nd2reader copied to clipboard
wrong number of z plane / time points
Hello, I might be missing something but a file with 1419 images planes as a 2D time sequence is decoded as an image with 1419 z planes and 1419 time points.
from nd2reader import ND2Reader
with ND2Reader('../data/example.nd2') as images:
print('Image size:', images.sizes)
print("Number of images: ", len(images))
Image size: {'x': 512, 'y': 512, 't': 1419, 'z': 1419} Number of images: 1419
The iter axe is also misidentify as being z instead of t..
from nd2reader import ND2Reader
with ND2Reader('../data/example.nd2') as images:
images.iter_axes = 'z' # instead of 't'
Thank you for your report @jboulanger. The iter_axes
attribute is something you can change yourself to determine over which axes to iterate, see this documentation: http://soft-matter.github.io/pims/v0.5/multidimensional.html
The size issue is a bit more challenging. Can you post a screenshot of what it is supposed to be in the ND2 software?
Thank you for looking into this.
I agree it is possible to change the iter_axes but still one would expect to have to use 't' for a time sequence and 'z' for a 3D image stack.
Here are screenshot of the image window in NIS Elements:
And here is the field in 'Description' field of the image properties:
Metadata: Dimensions: T(1419) Camera Name: Flash4.0, SN:100266 Numerical Aperture: 0.75 Refractive Index: 1 Name: DIC Camera Component Count: 1 Modality: Brightfield Camera Settings: Exposure: 3 ms Binning: 1x1 Scan Mode: Fast Microscope Settings: Microscope: Ti2 Microscope DIC Prism, position: In Bertrand Lens, position: Out Nikon Ti2, FilterChanger(Turret-Lo): 1 (GFP-L) Nikon Ti2, Shutter(FL-Lo): Opened Nikon Ti2, Shutter(DIA LED): Active Nikon Ti2, Illuminator(DIA): On Nikon Ti2, Illuminator(DIA) Iris intensity: 84.2 LightPath: L100 Analyzer Slider: Extracted PFS, state: Off PFS, offset: 8838 PFS, mirror: Inserted PFS, Dish Type: Glass Zoom: 1.50x Sutter Lambda 10-3, FilterChanger(Filter C): 8 (Analyser) Sutter Lambda 10-3, Shutter(DIA): Opened Sutter Lambda 10-3, Shutter(DIA) mode: Fast Spectra/AuraII, Shutter(NIJI): Closed Spectra/AuraII, MultiLaser(Spectra): Line:1; ExW:395; Power: 25.0; Off Line:2; ExW:445; Power: 10.0; Off Line:3; ExW:470; Power: 14.0; Off Line:4; ExW:510; Power: 12.0; Off Line:5; ExW:550; Power: 10.0; Off Line:6; ExW:635; Power: 10.0; Off
Time Loop: 1419
- Equidistant (Duration 5 s)