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ParseKit allows to use Anypic and Anywall (iOS apps by self-hosted replacing the framework with DataKit (open source) framework.


You can find an updated version with a working example on AppCorner Social

ParseKit allows to use Anypic and Anywall (iOS apps by self-hosted replacing the framework with DataKit (open source) framework. ParseKit was developed only for test DataKit, ParseKit is inefficient but useful at least to evaluate the use of DataKit.

Thanks to Erik for your great work with DataKit and thanks to team for Anypic and Anywall.

To use Anypic or Anywall self-hosted with ParseKit you need to follow the following steps:

-download Anypic/Anywall repository

-remove Parse framework from Anypic/Anywall

-add DataKit project modified for ParseKit (DataKit.xcodeproj) on framework group in Anypic/Anywall

-add Facebook framework with DeprecatedHeaders folder on framework group in Anypic/Anywall

-copy ParseKit folder in Anypic/Anywall External folder and add folder on External group in Anypic/Anywall project

-add "-all_load" in "Other Linker Flags" for Anypic/Anywall target

-add "-DANYPIC" for Anypic or "-DANYWALL" for Anywall in "Other C Flags"

-add libDataKit.a in "Link Binary With Libraries" section for Anypic/Anywall target

-add "-fno-objc-arc" for SCFacebook.m in "Compile Sources" section for Anypic/Anywall target

-replace all occurrences of #import <Parse/Parse.h> of Parse framework as #import "Parse.h"

-for Anypic only, rename protocol PF_FBRequestDelegate in AppDelegate.h as FBRequestDelegate

-follow the instruction in DataKit to create your backend server (localhost or for example on Amazon with an ec2 bitnami node.js image connected to mongohq service)

-configure ParseKit for Anypic/Anywall in AppDelegate.m with your self-hosted server parameters and facebook app id

//(Parse is a wrapper for DKManager class in DataKit, see DataKit instruction)
[Parse setApplicationId:@"http://localhost:3000" clientKey:@"66e5977931c7e48aa89c9da0ae5d3ffdff7f1a58e6819cbea062dda1fa050296"];    
//(For testing purpose use Hackbook app id to login with facebook)
[PFFacebookUtils initializeWithApplicationId:@"210849718975311"];
//(Fill the URL scheme in Info.plist with your fbFACEBOOK_APP_ID or with the Hackbook app id fb210849718975311 and the bundle identifier as com.facebook.samples.Hackbook)

-for Anywall only, a "2d" spatial index must be created on the key location on Posts collection in mongodb

See FAQ page for common errors and resolution.