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The OntoUML/UFO Catalog is a collaborative, structured and open-source catalog of OntoUML and UFO ontology models.

Results 30 ontouml-models issues
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Create script to validate if mandatory files and folders are present and if the subfolders have the correct content. Add a workflow to automatically execute the script in every PR.

The [QAPO](https://github.com/OntoUML/ontouml-models/tree/master/models/quality-assurance-process-ontology2017) and [SPMO](https://github.com/OntoUML/ontouml-models/tree/master/models/spmo2017) ontologies must be updated. Their webpages ([QAPO](https://dev.nemo.inf.ufes.br/seon/QAPO.html) and [SPMO](https://dev.nemo.inf.ufes.br/seon/SPMO.html)) contain information about the stereotypes of some of their classes that are represented in VPP models with...

update model

1) Publish references.bib in a rdf-based format (references.ttl file) in each dataset. 2) Create a catalog-references.ttl file including all references that are in the catalog.


The images in the new_diagrams folders are not updated. @claudenirmf , can you please run your script for regenerating all these images again?

### Verifications for metadata.yaml #### General - Validate syntax - Validate fields type (string, int, etc.) - Validate fields structure (e.g., some fields are lists and some are not) -...


1) Collaborators send collaboration invitations through LinkedIn and ResearchGate. 2) Send an email to the IAOA mailing list. 3) Ask known OntoUML/UFO teachers to set the catalog as default delivery...


Some users reported problems when manipulating the models' serializations in JSON. There is already a not-released version of the JSON serialization that corrects this problem. This issue is going to...


The editorial note informs that [van-ee2021modular](https://github.com/unibz-core/ontouml-models/tree/master/van-ee2021modular) is not published yet and, hence, this dataset has no references.bib file. 1) Get in contact with the author for receiving information about ontology...

update model

It would be great if we could create an automated way to define the folder (dataset) name. This would guarantee that the defined rules are being applied.


It would be interesting to link the ontologies' subjects (i.e., the list of domains covered in the ontology) with the corresponding [WikiData](https://www.wikidata.org/) entries. This would allow [many tools related to...
