Yes, Librosa seems to be great, I've just started using it a bit. But Meyda is for a Javascript experiment of mine but with the model made in Python. That's...
Great, thanks for answering, I think I got what I need to know how it works now. Just one last thing: The "ordinary" hopSize in STFT, is that set to...
Ok, so even when using windowing there's no overlap in Meyda STFT?
Great, that's good to know. Without overlap I believe information will be lost when using windowing.
> A negative hop size would give you an overlap if you want one! 😄 I've been running some initial tests with the CLI and negative values brings the program...
Great visualizer and I do believe this is the common usage of the hop parameter so keep it this way please. It makes hop length independant of chosen fft window...
Why is Kite installed as a startup item on macOS, and why is it not managed in the appropriate place for Startup Items in macOS Preferences? I only need it...
> Why is Kite installed as a startup item on macOS, and why is it not managed in the appropriate place for Startup Items in macOS Preferences? I only need...
I have this question too.
@eplebel I'm pretty sure that's the right way to go. I also started to migrate my project to AudioWorklets and got halfway, seemed to work nicely, but at the moment...