Oliver Jones
Oliver Jones
### Description I'm a user of APF (to drive an admin page). When I test my plugin on php8.1 and php8.2, I get quite a few deprecation warnings. Deprecated: Creation...
Admin Page Framework registers a 'current_screen' action handler that's invoked via php's __call magic method rather than by being defined in the class. But Query Monitor's Hooks and Actions display...
[耗子](https://wordpress.org/support/users/haozi/) @haozi [reports ](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/tidb-does-not-support-row_formatdynamic/) > I’m using TiDB as my database, but it doesn’t support ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC, so I get a These database tables need upgrading to MySQL's latest table storage...
See this. https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15499 This will be buggy if the plugin isn't updated before the new code rolls.
This update addresses https://github.com/mbebenita/Broadway/issues/174 by avoiding confusion between Broadway's master and the submodule reference in BroadwayStream.
Users of `SHOW COLUMNS FROM table` depend on having resultset columns named Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, and maybe Extra.
The sqlite-database-integration plugin, standalone, doesn't show activation and deactivation status correctly. To reproduce: 1. Activate the plugin. 2. Look at the Plugins -> drop-ins page (or just the drop-ins count)...
## Overview * Proposed module name: SQLite Persistent Object Cache * Proposed module slug: sqlite-object-cache * Proposed module owner Github usernames: @OllieJones , @tillkruss, others? ## About the Module ###...
Let us add support for wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta, wp_wc_orders_meta, and wp_automatewoo_log_meta. See https://www.plumislandmedia.net/wordpress/performance/woocommerce-key-improvement/ Not all these tables will be present in any given installation.