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Cleanup/Remove cli cmd and data migration script for agency address f…
People: Cleanup/Remove cli cmd and data migration script for agency address parsed from portrait field
TYPE: Feature LINK: ogc-1053
- [ ] I have performed a self-review of my code
- [ ] I considered adding a reviewer
- [ ] I have added an upgrade hint such as data migration commands to be run
- [ ] I have updated the PO files
- [ ] I have added new modules to the docs
- [ ] I made changes/features for both org and town6
- [ ] I have updated the election_day API docs
- [ ] I have tested my code thoroughly by hand
- [ ] I have tested styling changes/features on different browsers
- [ ] I have tested javascript changes/features on different browsers
- [ ] I have tested database upgrades
- [ ] I have tested sending mails
- [ ] I have tested building the documentation
- [ ] I have added tests for my changes/features
- [ ] I am using freezegun for tests depending on date and times
- [ ] I considered using browser tests für javascript changes/features
- [ ] I have added/updated jest tests for d3rendering (election_day, swissvotes)