SandboxAI copied to clipboard
Example scene and related prefabs are all de-referenced!
I tried importing the project and example scene in a new unity project, but all the prefabs had missing scripts ( I assume the AI components ). The HTN Graph asset with it's sub-nodes were all showing "missing script" errors as well.
Trying to select the correct scripts did not fix the graph. It just had the 1 "main" node even after I set the referenced scripts to what they should have been.
I tried importing the project in Unity versions 2019.3.7f1 , 2018.3.8f1 and 2018.1.9f2 but all had the same problem.
Oh, github didn't show me your issue!
I'm sorry it's not working. I will try to fix it later today or at least this week.
FYI. ".meta" files are vital for a Unity git repo to work. Please do not put them in gitignore.