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Implement python builtin functions
Builtin functions simplify usage of Eopsin to build contracts, and can improve performance at the same time through native implementations.
Below is a list of builtins that python offers and should be supported by Eopsin as well. Striked through functions are not planned.
- [x] all (8b7ac91f4a9935a9423095d787eaff3c52208114)
- [x] any (8b7ac91f4a9935a9423095d787eaff3c52208114)
- [x] abs (2edc63698980fde9e9e2b067d9d19f6db7fbe056)
- [ ] bin
- [ ] bool
- [x] breakpoint (a no-op) (added in 42a75d35422e6132d9d95181b08c3bda2be03b42)
- [ ] bytearray (synonym for bytes?)
- [x] bytes (constructor with list of integers)
- [ ] ~~callable~~
- [x] chr
- [ ] classmethod
- [ ] ~~compile~~
- [ ] complex (with rationals and integers)
- [ ] ~~delattr~~
- [ ] dict
- [ ] dir
- [ ] dict
- [ ] divmod
- [ ] enumerate
- [ ] ~~eval~~
- [ ] ~~exec~~
- [ ] filter
- [ ] ~~float~~
- [ ] format
- [ ] frozenset
- [ ] ~~getattr~~
- [ ] ~~globals~~
- [ ] ~~hasattr~~
- [ ] hash
- [ ] ~~help~~
- [x] hex
- [ ] ~~id~~
- [ ] ~~input~~
- [ ] int
- [x] str (base 10)
- [ ] fraction
- [x] int
- [ ] isinstance (to distinguish elements of Union types)
- [ ] ~~issubclass~~
- [ ] iter
- [ ] len
- [x] bytes
- [x] list
- [ ] str
- [ ] list
- [ ] ~~locals~~
- [ ] map
- [x] max
- [x] min
- [ ] next
- [ ] ~~object~~
- [x] oct
- [ ] ~~open~~
- [ ] ord
- [x] pow
- [ ] with negative exponents -> fractions?
- [ ] with modulo -> for anyone wanting to implement efficient modulo exponentiation in UPLC
- [x] print
- [ ] property
- [x] range
- [x] reversed
- [ ] round (for fractions)
- [ ] set
- [ ] ~~setattr~~
- [ ] slice
- [ ] sorted
- [ ] staticmethod
- [x] str
- [x] int
- [x] fraction
- [x] str
- [x] bytes
- [x] list
- [x] tuple
- [x] data?
- [x] sum (added in 23bdda58c62f2029c4fa558e19ec348cd7147726)
- [ ] ~~super~~
- [ ] tuple
- [ ] ~~type~~
- [ ] ~~vars~~
- [ ] zip
- [ ] ~~import~~
Since the introduction of the pairtype with #36 we can also implement zip