Ahmed W.

Results 33 comments of Ahmed W.

`global.display.focus_window.make_above()` is exactly what I need, and an added bonus if you can disable the border of the window too (or if you know how).

@kantlove this happens to me with all files, I primary use typescript, Go and PHP. It lists all the TODOs, but I can't click them. @dreamair I don't have that...

For what it's worth I removed wine-mono and installed dotnet 4.8 on the same wine prefix as warframe and still got the same error, then I realized that the prefix...

Why not named returns? `func f() (i int, ss string, t *T, s Struct, err error) {}`

I hate to be that guy, but bump. anyone? Go 1.11 is officially out.

Not at the moment, I have a plan for adding an option to force types but I've been busy recently. If you wanna work on it, a PR is more...

Sadly that's not implemented yet, more or less a dup of #4.