nd2reader copied to clipboard
git-lfs in the repo pointing to missing objects
Trying to clone/fork this project to an internal remote (based on GitLab) I found that any attempt to push the repo was rejected (by gitlab prereceive hooks) because of missing LFS objects.
Actually, just cloning the repo from GitHub I can see that there are references to missing LFS objects
$ /tmp> git clone https://github.com/rbnvrw/nd2reader (base)
Cloning into 'nd2reader'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3195, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (101/101), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (82/82), done.
remote: Total 3195 (delta 39), reused 42 (delta 12), pack-reused 3094
Receiving objects: 100% (3195/3195), 27.46 MiB | 4.81 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2005/2005), done.
$ /tmp/nd2reader> git lfs install
Updated git hooks.
Git LFS initialized.
$ /tmp/nd2reader> git lfs fetch --all
fetch: 4 object(s) found, done.
fetch: Fetching all references...
[0bcac3b4c1daa4d9e084ea748763e3607590a79ccf8ede3f60f9f95cc7ad132c] Object does not exist on the server: [404] Object does not exist on the server
[6cd9e93509616e4326a63d48cc8b8024bb9eff370059616585cab6e40d20d371] Object does not exist on the server: [404] Object does not exist on the server
[d8d8bcccea69a15171220b3665986e2eecea1b9012c055d5ca4a86e3de14cec4] Object does not exist on the server: [404] Object does not exist on the server
error: failed to fetch some objects from 'https://github.com/rbnvrw/nd2reader.git/info/lfs'
The concerned objects are the following (the first one still present in the repo, the others deleted in previous commits):
$ /tmp/nd2reader> git lfs ls-files --all
e3b0c44298 * tests/__init__.py
6cd9e93509 - tests/test_data/data001.nd2
d8d8bcccea - tests/test_data/data002.nd2
0bcac3b4c1 - tests/test_data/data003.nd2
If someone of the developers still have access to these file, would it be possible to upload them to GitHub (git lfs push origin --all
In case these files are completely lost/missing I think the only way to get a integer repository is to rewrite history from the first commit that referenced one of these files (there are automated tools for that). Do you believe it is a viable approach?
Thank you for your report. I think the files are no longer available sadly, I'll try to rewrite the history and report back.