationship. Otherwise both efforts will be unaligned and cause confusion.
Hi Oliver, you are right, therefore I only made a PR of a small portion. We were discussing this in the last meeting in Darmstadt. The above link shows a potential relationship btw. use cases and user stories. I had already prepared User Stories (and was ready to share ...) but in the review discussion with Lars we came to the conclusion that those would already be too detailed at the moment and he had preferred the "Use Cases" in the "original definition" as shown in the link. In our discussion in the last meeting it was also mentioned, that there could be a misunderstanding with "Use Cases" in other contexts (SPDX, OpenChain etc.), therefore we would potentially need to find another "wording" to differentiate. The idea now was to make a complete round-trip from top-level process description in BPMN, then rfrom there eferring to "OSS Management Use Cases" (to differ from other kind of use cases) and using those as interface to the "real" SW-Development - starting with the story map. I shared the slides with an overview of the relationship with Michael, so it should be available in the meeting-material of the last meeting.
That is a great idea to do the round trip. I am looking forward to see the resultiert. Thank you Marcel
@mkurzman I am sorry for leaving this around for such a long time. Anything I could help with it? Kr, Michael
@mcjaeger @OliverFendt shall we reconsider actioning or rejecting this pull request?
closing because of a lack of activity. @mkurzman please re-open if there is something I have missed....