cljs-test-runner copied to clipboard
Doo not compatible with karma v6
A small bug in doo causes karma v6 to fail.
After a PR for the fork of doo cljs-test-runner uses is applied and released we can update cljs-test-runner to reference new doo and all will be good.
So we just have to wait for that to be merged then I can update to that version of doo? Sounds good!
Yes indeedy!
Goodness gracious, the folks over at karma have temporarily reversed their strict parameter checking in v6.0.4.
Just the same, since the reversal is noted as temporary, we should probably still apply the v0.2.1 doo update.
Here's a way to reproduce the issue for karma v6.0.3
$ git clone
$ cd cljs-test-runner
$ # sanity test
$ clojure -M:dev -m cljs-test-runner.main
Testing example.partial-test
Testing example.yes-test
Ran 3 tests containing 3 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Add the following package.json
to project root:
"devDependencies": {
"karma": "6.0.3",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^3.1.0",
"karma-cljs-test": "^0.1.0"
And then install necessary npm stuff:
$ npm install -g karma-cli
$ npm install
Node test should still pass:
$ clojure -M:dev -m cljs-test-runner.main --env node
Testing example.partial-test
Testing example.yes-test
Ran 3 tests containing 3 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
But karma tests will fail:
$ clojure -M:dev -m cljs-test-runner.main --env chrome-headless
Karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.
START - Start the server / do a single run.
karma start [configFile]
configFile Path to the Karma configuration file [string]
--help Print usage and options. [boolean]
--port <integer> Port where the server is running.
--auto-watch Auto watch source files and run on change.
--detached Detach the server.
--no-auto-watch Do not watch source files.
--log-level <disable | error | warn | info | debug> Level
of logging.
--colors Use colors when reporting and printing logs.
--no-colors Do not use colors when reporting or printing
--reporters List of reporters (available: dots, progress,
junit, growl, coverage).
--browsers List of browsers to start (eg. --browsers
--capture-timeout <integer> Kill browser if does not capture in
given time [ms].
--single-run Run the test when browsers captured and exit.
--no-single-run Disable single-run.
--report-slower-than <integer> Report tests that are slower than
given time [ms].
--fail-on-empty-test-suite Fail on empty test suite.
--no-fail-on-empty-test-suite Do not fail on empty test suite.
--fail-on-failing-test-suite Fail on failing test suite.
--no-fail-on-failing-test-suite Do not fail on failing test suite.
--format-error A path to a file that exports the format
function. [string]
Unknown argument: cljs-test-runner-out/cljs_test_runner.gen.js
When I update cljs-test-runner to point to doo v0.2.1, chrome-headless passes:
$ clojure -M:dev -m cljs-test-runner.main --env chrome-headless
Downloading: ingesolvoll/doo/0.2.1/doo-0.2.1.pom from clojars
Downloading: ingesolvoll/doo/0.2.1/doo-0.2.1.jar from clojars
02 02 2021 11:41:35.883:WARN [web-server]: 404: /cljs-test-runner-out/goog/deps.js
02 02 2021 11:41:35.889:WARN [web-server]: 404: /cljs-test-runner-out/cljs_deps.js
LOG: 'Testing example.partial-test'
LOG: 'Testing example.yes-test'
Chrome Headless 88.0.4324.96 (Mac OS 10.15.7): Executed 3 of 3 SUCCESS (0.019 secs / 0.002 secs)
And node still passes:
$ clojure -M:dev -m cljs-test-runner.main --env node
Testing example.partial-test
Testing example.yes-test
Ran 3 tests containing 3 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.